Yin yang is feminine. yin and yang meaning masculine and feminine

The pure yang substance manifests in the sky; the muddy yin substance transforms into the earth... The sun is the yang substance, and the moon is the yin substance... The yin substance is peace, and the yang substance is mobility. The yang substance gives birth, and the yin substance nurtures...
"Nei Ching"

In ancient Chinese mythology and natural philosophy, yin-yang (“tai chi”, the Great Limit) is a symbol of the creative unity of opposites in the Universe. It was depicted as a circle, an image of infinity, divided by a wavy line into two halves - dark and light. Symmetrically located inside the circle, two points - light on a dark background and dark on a light one - said that each of the two great forces of the Universe carries the germ of the opposite principle. The dark and light fields, representing yin and yang respectively, are symmetrical, but this symmetry is not static. It involves constant movement in a circle - when one of the two principles reaches its peak, it is ready to retreat: “Yang, having reached the peak of its development, recedes in the face of yin. Yin, having reached the peak of its development, recedes in the face of yang.

“The concept of yin and yang — two opposite and complementary principles — permeates everything in the Chinese cultural tradition, from the system of government and human relations to the rules of nutrition and self-regulation. It also extends to a very complex scheme of relationships between a person and the spiritual world ... The concept of yin and yang most accurately conveys the perception by the Chinese of both the external world and the world within themselves. (A. Maslov)

According to the ideas of the ancient Chinese, all manifestations of the Tao are generated by the dynamic alternation and interaction of these opposing forces. The separation of Heaven and Earth was preceded by the state of the original integrity of the world. This source of all things was called Chaos ("hundun") or Boundless ("wu chi"). For the creation of the world to begin, chaos had to be differentiated. First of all, it broke up into two main elements - yang and yin. The interaction of these elements led to the formation of objects of visible nature.

“Initially, yin and yang meant, respectively, the shady and sunny slopes of the mountain (such an understanding can be found, in particular, in the I Ching) - and this symbolism perfectly reflected the essence of these two principles. On the one hand, they represent only different slopes of the same mountain, not reducible to each other, but not different from each other; on the other hand, their qualitative difference is determined not by the internal nature of the slope itself, but by some third force - the sun, which illuminates both slopes in turn. (A. Maslov)

Since the Zhou era, the Chinese began to consider the sky as the embodiment of yang, and the earth - yin. “The qi of Heaven and Earth, when assembled, forms a unity, and when divided, forms yin and yang,” the traditional formula said. Sun and Moon, "Tai Yang" and "Tai Yin", Great Yang and Great Yin, form a pair of opposites that give rise to the forms of Heaven.

Already in antiquity, yang and yin gave life to a number of cosmological symbols. The power of yang was correlated with the sky, the sun, warmth, light, spirit, life, the active and masculine principle, the left side, odd numbers. Yang symbolizes everything light, dry and high: mountain, heaven, solar animals and birds. Yin is the primordial waters, passive, feminine, moon, soul, depth, negative, soft and compliant, north, darkness, death, even numbers. In the field of human thinking, yin is the intuitive female mind, yang is the clear rational mind of the man. Yin is the immobility of the sage immersed in contemplation, yang is the creative activity of the ruler. The contrast of yin and yang is not only the principle that organizes the entire Chinese culture, but is also reflected in two main philosophical directions China. Confucianism favors everything rational, masculine, active. Taoism, on the contrary, prefers the intuitive, the feminine, the mystical.

Extreme yang and extreme yin correspond to the elements of Fire and Water. The cycle of their mutual transformations includes two intermediate stages, symbolized by the elements of Metal and Wood. A circle of transformations of yin and yang is formed, which, like any circle, has its own center. The emblem of the center is the element of Earth. Thus, the Great Limit unfolds into a fivefold structure, which combines the duality of yin-yang and the triad of creation, and therefore is a capacious symbol of the universe.

One of the most important concepts of the traditional Chinese worldview is san cai - "three matters", "three gifts", "three riches": Heaven, Earth and the Man connecting them. In the cycle of its development, Chaos gives rise to two principles of the universe - Heaven and Earth, and is completed in Man. The Tao Te Ching says: “One gives birth to two; two gives birth to three; three gives birth to all the darkness of things. Man, by Chinese concepts, stands in the center of the universe, closes on it, it holds the world stream of being. “From the all-embracing nature of the Tao, which contains both the macrocosm and the microcosm, in the “Canon of Changes” follows the idea of ​​a person as the center of events: a person who is aware of his responsibility can be on an equal footing with the forces of the cosmos - Heaven and Earth ... In that to the extent that a person who is aware of his responsibility is allowed to influence the course of things, variability ceases to be an insidious unrecognizable trap, becoming an organic world order that is in harmony with human nature. Therefore, a far from insignificant role is assigned to a person. (Helmut Wilhelm, "Changes")

Thus, all that exists is nothing but the transformation of a single stream of being, a projection of the Great Way, in the final analysis, the "transformed one." Both beginnings - yin and yang - are included in the circle of universal cyclic circulation and change.

The concepts of Yin-Yang came to us from China - that is, from the East. After all, both Western and eastern civilization from time immemorial they have been in contact, complementing each other. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands what it means chinese character Yin Yang. And, moreover, many do not know how to use the doctrine of the symbol in their lives.

Energy "qi" and the defining parameters of its development

To understand what the yin yang sign can mean, one should turn to the famous "Book of Changes" - the ancient Chinese treatise "I-ching". Cosmogonic meaning, that is, relating to the universe, underlies the signs of Yin and Yang. Understanding the meaning of this ancient symbol- this is an understanding of the main law of unity and struggle of opposite principles.

It was this law that was the key to the basis of dialectical materialism, which was studied by Soviet students not so long ago! This means that it was not discovered at all in our time, but much earlier - somewhere in the 7th century BC by Chinese philosophers.

The ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, as its opposite parts, interacting with each other, mutually passing into each other, constituting together the common, strongest energy "qi". This inextricable connection of parts determines the development of the energy "qi".

What does the famous Chinese character look like?

What, after all, does the Yin-Yang sign mean? Everyone, considering this symbol, highlights its main features:

  1. The components of the symbol, Yin and Yang, are enclosed in a vicious circle, which means the infinity of everything that exists on Earth.
  2. Equal division of the circle into two halves, painted in opposite colors (white and black) emphasize the equivalence of Yin and Yang, their opposite.
  3. The division of the circle not by a straight line, but by a wavy one, creates, as it were, the penetration of one opposite into another, their mutual influence of one sign on another. After all, increase one sign - the other will no doubt be reduced.
  4. The influence of one sign on another is also emphasized by the symmetrical arrangement of dots - “eyes” - of the opposite color, that is, the color of the “enemy”. This means that the Yin sign "looks at the world through the eyes" of the Yang sign, and the Yang sign perceives life through the "eyes" of the Yin sign.

That is, the world is created from opposites, which, in combination, can form a single whole. Whether these principles are in unity, friendship and harmony, whether they find consensus in struggle, only their inseparable interaction brings development.

Symbol history

It is assumed that the original meaning of the symbol with the image of Yang and Yin goes back to the imitation of a mountain: one side is lit and the other is shaded. But this cannot go on forever: after some period, the sides will change illumination.

For example, there are such "decryptions":

  • earth - sky,
  • top bottom,
  • warm - cold
  • male - female,
  • good - evil
  • good - bad
  • harmful - beneficial
  • light - dark,
  • active - passive

Some of these interpretations have a certain meaning. But most scientists do not recommend attaching ethical significance to the symbol. After all, the symbol means cosmogonic natural opposites, but not moral ones. Therefore, it is not worth talking about the struggle and unity of the good, kind and useful, on the one hand, and the bad, evil and harmful, on the other.

Charm with the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang

Amulets and amulets help people, energizing them, protecting them from all evil. One of the strongest amulets is the one in which the Yin-Yang symbol is present. But an important condition for the help of any amulet is this fact: the keeper (in this case, an amulet, talisman or amulet) must be “attuned” to the one who uses it. Otherwise, such a talisman may pose a threat equivalent to the strength of the expected help.

The sign of the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang carries the universal, continuously and eternally passing into each other forces. It also means active principles, in which wood and fire correspond to the Yang sign, and metal and water correspond to the Yin sign. Earth is neutral in this teaching.

Moreover, it should be taken into account that yang sign carries the meaning of light, active, masculine, dominant. A yin sign contains the meaning of dark, secret, feminine, calm. However, remembering the unity of opposites, even one, specifically taken, person cannot be ranked in one category or another. In each of us there is both the power of Yin and the power of Yang. And the greater the balance of these forces, the more successful the person.

It is the amulet with the Yin-Yang symbol that helps to balance two opposite energies, suppressing the dominant one and strengthening the weak one.

The amulet gives the wearer energy balance, helps to find a soul mate, achieve success and harmony. After all, the Yin-Yang symbol carries the meaning not only of struggle and unity, incessant movement and active energy, but also of harmony and beauty.

Yin and Yang powers in everyday life

By and large, everywhere there is a struggle and unity of Yin and Yang. Those who do not understand what this statement means should think about it. Here is our food. It consists of warm and cold food, sweet and bitter, protein and vegetable. And any diet that restricts a person, for example, only raw foods or only vegetarian dishes, upsets the balance, closes the way for the development of “Qi” energy.

Speaking of Yin and Yang, they note that the meaning of a symbol is in the smooth transition of one sign to another. Therefore, in the dwelling of a person, both directions should smoothly pass one into the other. Otherwise, the state of mind of the individual is subjected to strong stress, which does not at all contribute to either the achievement of one's goals and success in life, or the improvement of one's health. The exception is institutions - the beginning of Yin or Yang in its pure form dominates there. In a dwelling, which should help to gain energy, relax, enjoy and enjoy harmony, the presence of both principles is necessary.

Let's take a look at what the yin and yang symbols mean in feng shui. Night turns into day ... The moon is replaced by the sun ...

The cosmology of yin and yang in the practice of feng shui universally reflects the traditional Chinese view of the energy of the Earth: ideally, everything and everything should be in a state of balance, only then things go smoothly. If they do not correspond to each other, problems and troubles begin. Without yin, there is simply no yang, and vice versa.

The yin and yang symbols in feng shui always connect and oppose each other.

Yin and yang presuppose each other.

Yin and yang increase and decrease.

Yin and yang are transformed into each other.

Not a single aspect of anything can exist without its “half-antipode”: without top there can be no bottom, without the left side - right, without birth - death. Where there is only yin but no yang (or vice versa, there is yang but no yin), there can be no growth or transformation. Yin, existing separately, cannot give life. The yang that exists alone cannot grow.

Below is a table of oppositions of yin and yang, the most common in everyday life.

Yin Yang

Sky Earth

Sun moon

Day Night

Father mother

Male Female

Heat Cold

Light Dark

Fire water

Odd Even

Movement Immobility

Fast slow

Exhale Inhale

External Internal

Open Closed

Strong Weak

Active Passive

Function Entity

hard soft

offensive retreat

Round Square

Yin and yang symbols in feng shui. Bagua- This is a regular octagon, on each side of which there is a so-called trigram. The mutual arrangement of the trigrams determines the type of bagua: yin (it should not be visible in the house itself, it is used to deflect poisoned arrows from a straight path) and yang. Yang dwellings are habitats for the living, so only Yang bagua is used for feng shui analysis.

Yang energy trembles, it is filled with life. She shines and glows, bringing good luck. But at the moment when yang completely suppresses yin, he himself will cease to exist. Yang should predominate in rooms and homes, but not completely deplete yin energy, especially in bedrooms - a place of rest and relaxation, where the predominance of yin energy is favorable. But the yin itself should not be very strong, so as not to lead to the complete destruction of the yang. The correct ratio of yin and yang is almost entirely determined by the purpose of the room and the purpose for which the building is used (therefore, in the old days, the Chinese called the Feng Shui master the Yin-Yang Master).

– Yin-yang fish – widely used in many countries around the world

a) the sign of the air force of Singapore;

c) the symbol on the national flag of the Republic of Korea (South Korea);

d) Bei Yong Kuan Temple in Beijing;

e) Yen Chin Kuan Temple in Kai Feng City in Henan Province;

f) San Mao Kum Palace in the city of Chu Rong in the province of Jiangsu;

g) the symbol of the rostrum on which the scientist Laotsi lectures;

h) the badge of Taidi Palace in Taiwan;

i) the medal of the King of Denmark, presented to the scientist nuclear physicist N. Paul;

j) various images of yin-yang.

Yin, yang and woman's age:

Yang - 0-7 years: active growth, development.

Yin - 7-14 years old: mastering various skills, expanding the range of interests.

Yang - 14-21 years old: transformation from girl to woman.

Yin - 21-28 years: development can go in two ways. If there is no family and children, a woman gets an education, starts working, improves her skills. In the presence of a family and a child, she is engaged in the realization of herself as a mother, wife.

Yin-yang symbol

Yan - 28-35 years old: you can successfully engage in both a career and a family.

Yin - 35-42 years: thoroughness in solving any problems.

Yang - 42-49 years old: the time of a new wave of love.

Yin - 49-56 years: destructive aspects begin to act, and you need to prepare for this period in advance, taking care of your health, strengthening bones and joints.

Yan - 56-70 years old: wise elderly woman.

According to ancient Chinese tradition, it is best to give birth to a child in the yang period, that is, before the age of 21 or after 28 years. Yang is the maximum manifestation of creative power, which helps to “create” a healthy and intelligent baby. A young mother (up to 21 years old) grows up together with her son or daughter, feels and understands him well, this is a guarantee of future good relations. Giving birth to a child after 28 years, a fully formed woman will give life to a harmoniously developed person.

Between 21 and 28 years, a woman should develop herself, and if, nevertheless, a child was born in such an unfavorable period, the mother should sacrifice her career and deal exclusively with the family. No development "in breadth" - and education, and career, and family - is impossible, failure is inevitable somewhere.

In ancient Chinese Taoism, polar cosmic principles. Yin is the feminine, passive, weak and often destructive side of reality. Yang is masculine, strong and creative. Their origin is from the inexpressible Tao.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

yang and yin

interconnected concepts of ancient Chinese philosophical school Taoism, as well as the Chinese symbol for the dual distribution of forces, including the active or male principle (I.) and the passive, or female, principle (I.). It has the shape of a circle, divided in two by a line resembling a sigma; the two parts thus formed acquire a dynamic intention, which does not exist when the division is carried out by means of a diameter. (The light half represents the power of I., and the dark one means I.; however, each of the halves includes a circle - cut from the middle of the opposite half, thus symbolizing the fact that each of the modes must contain the germ of its opposite.) It was assumed that nature and man are generated by Earth and Heaven. At the moment of the beginning of Genesis, transparent air, ether, in the Void is separated from Chaos, transformed and give rise to the Sky; heavy and turbid air, settling, forms the Earth. Connection, adhesion of the smallest particles of Heaven and Earth is carried out with the help of I. and I., interacting and mutually overcoming each other forces, as well as the principles of Evil and Good, Cold and Heat, Darkness and Light. The interdependence and interdependence of I. and I. were described in the context of the growth of one in the other, passing through the stage of the limit of the predominance of one, then the other, and vice versa. The endless process of world movement, active being is built in concentric circles around the conditional center of the universe, associated for a person with a sense of harmony, confidence, peace. I. (Earth) and I. (Sky) give rise to the four seasons and all the things of the world (both inanimate objects and animate beings), acting as a substance " vital energy"("qi" - Chinese, "ki" - Japanese.). The interaction of I. and Y. produces five main elements that can pass into each other: wood, earth, water, fire and metal. Infinite sky, indicated by an endless line (circumference); the earth, due to its limited space, described by the sign of a square, together with a person, whose symbol is a triangle - the phenomena of the mystery of life, passing through a series of metamorphoses ("grasped" magical signs and symbols"gua") - in the center of their classical image in the form of a circular diagram, and the "monad" of life is placed - mutually complementary I. and I. They are the fundamental principle of all changes, the bearing structure of the "Great Limit" ("Taizi") - inescapable source. I. acts as an "inner" life, an advancing, creative masculine principle; I. - as the outer world, receding, collapsing - the female hypostasis of the dual foundation of being. The internal organs of a person and their totality (complexes) are divided into I. - and I. - "subsystems". I.-organs are subject to the influence of states of consciousness and unconscious mental impulses, the health of the body is determined by I.-organs. Fear, anxiety, excitement (and other I. influences) are capable of destructively influencing I. organs. Mutual transformation, complementarity, mutual enrichment, mutual absorption, mutual creation of everything and everything - I. and I. - everything that can be understood and comprehended by a person, and what lies beyond his understanding, is the basic law of Tao. The theory of I. and I. originated in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. In the tradition of modern European-type sexual-erotic urban folklore, the symbol I. and Y. acquires a meaning that significantly complements the reference behavioral models. Not only indissoluble unity, mutual responsibility and the need for harmony are postulated. loving people, - proclaims the high value of the readiness of individuals in love for self-transformations (not necessarily conscious and rationally motivated) in order to achieve compliance with the spontaneous mental and bodily metamorphoses of their loved one initiated by the external environment, as well as the truly human meaning and sound of the phenomenon of presence in "I. - I." -unions of acquired and internalized spiritual traits of each other.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

The symbol of the Taoist monad was seen by every person, without exception, who could never have been on the territory of China. Yin-Yang consists of a special pattern, which is based on two points: black and white. The first is in the white area, the second is in the black. It is believed that this is a symbol of the diametrical integrity of the entire universe, according to ancient Chinese philosophers. The image shows a circle, which is responsible for the image of integrity and infinity. In the center of the circle there is a wavy line that divides the white and black fields into two equal parts.

In order to understand the true message that was transmitted by the ancient sages, it is necessary to turn to the Book of Changes for help. It was believed that the person who knows the essence of the image of Yin-Yang is aware of the main law of unity and struggle, which are in opposite principles. IN dialectical materialism such a law is still considered key. The Chinese Yin-Yang is considered a symbol of unity. The drawing speaks of their opposite location, which does not pose a barrier to their further interaction.

Both elements are charged with pure Qi energy, which is able to develop independently under the condition of constant interaction. A similar hypothesis is held in Taoism. The image is a circle containing two elements belonging to different color categories. They are separated from each other only by a line, which indicates that at any moment it can change its original position and one of the canvases (black or white) will become predominant. Symbols of human perception of the world are points that are painted in other colors. In fact, humanity sees the world through the eyes of Yin-Yang.

History of occurrence

The Yin-Yang theory originated as early as the 4th century BC. Similar ideas arose before that, but only in the 4th century did they finally take shape in a short and capacious expression "the unity of opposites." Initially, the symbol imitated a mountain. Light falls on one side of the slope, while the other remains in shadow, but this will not continue forever. One day the sun will cross over to the other side and then the light will illuminate the shaded slope, and that side of the mountain that was illuminated will plunge into the abyss of darkness.

Gradually, the symbol acquires other meanings, such as light and darkness, chaos and emptiness, white and black, sky and earth, etc. All these concepts are opposite in meaning, but if even one of them disappeared, the existence of the other would lose its meaning. If the light suddenly disappears, then the darkness will become common and familiar. It will not be considered as something negative, but all because no one will know about the existence of light. If a person does not know that it is different, he takes reality as a given - undeniable and unique.

However, one should not attribute moral or ethical characteristics to the sign. For more than a thousand years of its existence, the Yin-Yang sign has been depicted exclusively by cosmogonic opposites. The symbol never touched upon the opposite of moral norms.

It is also worth noting that in terms of neo-Confucianism, the meaning of Yin-Yang is seen as the movement of forces of cosmic energies, which leads to changes. It was the main element in the creation of the philosophy of China. Yin-Yang has also been used to develop the basis for medicine, art and science.

In China, this principle was initially based on physical understanding, gradually moving into the realm of metaphysical. However, in Japanese philosophical systems, the physical method of understanding and applying this symbol is still preserved. In the religious concepts of 大本居 (oomoto-kyo), Yin and Yang are represented as water and fire.

The nature of the Yin-Yang phenomenon has changed over the course of development. At first, when talking about the sides of the mountain, "Yin" meant "shady", and "Yang" - the sunny side. Later, "Yin" is perceived as something gray, cold and mysterious, and therefore feminine, while "Yang" - positive, warm and bright - is masculine. One of the treatises said that "Yin" also means rest, and "Yang" - movement. That is why "Yang" can give rise to any phenomenon, situation and cause, and "Yin" will nurture it.

The concept of Yin and Yang is considered the basis of everything, and therefore even explains the nature of Tao, which is based on two main positions:

  1. "Everything is in motion."
  2. "Opposites attract and complement each other."

Based on this, we can conclude that Taoism teaches a person to find harmony and balance between these two opposite positions - Yin and Yang. However, he will not be able to find the end point, for there is no end. Even the aforementioned symbol is depicted as a circle, which means the cyclical nature of events.

yin and yang today

In the modern market, the fashion for everything oriental has long been strengthened. In every store you can find an amulet, keychain or amulet, which depicts the Yin-Yang symbol. Virtually no one gives it of great importance However, such images have long been considered amulets that protect against all evil.

In this symbol, a continuous power is concentrated, which is constantly changing by transforming from white to black and vice versa. Therefore, having it with you, you can balance personal energies by suppressing the dominant energy and strengthening the weak. This will help a person become more harmonious, calm and confident, respectively, his chances of improving his life situation will increase.

In Feng Shui, they believe that if the directions in the house do not smoothly transition into each other, as indicated in the Yin-Yang sign, then stressful situations will begin to occur in a person’s life, which will entail destructive changes. The individual will not be able to achieve his goals, he will not be lucky in his endeavors and health problems will begin. In order for the house to be livable, a lot of attention should be paid to the balance of the energies of Qi - Yin and Yang.

Even for building a house, it is recommended to choose a place that is harmonious in all respects. Perhaps someone believes that if you build a house where Yang predominates, which is responsible for the dynamics of the development of events, then he will have a happy and fulfilling life, but this is nothing more than prejudice. A person will not achieve anything, except that life will begin to flow faster. Many people do not believe in the existence of a certain connection between the symbol and events, but in Lately more and more people are turning to specialists about this.

Today it is impossible to meet a person who has not seen the famous Chinese symbol at least once. Someone believes that it symbolizes day and night, someone is sure that it is an emblem of good and evil. It is not so important what meaning is given to this sign, the main thing is that everyone agrees that Yin and Yang unite opposites into one whole.

Essence of Yin Yang

The philosophy of China says that the symbol of dualism personifies the universe and reveals the secrets of the universe. The light and dark half are enclosed in a perfectly even circle of the correct form, which is a symbol of infinity. It is with the help of dark and light energies that everything is created in the Universe and is in interaction with each other. Without this it is impossible to exist.

This magical symbol combines two completely different elements of each creature into harmony - the light and dark sides. It is considered the dark and light sides of the mountain. This sign is rather unusual, because it is not only divided into two opposite sides, but also has a dot of the opposite color on each half. This indicates that in each dark side there is a small part of something light and vice versa. Even the best does not exclude dark spots.

The symbol is a circle, which was conditionally divided by the sages into two equal parts. Remotely, the drawing resembles fish woven together. One side is white while the other is black. Each drop contains a dot: inside the white sphere it is black, and in the dark area it is made light. As a circle, the sages represented the Universe, which has no boundaries.

Inside such a world, two energy flows predominate - Yin and Yang, which characterize the male and female principles. They are very different, but, nevertheless, they are able to penetrate each other's space, as evidenced by the dots placed inside. There is no clear boundary between them. A thin ornate strip is used as a separator.

If you look at the image for a long time, it may seem that the figures placed inside are moving. The halves will smoothly flow into each other. Energy flows will merge, separate again, and so on ad infinitum. Thanks to this principle, our Universe exists.

According to Taoist philosophy, which is reflected in the treatise referred to as the "Book of Changes", the Universe does not stop changing and moving, gradually penetrating into other areas and interacting with them. Despite the structural opposition of matter, they are not able to exist without each other. What is considered common among them is generated by such elements:

  1. Metal.
  2. Water.
  3. Fire.
  4. Earth.
  5. Tree.

Other Yin-Yang Symbols

This symbol shows not only the dark and light sides. He represents opposites. Some are sure that the symbol shows a woman and a man who, when combined together, become part of a single whole. Yang is considered hot and strong, which can destroy everything in its path. Yin, in turn, shows coldness and creation.

The ancient sages were sure that Yin-Yang energy comes to a person with food. That is why nutrition should be harmonious. They convinced that the balance of energy occurs due to the intake of food and everything is based on this. You should know that Yin represents cold and liquid, sweet and soft. Yang includes everything that is bitter, salty, hard, and irritating.

It is imperative to maintain a balance, because if you eat improperly, then soon a person will have health problems. It is necessary to eat food of the Yin and Yang groups.

Philosophers in China convince that as soon as a person learns to maintain a balance between energies and brings them to harmony, he will be able to comprehend the secrets of the Universe and understand his destiny. However, to achieve such results, you will have to constantly work on yourself, it is quite possible that for many years.

Yin and Yang are opposites that are in conflict with each other all the time. It can represent the struggle between good and evil. Every day one of the sides outweighs the other, and so it goes on indefinitely. Only in this case can a person achieve harmony with himself.

In my time, wide use received tattoos with Yin-Yang symbols. Modern society with interest perceived the ancient Chinese teaching and its paradigm. It is worth noting that in China itself there are no traditions regarding the application of such images to the body and never have been. At the time of the birth of the doctrine, it was considered something sinful to disfigure the human body with extraneous drawings for no good reason. Each symbol has a deep meaning, and ordinary people could not afford this kind of procedure. Modern people can do such tattoos only at their own peril and risk. There can be no religious or cultural background.

The power of the symbol in the modern world

Wherever you direct your gaze modern man, the presence of Yin-Yang symbolism is visible everywhere. This applies not only to natural phenomena, but also to the spiritual component of a person, as well as his internal state. Yang means life itself, its efficiency and ease. Yin is the passive side of all living things: death, cold, darkness and silence. To some extent, one of the forces becomes dominant. The main task of mankind is to achieve their balance. In other words, if you put the energy spheres on the scales, then no sagging should be observed.

Only a state of absolute balance is considered acceptable, because only in this way can much-needed harmony be achieved.

A person must be in a state of harmony. The same state is recommended to be achieved through simple manipulations carried out in residential premises. Even what a person eats daily should be filled with harmony or provoke the appearance of this feeling. According to psychologists, people who perceive reality based on Taoist teachings, and in which the Yang force is predominant, behave quite assertively and aggressively. From life they try to take everything that is possible. In life, such natures are incredibly energetic and bright.

If the Yin energy prevails, then the person will be boring, always sad and incredibly lazy. His depression will be permanent. However, such people are characterized by the presence of excellent intuition, creativity, as well as a calm character. If you achieve a state of harmony and balance, then life will become much better. This will take years of self-development and self-improvement. Having understood the Taoist teachings, people look at things in a completely different way. the world. In fact, they become observers of what is happening and look at how one event entails a series of others.

The Other Side of the Medal

Most people continue to believe that Yin-Yang is just a female and male extension. However, such a statement is erroneous. Science considers the doctrine from different angles, including the love sphere. This kind of energy flows should not only balance, but also complement each other. If a girl behaves defiantly, always laughs and speaks loudly, shows initiative, is noisy, and is also a bright personality, then Yang energy prevails in her. It will be difficult for her to achieve internal balance on her own.

In order for her relationship with the opposite sex to develop harmoniously, the chosen one must have the predominant “Yin” energy. Such a person outwardly will seem cold, unapproachable and overly calm. If a man seeks to dominate in a relationship, then he will have the predominant opposite energy. This will lead to frequent depression and isolation on both sides.

It is worth noting that in the process of childbirth, a woman spends a huge amount of her own energy, thereby giving life to another person. Yang flows are involved in the process. At the end of the process, “Yin” will already prevail, which will help to properly take care of the child, show kindness and care. When resorting to a diet, a person refuses a number of familiar foods, which provokes the formation of an internal imbalance. Thus, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result, because, in fact, the struggle will be waged with oneself.

The nature of masculine and feminine

Based on the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, our planet can be divided into several types: mountain (Yin) and water (Yang). Mountains are the embodiment of immobility and pride, besides they are considered the skeleton of our planet. Yang energy is always in motion, as is the water in rivers, lakes, waterfalls, oceans and seas. However, mountains can also be attributed to both energy flows, since there are specimens with sharper or smoother peaks.

So are rivers, which can be fast (rapid) and quiet (calm). Water charged with Yin energy will bring destruction and chaos. "Yang" - on the contrary, will bring only peace and tranquility.

Application of the doctrine in building a house:

  1. Do not jump to conclusions and assume that the land, which is endowed with the energy of "Yang", will make family life quiet, peaceful and happy. Male power will lead to the fact that events will pass through life at an incredible speed. Even when choosing a site, balance should be maintained.
  2. Under the influence of "Yin" will be the house, which is located in close proximity to hospitals, prisons and cemeteries. Energetic and active people will feel incessant depression.
  3. Do not start construction in the place where a large number of bushes, trees and other plantings grow.
  4. Energy flows will be weak in places where mountainous terrain will prevail. An excess of moisture will also lead to hyperexcitability, which many simply cannot cope with on their own. Water and mountains should be equal.

What tricks to resort to to maintain balance in the house

Provided that the house has already been built, you should try to change the surrounding decoration. To achieve harmony in space, you can apply several methods. If there is an accumulation of "Yin", then Entrance door should be reduced in size. If possible, it should be installed in another place. You can also repaint the frame red and add light in front of the entrance.

Such actions are easy to explain, because most of the energy enters the house through the doorway. If “Yang” is predominant, then the manipulations are directly opposite. Instead of red paint, dark blue is used. The adjacent area is shaded by planting trees and bushes. To reduce active energy flows a small reservoir should be built.

Workplace and apartment

"Yin" is desirable to concentrate in a place of rest. "Yan", on the contrary, should be concentrated in the office. However, one should not forget about the much-needed balance. In case of a significant violation, it simply will not work to do the usual things. Only a slight difference is allowed, and only at the very beginning of the permutation. For amplification male energy in the workplace, you must:

  • include calm melodies;
  • make the lighting bright;
  • maintain cleanliness of used devices and tools;
  • hang a clock on the wall;
  • install a fountain or a small aquarium;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • paint the walls in any color, but not white (if necessary, hang the walls with paintings).

Sounds are able to enhance energy flows, but they should not suppress each other's flows. Only a slight predominance is allowed. If a person is used to working at home, then such tips should be applied in relation to the office. If there is one room for rest and work, then the available space needs to be delineated. For the rest room and bedroom, the energy of "Yin" is enhanced. In order to stimulate a person to active actions and a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to pay more attention to male flows.


Those people who have chosen a talisman in the form of a Yin-Yang circle as an everyday accessory should be aware of the meaning of this symbol. In order for the decoration to begin to function, you must first balance both energy flows in yourself. This will create harmony with the outside world. Thus, a person will have to tune in to the chosen accessory and establish close contact with it. Esotericists and experienced magicians recommend that before you let the talisman into your biofield, first hold it under water. Experts also advise constantly talking with the chosen talisman, sharing your experiences and good news.

How to use it

The rules for using talismans with Yin-Yang symbols are simple:

With the talisman, it is necessary to share both sad moments and joyful ones. Thus, it will turn out to create a really powerful and effective amulet against misfortunes and adversity. In the future, only good news and pleasant moments await the owner. Yin-Yang is a separate philosophy, so it should not be divided only into black and white, masculine and feminine. A person cannot be exclusively bad or good, because opposites will attract. Such knowledge can be turned to advantage with due attention and skillful approach. Life does not stand still, everything around flows and changes. It's moments like these that you have to learn to capture.

We charge the talisman

First, you need to prepare and choose the right day. Conventionally, they can be divided into male and female. The latter includes Saturday, Friday and Wednesday. Men's are Thursday, Tuesday and Monday. The talisman is charged late in the evening, when most people will already be asleep. A person sits down at the desk and picks up the chosen decoration. You should hold it a little in your palms so that its surface heats up. You need to concentrate, think about something pleasant and good. In this position, you should remain for 15 minutes.

To enhance the actions of the selected ritual, you can use magic spells. One of them sounds like this:

“Talisman, talisman, I chose you. We bind fate with you for centuries. You bring me good luck, take away grief and troubles. In return, you will receive attention, care and adoration.


Our world is woven from a multitude of energy flows that permeate all living things. divine spark seen in both animate and inanimate objects. Reality is a mixture of male and female, left and right principles, darkness and light, good and evil. Each of these pairs are opposites and are present in every person without exception. In order to feel good, one should achieve inner harmony, otherwise a person begins to get sick and experience some disorders, including physical, energy and mental disorders. In astrology, the Sun is considered masculine, and the Moon is considered feminine.