Psychosomatics. How a woman's body talks to her. Right side of the body: esotericism and energy flows

You can often hear the phrase: "All problems are from nerves." It rather primitively reflects the truth that any problem of our physical body is connected with subtle bodies: first of all, our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, as well as those traumas that are deeply embedded in our subconscious.

One of the simplest schemes in studying the impact of a person's psychological problems on his health is the chakra system.

These are the energy centers of the body in the Indian tradition, which are responsible for certain functions. They look like energy vortices and are located on the central axis of the body.

There are 7 main chakras:

  • the first and seventh - single - we receive the energy of the earth and sky,

  • the remaining 5 are paired.

Chakras correspond to 7 colors, 7 notes.

1 chakra - coccyx

The wide side goes down to the feet. It receives energy from the earth. Covers the legs, external genitalia, bladder, uterus, rectum.

Psychologically, it's a chakra life force(how well you feel, full of energy, able to move from state to state, act).

Diseases of the 1st chakra:

  • loss of strength

  • fatigue,

  • depression,

  • depression.

The legs are arranged so as to go forward, they symbolize life goals. Legs - the answer to the question: am I going there to be healthy and happy? If your legs hurt - the wrong goals in life, or we are going the wrong way, or we think that we are going the wrong way.

The body does not distinguish these nuances. Biting yourself is not productive. It is better to go the wrong way, understand this, gain life experience and change direction, but do not bite yourself.

The knees are the freedom to go towards your goals. In the knees and lower thighs live those programs that we received from other people - moms, dads, schools, society, grandparents - everyone who taught us and “taught” us how to live and how not to live, what is right and what is wrong . If it hurts here, then you have programs in your head that prevent you from moving through life, achieving goals, doing something to make these goals come true.

The body is demolished only by those programs that are in conflict with your internal goals and meanings. Useful programs (to cross the street on green color) can work until the end of life and the body will not get sick.

Depression is a disease of the meaning of life (we stubbornly go the wrong way). When man goes not to his goals, sacrifices himself, makes for example a career, not love. Any distortions lead to an imbalance of energy.

Bladder - emotions. The ability to feel and miss feelings. Bladder diseases - long suppression of emotions or doing nothing with them. It breaks down when the real situation in your life is threatening, it signals that something needs to be changed.

Rectum (the ability to get rid of the past - you ate it, digested it, you need to let it go). It is necessary to get rid of not only the bad, but also the good. Why remember what a delicious cake or good sex was when you can relive it. No need to get stuck in the past, it no longer exists, you need to live in the now, eat fresh food all the time and get fresh impressions of life all the time.

Constipation is the fear of letting go of the past. Or people who are stuck in the past. Fear of parting with money (greed). Fear of parting with old things - the house is littered with old things.

Diarrhea - fear of the future (oh, no matter what happens). This is always a neurotic fear, it is not tied to reality: the inability to draw the necessary conclusions and move on, there is no attempt to make an analysis, money does not hold.

The uterus is the bearing of a child and creation. This is the organ of creativity. Tumors of the uterus - excessive motherhood (to be a "mommy"). Infertility is an undeveloped function of motherhood.

The most terrible fears live on the first chakra - biological:

  • fear of dying

  • fear of getting sick

  • fear of severe illness

  • fear of poverty

  • fear of hunger.

2nd chakra - lower abdomen

It is located 3 fingers below the navel, behind the lower back. Responsible for sexual energy, sexual function and desires.

Right appendage and appendicitis - permission for joy (from eating delicious food to communicating with God). The ability to experience joy is based on sexual energy. Any joy from physical to spiritual.

The left appendage is permission for creativity (the ability to "create" your life). If we do not do this, we have problems with this side.

The loin is money. Permission to cash flow in your life. You need to want money on the 2nd chakra. We have as much money as we value ourselves. If you are a good specialist, but do not value yourself, they will pay little. When we earn money, we must feel that we deserve this money, we are worthy of it, and we are worthy of the life that money can buy. Making money is selling yourself, your abilities or qualities. Women who stay at home also earn money - the wife does the hard work.

Radiculitis is a disease of money.

3 chakra - stomach and solar plexus

The periphery of this chakra is all the digestive organs and the kidneys.

There are three aspects of the third chakra:

3-A. Adaptation to life (the ability to digest life, the ability to survive in society, among other people).

On the 3rd chakra there are social fears: fear of how I look, fear of how they treat me, fear that they will not push me away, fear of being unwanted, shame, resentment ...

Emotions are born here. Emotions are signals about how you adapt to life. If nothing threatens our adaptation, our survival, we are calm, confident, if something does not go well with us, we get anger, anger, shame, sadness. If you feel fear, resentment, depression, then something in life is not as it should be. (Like a doorbell - if unpleasant people come, then do not cut off the call).

3-B. Individual will (liver). Each of us has the will to live - the ability to volitional effort, to do something, realize or refuse something. Protects our individual will + anger. To be angry is when someone else's will goes against our will (it's impossible, I won't give it ...). Or when you are being manipulated. When we are set up, betrayed, these are serious reasons for anger. The most dangerous thing is to try to deny your anger. If you hide your anger from others, it doesn't hurt you much, but if you hide it from yourself, you will get sick - ulcers, colitis, gastritis. I must honestly admit to myself - yes, this is stupid, but I'm angry, I'm offended. This is the guarantee of health. Handle anger like a knife.

3-B. Information processing. Processing of knowledge (digestion). We consume knowledge by digestion. What is interesting to us is useful - we send it to our biocomputer - the head, and what is not interesting, not necessary - goes into the "toilet bowl".

The child should receive and digest knowledge in a calm stop. But he is afraid, he is tense, he doubts his abilities. It cramps the stomach and that knowledge goes through that cramp.

In the body, school neurosis is colitis, gastritis and cholecystitis. Later in life, situations when you need to prove yourself, pass an exam - are accompanied by pain in the stomach.

Kidneys - fears get stuck, and very often parental ones (they were afraid for the child, he is afraid for himself, he couldn’t cope with something). Almost also problems of partnership, relations with other people.

4 chakra - heart

Located at the level of the nipples - the Chakra of love.

A person has no choice to love or not to love. If you make the decision to give up the love in your life, the body will fight. Ends with a heart attack or stroke (if the "smart" head puts a ban on love).

Love must move in two directions. We must give love to other people and receive love.

Acceptance and return must be balanced - distortions lead to problems. How much you give - just as fully and accept. If the heart is blocked - a heart attack.

All love begins with self-love. Loving others and not loving yourself is a self-deception that hides the fear of other people. Love is like a spring - it should fill the cup, love should be given out of generosity, and not out of fear.

The heart closes from within. Only a person can open it on his own.

The heart closes at a very early age. Maybe in a nursing home. Or a child comes up to mom and dad, and they say "go play, don't interfere." The child says "they don't need my love" and closes his heart. And it becomes very comfortable, but with a closed heart. The program “I am not worthy of love” appears.

Then the person says “prove love to me” and does not trust anyone, no matter how much they love him.

Self-love - in our culture it is not accepted, just as it is not customary to praise - if a person has done well - this is how it should be, it is clear and why praise for it. And scolding is a sacred duty. The child accumulates a sense of squalor - this is not right, this is not right, this is not right. The child thinks: "Why love me - I'm such a misery." Then the ban on self-love - "if I love myself, I will grow into a monster."

Most people believe that you need to drive yourself with a whip, stimulate. If you don't press it, it won't do anything.

5th chakra - base of the neck

The periphery is the entire respiratory system. Self-realization - be yourself.

To be yourself is to breathe and live. Don't be yourself - die. Step on the throat of your own song - die without breathing. We put other people's problems on our shoulders!

If a child screams, but no one approaches him - no one hears me, no one needs me - bronchitis.

Asthma, tuberculosis, lung cancer - I have no right to live (guilt) - usually associated with birth trauma.

Tonsils and runny nose - a strong resentment, lack of tenderness, rejection of the sex of the child. Or bad sexual relations between parents.

Cough - pay attention to me.

6 chakra - Center of the forehead and back of the head (it is in the center of the head)

Third Eye. Eyes. Vision problems, some installations. Glasses are protection. Worldview - our view of the world and ourselves in this world, memory, experience, knowledge. Our picture of the world. Perspective changes with experience.

Pain in the head - self-criticism. Our head hurts when we do what we think we shouldn't do (doesn't fit into your picture of the world). For example - you are angry, but you think that it is bad to be angry. There will be a headache.

Migraine - constant self-criticism at the level of habit.

Ears - the child does not want to hear something - energy stubs.

7 chakra - crown (where the child has a fontanel)

Connection with the beyond. Marginal values ​​(most important). Connection with other people, connection with life in general. These are the highest values ​​- such as conscience. If a person steps over these values, then they say: "The life of a person has crushed."

Mental illnesses are often associated with this chakra. If a person cannot live in harmony with his conscience - destruction. Closed chakra - fear of realizing something in yourself or in the world. Resentment against God.

Left / right side of the body

In right-handers - the right male - activity: actions, determination, will.

Left female - passive: relaxation, rest, the ability to feel.

Blood is joy that spreads throughout the body.

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You can often hear the phrase: "All problems are from nerves" . It rather primitively reflects the truth that any problem of our physical body is connected with subtle bodies: first of all, our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, as well as those traumas that are deeply embedded in our subconscious.

One of the simplest schemes in studying the impact of a person's psychological problems on his health is the chakra system.

These are the energy centers of the body in the Indian tradition, which are responsible for certain functions. They look like energy vortices and are located on the central axis of the body.

There are 7 main chakras:

  • the first and seventh - single - we receive the energy of the earth and sky,
  • the remaining 5 are paired.

Chakras correspond to 7 colors, 7 notes.

1 chakra - coccyx

The wide side goes down to the feet. It receives energy from the earth. Covers the legs, external genitalia, bladder, uterus, rectum.

Psychologically, it is the chakra of life force.(how well you feel, full of energy, able to move from state to state, act).

Diseases of the 1st chakra:

  • loss of strength
  • fatigue,
  • depression,
  • depression.

The legs are designed to walk forward, they symbolize life goals. Legs - the answer to the question: am I going there to be healthy and happy? If your legs hurt - the wrong goals in life, or we are going the wrong way, or we think that we are going the wrong way.

The body does not distinguish these nuances. Biting yourself is not productive. It is better to go the wrong way, understand this, gain life experience and change direction, but do not bite yourself.

Knees are the freedom to go to your goals. In the knees and lower thighs live the programs that we received from other people - moms, dads, schools, societies, grandparents - everyone who taught us and “taught” us how to live and how not to live, what is right and what is wrong . If it hurts here, then you have programs in your head that prevent you from moving through life, achieving goals, doing something to make these goals come true.

The body is demolished only by those programs that are in conflict with your internal goals and meanings. Useful programs (to cross the street to the green) can work until the end of life and the body will not get sick.

Depression is a disease of the meaning of life (we stubbornly go the wrong way). When a person does not go to his goals, sacrifices himself, makes a career, for example, and not love. Any distortions lead to an imbalance of energy.

Depression comes from within: “Stop, you don’t need to go further there. Stop, figure out with yourself where you are going ... "

Bladder - emotions. The ability to feel and miss feelings. Bladder diseases - long suppression of emotions or doing nothing with them. It breaks down when the real situation in your life is threatening, it signals that something needs to be changed.

Rectum(the ability to get rid of the past - you ate it, digested it, you need to let it go). It is necessary to get rid of not only the bad, but also the good. Why remember what a delicious cake or good sex was when you can relive it. No need to get stuck in the past, it no longer exists, you need to live in the now, eat fresh food all the time and get fresh impressions of life all the time.

Constipation is the fear of letting go of the past. Or people who are stuck in the past. Fear of parting with money (greed). Fear of parting with old things - the house is littered with old things.

Diarrhea - fear of the future (oh, no matter what happens). This is always a neurotic fear, it is not tied to reality: the inability to draw the necessary conclusions and move on, there is no attempt to make an analysis, money does not hold.

Uterus- childbearing and creation. This is the organ of creativity. Tumors of the uterus - excessive motherhood (to be a "mommy"). Infertility is an undeveloped function of motherhood.

The most terrible fears live on the first chakra - biological ones:

  • fear of dying
  • fear of getting sick
  • fear of severe illness
  • fear of poverty
  • fear of hunger.

2nd chakra - lower abdomen

It is located 3 fingers below the navel, behind - the lower back. Responsible for sexual energy, sexual function and desires.

Right appendage and appendicitis - permission to joy(from delicious food to communication with God). The ability to experience joy is based on sexual energy. Any joy from physical to spiritual.

Left appendage - permission to work(the ability to "create" your life). If we do not do this, we have problems with this side.

The loin is money. Permission to cash flow in your life. You need to want money on the 2nd chakra. We have as much money as we value ourselves. If you are a good specialist, but do not value yourself, they will pay little. When we earn money, we must feel that we deserve this money, we are worthy of it, and we are worthy of the life that money can buy. Making money is selling yourself, your abilities or qualities. Women who stay at home also earn money - the wife does the hard work.

Radiculitis is a disease of money.

3 chakra - stomach and solar plexus

The periphery of this chakra is all the digestive organs and the kidneys.

There are three aspects of the third chakra:

3-A. Adaptation to life(the ability to digest life, the ability to survive in society, among other people).

On the 3rd chakra there are social fears: fear of how I look, fear of how they treat me, fear that they will not push me away, fear of being unwanted, shame, resentment ...

Emotions are born here. Emotions are signals about how you adapt to life. If nothing threatens our adaptation, our survival, we are calm, confident, if something does not go well with us, we get anger, anger, shame, sadness. If you feel fear, resentment, depression, then something in life is not as it should be. (Like a doorbell - if unpleasant people come, then do not cut off the call).

3-B. Individual will (liver). Each of us has the will to live - the ability to make an effort of will, to do something, to realize or refuse something. Protects our individual will + anger. To be angry is when someone else’s will goes against our will (it’s impossible, I won’t give it ...). Or when you are being manipulated. When we are set up, betrayed, these are serious reasons for anger. The most dangerous thing is to try to deny your anger. If you hide your anger from others, it does not harm you much, but if you hide it from yourself, you will get sick - an ulcer, colitis, gastritis. I must honestly admit to myself - yes, it's stupid, but I'm angry, I'm offended. This is the guarantee of health. Handle anger like a knife.

3-B. Information processing. Processing of knowledge (digestion). We consume knowledge by digestion. What is interesting to us is useful - we send it to our biocomputer - the head, and what is not interesting, not necessary - goes into the "toilet bowl".

The child should receive and digest knowledge in a calm stop. But he is afraid, he is tense, he doubts his abilities. It cramps the stomach and that knowledge goes through that cramp.

In the body, school neurosis is colitis, gastritis and cholecystitis. Later in life, situations when you need to prove yourself, pass an exam - are accompanied by pain in the stomach.

Kidneys - fears get stuck and very often parental(they were afraid for the child, he is afraid for himself, he couldn’t cope with something). Almost also problems of partnership, relations with other people.

4 chakra - heart

Located at the level of the nipples - the Chakra of love.

A person has no choice to love or not to love. If you make the decision to give up the love in your life, the body will fight. Ends with a heart attack or stroke (if the "smart" head puts a ban on love).

Love must move in two directions. We must give love to other people and receive love.

Acceptance and return must be balanced - distortions lead to problems. How much you give - just as fully and accept. If the heart is blocked - a heart attack.

All love begins with self-love. Loving others and not loving yourself is a self-deception that hides the fear of other people. Love is like a spring - it must fill the cup, love should be given out of generosity, and not out of fear.

The heart closes from within. Only a person can open it on his own.

The heart closes at a very early age. Maybe in a nursing home. Or a child comes up to mom and dad, and they say "go play, don't interfere." The child says "they don't need my love" and closes his heart. And it becomes very comfortable, but with a closed heart. The program “I am not worthy of love” appears.

Then the person says “prove love to me” and does not trust anyone, no matter how much they love him.

Self-love - in our culture it is not accepted, just as it is not customary to praise - if a person has done well - this is how it should be, it is clear and why praise for it. And scolding is a sacred duty. The child accumulates a sense of squalor - this is not right, this is not right, this is not right. The child thinks: "Why love me - I'm such a misery." Then the ban on self-love - "if I love myself, I will grow into a monster."

Most people believe that you need to drive yourself with a whip, stimulate. If you don't press it, it won't do anything.

5th chakra - base of the neck

The periphery is the entire respiratory system. Self realization is being yourself.

To be yourself is to breathe and live. Don't be yourself - die. Step on the throat of your own song - die without breathing. We put other people's problems on our shoulders!

If a child screams, but no one approaches him - no one hears me, no one needs me - bronchitis.

Asthma, tuberculosis, lung cancer- I have no right to live (guilt) - usually associated with birth trauma.

Tonsils and runny nose- strong resentment, lack of tenderness, rejection of the sex of the child. Or bad sexual relations between parents.

Cough- pay attention to me.

6 chakra - Center of the forehead and back of the head (it is in the center of the head)

Third Eye. Eyes. Vision problems, some installations. Glasses are protection. Worldview - our view of the world and ourselves in this world, memory, experience, knowledge. Our picture of the world. Perspective changes with experience.

Pain in the head - self-criticism. Our head hurts when we do what we think we shouldn't do (doesn't fit into your picture of the world). For example, you got angry, but you think it’s bad to be angry. There will be a headache.

Migraine- constant self-criticism at the level of habit.

Ears- the child does not want to hear something - energy stubs.

7 chakra - crown (where the child has a fontanel)

Connection with the beyond. Marginal values ​​(most important). Connection with other people, connection with life in general. These are the highest values ​​- such as conscience. If a person steps over these values, then they say: "The life of a person has crushed."

Mental illnesses are often associated with this chakra. If a person cannot live in harmony with his conscience - destruction. A closed chakra is the fear of becoming aware of something in yourself or in the world. Resentment against God.

Left / right side of the body

Right-handers - right male – activity: action, purposefulness, will.

Left female - passive: relaxation, rest, the ability to feel.

Blood- joy that spreads throughout the body.

You can often hear the phrase: "All problems are from nerves." It rather primitively reflects the truth that any problem of our physical body is connected with subtle bodies: first of all, our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, as well as those traumas that are deeply embedded in our subconscious. Sometimes these moments are called "the root causes of diseases." There are many techniques that allow us to realize the causes of our diseases and get rid of many of them in order to achieve harmony with ourselves and the world. This article presents only the basics of psychosomatics, you can get acquainted with them in more detail in the books of various authors: V. Zhikarintsev, L. Bourbo, Louise Hay, etc. At the bottom of the article is a picture of the location and a visual drawing of the chakras.

One of the simplest schemes in studying the impact of a person's psychological problems on his health is the chakra system. These are the energy centers of the body in the Indian tradition, which are responsible for certain functions. They look like energy vortices and are located on the central axis of the body. There are 7 main chakras: the first and seventh are single - we receive the energy of the earth and sky, the remaining 5 are paired. Chakras correspond to 7 colors, 7 notes.

1st chakra is the coccyx.

The wide side goes down to the feet. It receives energy from the earth. Covers the legs, external genitalia, bladder, uterus, rectum. Psychologically, it is the chakra of vitality. (how well you feel, full of energy, able to move from state to state, act). Diseases of the 1st chakra - loss of strength, fatigue, depression, depression.

The legs are designed to walk forward, they symbolize life goals. Legs - the answer to the question: am I going there to be healthy and happy? If your legs hurt - the wrong goals in life, or we are going the wrong way, or we think that we are going the wrong way. The body does not distinguish these nuances. Biting yourself is not productive. It is better to go the wrong way, understand this, gain life experience and change direction, but do not bite yourself.

Knees are the freedom to go to your goals. In the knees and lower thighs live the programs that we received from other people - moms, dads, schools, societies, grandparents - everyone who taught us and “taught” us how to live and how not to live, what is right and what is wrong . If it hurts here, then you have programs in your head that prevent you from moving through life, achieving goals, doing something to make these goals come true. The body is demolished only by those programs that are in conflict with your internal goals and meanings. Useful programs (to cross the street to the green) can work until the end of life and the body will not get sick.

Depression is a disease of the meaning of life (we stubbornly go the wrong way). When a person goes not to his goals, sacrifices himself, makes for example a career and not love. Any distortions lead to an imbalance of energy. Depression comes from within: “Stop, you don’t need to go further there. Stop, figure out with yourself where you are going ... "

Bladder - emotions. The ability to feel and miss feelings. Bladder diseases - long suppression of emotions or doing nothing with them. It breaks down when the real situation in your life is threatening, it signals that something needs to be changed.

Rectum (the ability to get rid of the past - you ate it, digested it, you need to let it go) You need to get rid of not only the bad, but also the good. Why remember what a delicious cake or good sex was when you can relive it. No need to get stuck in the past, it no longer exists, you need to live in the now, eat fresh food all the time and get fresh impressions of life all the time. Constipation is the fear of letting go of the past. Or people who are stuck in the past. Fear of parting with money (greed). Fear of parting with old things - the house is littered with old things. Diarrhea - fear of the future (oh, no matter what happens). This is always a neurotic fear, it is not tied to reality: the inability to draw the necessary conclusions and move on, there is no attempt to make an analysis, money does not hold.

The uterus is the bearing of a child and creation. This is the organ of creativity. Tumors of the uterus - excessive motherhood (to be a "mommy"). Infertility is an undeveloped function of motherhood.

The most terrible fears live on the first chakra - biological ones: fear of death, fear of getting sick, serious illnesses, fear of poverty, fear of hunger.

2nd chakra - lower abdomen.

It is located 3 fingers below the navel, behind - the lower back. Responsible for sexual energy, sexual function and desires.

Right appendage and appendicitis - permission to joy (from delicious food to communication with God). The ability to experience joy is based on sexual energy. Any joy from physical to spiritual. The left appendage is permission for creativity (the ability to “create” your life). If we do not do this, we have problems with this side.

The loin is money. Permission to cash flow in your life. You need to want money on the 2nd chakra. We have as much money as we value ourselves. If you are a good specialist, but do not value yourself, they will pay little. When we earn money, we must feel that we deserve this money, we are worthy of it, and we are worthy of the life that money can buy. Making money is selling yourself, your abilities or qualities. Women who stay at home also earn money - the wife does the hard work. Radiculitis is a disease of money.

3rd chakra - stomach and solar plexus.

The periphery of this chakra is all the digestive organs and the kidneys. There are three aspects of the third chakra:

3-A. Adaptation to life(the ability to digest life, the ability to survive in society, among other people). On the 3rd chakra there are social fears: fear of how I look, fear of how they treat me, fear that they will not push me away, fear of being unwanted, shame, resentment ... Emotions are born here. Emotions are signals about how you adapt to life. If nothing threatens our adaptation, our survival, we are calm, confident, if something does not go well with us, we get anger, anger, shame, sadness. If you feel fear, resentment, depression, then something in life is not as it should be. (Like a doorbell - if unpleasant people come, then do not cut off the call).

3-B. individual will(liver). Each of us has the will to live - the ability to make an effort of will, to do something, to realize or refuse something. Protects our individual will + anger. To be angry is when someone else’s will goes against our will (it’s impossible, I won’t give it ...). Or when you are being manipulated. When we are set up, betrayed, these are serious reasons for anger. The most dangerous thing is to try to deny your anger. If you hide your anger from others, it does not harm you much, but if you hide it from yourself, you will get sick - an ulcer, colitis, gastritis. I must honestly admit to myself - yes, it's stupid, but I'm angry, I'm offended. This is the guarantee of health. Handle anger like a knife.

3-B. Information processing. Processing of knowledge (digestion). We consume knowledge by digestion. What is interesting to us is useful - we send it to our biocomputer - the head, and what is not interesting, not necessary - goes into the "toilet bowl". The child should receive and digest knowledge in a calm stop. But he is afraid, he is tense, he doubts his abilities. It cramps the stomach and that knowledge goes through that cramp. In the body, school neurosis = colitis, gastritis and cholecystitis. Later in life, situations when you need to prove yourself, pass an exam - are accompanied by pain in the stomach. School neurosis - does not digest what is taught -> a blow to self-esteem -> self-doubt -> there is a mode of operation of the brain "I am a fool." It is necessary to replace it with: "I'm smart", "I can do it."

Kidneys - fears get stuck, and very often parental ones (they were afraid for the child, he is afraid for himself, he couldn’t cope with something). Almost also problems of partnership, relations with other people.

4th chakra is the heart.

Located at the level of the nipples - the Chakra of love.

A person has no choice to love or not to love. If you make the decision to give up the love in your life, the body will fight. Ends with a heart attack or stroke (if the "smart" head puts a ban on love).

Love must move in two directions. It is necessary to give love to other people (it is not necessary to be Jesus!), and to receive love. Acceptance and return must be balanced - distortions lead to problems. How much you give - just as fully and accept. If the heart is blocked - a heart attack. All love begins with self-love. Loving others and not loving yourself is a self-deception that hides the fear of other people. Love is like a spring - it must fill the cup, love should be given out of generosity, and not out of fear. The heart closes from within. Only man can open it from within. Make a conscious decision to open your heart - only you can, we can't do anything without you.

The heart closes at a very early age. Maybe in a nursing home. Or a child comes up to mom and dad, and they say "go play, don't interfere." The child says "they don't need my love" and closes his heart. And it becomes very comfortable, but with a closed heart. The program “I am not worthy of love” appears. Then the person says “prove love to me” and does not trust anyone, no matter how much they love him. Self-love - in our culture it is not accepted, just as it is not customary to praise - if a person has done well - this is how it should be, it is clear and why praise for it. And scolding is a sacred duty. The child accumulates a sense of squalor - this is not right, this is not right, this is not right. The child thinks: "Why love me - I'm such a misery." Then the ban on self-love - "if I love myself, I will grow into a monster." Most people believe that you need to drive yourself with a whip, stimulate. If you don't press it, it won't do anything.

5th chakra is the base of the neck.

The periphery is the entire respiratory system. Self realization is being yourself.

Be yourself = breathe and live. Don't be yourself - die. Step on the throat of your own song - die without breathing. We put other people's problems on our shoulders! If a child screams and no one approaches him - no one hears me, no one needs me - bronchitis. Asthma, tuberculosis, lung cancer - I have no right to live (guilt) - usually associated with birth trauma. Tonsils and runny nose - a strong resentment, lack of tenderness, rejection of the sex of the child. Or bad sexual relations between parents. Cough - pay attention to me.

6 chakra - Center of the forehead and back of the head (it is in the center of the head).

Third Eye. Eyes. Problems with vision are some installations. Glasses are protection. Worldview - our view of the world and ourselves in this world, memory, experience, knowledge. Our picture of the world. Perspective changes with experience.

Pain in the head - self-criticism. Our head hurts when we do what we think we shouldn't do (doesn't fit into your picture of the world). For example, you got angry, but you think it’s bad to be angry. There will be a headache. Migraine - constant self-criticism at the level of habit. Ears - the child does not want to hear something - energy plugs.

7 chakra - crown (where the child has a fontanel).

Connection with the beyond. Marginal values ​​(most important). Connection with other people, connection with life in general. These are the highest values ​​- such as conscience. If a person steps over these values, then they say: "The life of a person has crushed."

Mental illnesses are often associated with this chakra. If a person cannot live in harmony with his conscience - destruction. A closed chakra is the fear of becoming aware of something in yourself or in the world. Resentment against God.

Left/right side of the body.

In right-handers - the right male - activity, action, determination, will. Left - female - passive - relaxation, rest, the ability to feel. Blood is joy that spreads throughout the body.

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The body of a woman reacts very subtly to thoughts, emotions, feelings. If you learn to correctly understand the signals that your body gives, you can avoid many troubles and understand yourself better. So.

-Back, waist-

Often, back pain occurs in a woman when she is afraid to trust, to let go of control.

A woman gets what she wants through the energy of relaxation and calmness, in order to surrender and accept everything, you must definitely trust yourself, your family, feel the support of the family, healing the injuries that prevent you from receiving this support.

HOW TO GET ROD SUPPORT: (at least at the minimum level)

- Recognize and accept all representatives of the family, giving them a place in your heart. To fall in love with all representatives of the genus unconditionally. Without conditions, limits and restrictions. They are your relatives, they give you energy. You can accept it and live in peace, or you can resist and carry everything on your back. For the body, this is an incredible load.

- Make obeisances to the family. Just imagine father on the right side, mother on the left. Imagine how their parents stand behind them and so the whole hierarchy. You do not need to know them, just visualize and bow to them for 40 days for 15 minutes.

- In the morning, from 5:00 to 7:00, do the practice of receiving energy from the family. The practice is done for 10 minutes during the week every day. Light the candles, stand up, on the left side imagine the family of your mother, on the right - dad. greet them. Bow down to them. cross your arms as if in prayer just above your chest and say the following: I thank you for your energy, resources and help. And now I ask you to guide me. Help me. I am ready to accept energy and resources from you to serve you and our tribal system, where I am a member of it by my birthright! Stop and feel the energy rising up your legs. Distribute energy throughout the body.

Pain and heaviness in the legs, in the knees is a connection with the Family, with the earth, the purification of generic programs, in particular the programs of pride and humility, and when we lack humility in the Family, our knees hurt. Legs, feet - this is what we stand on the earth, our connection with the earth and the Family, our vitality, fears for our lives.

-Goosebumps, tingling, burning, itching, yawning, tearfulness, sneezing.

This is how the channels work to cleanse the energy channels in our body, they often turn out to be clogged and blocked with “energy dirt”, and when they are cleared, the energies begin to flow through our body better. And then in these places we have such sensations. These sensations should be accepted with gratitude and allowed to leave the body with calmness and acceptance.

-Heaviness and discomfort in the shoulders, neck

Cleansing programs of excessive responsibility, we sometimes put someone on our neck, take too much on ourselves, burden ourselves with someone else's responsibility, it is important to realize this, if these feelings come, and start working on it. This happens especially often in Childbirth, where strong women who “drag” a lot on themselves. More often, the neck or shoulders hurt when a person takes the position of a "rescuer", taking the responsibility of other people for himself.


It is necessary to realize this and catch ourselves at those moments when we begin to take away the responsibility of another person, to realize that at this moment we unconsciously want to be significant, necessary. Accept this.

- Feelings in the chakras

1 chakra.

When the first chakra is cleared, then there is also heaviness in the legs, burning and burning in the legs, it can pull the stomach itself, there may be discomfort in the groin. Fears, pictures and memories from childhood may come up, where trust in the world was lost, where some events took place that affected the feeling of vitality and stability. You should not be afraid of these pictures, feel free to look there so that the fear that was laid there leaves the body.

2 chakra.

When the second chakra is cleared, there may be pain and heaviness in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, menstruation may come earlier or come 2 times per cycle, the lower back may be pulled, negative attitudes may emerge about one’s own sexuality and intimacy with men, programs for refusing motherhood, from enjoying life. There may also be unpleasant discharge with an unpleasant odor. This is a cleansing process that can be accepted, because when women release attitudes from the 2nd chakra, a great resource comes. Resources can be: inner sexuality, relaxation, self-love and acceptance of your feminine nature.

3 chakra.

When the third chakra is cleared, there may be discomfort in the abdomen, an upset stomach may occur, gastrointestinal diseases may worsen, and studies on the topic of self-confidence, on the topic of money, success, and a sense of joy in life can also go.

4 chakra.

When the fourth chakra is cleared, there may be sensations of heaviness in the chest, pain in the heart, a stone in the chest. There may also be purification through tears, through the desire to forgive and ask for forgiveness, through the feeling of love and the opening of the heart center, resentment and moments of heartache and disappointment can be remembered. In the heart chakra conscious negative emotions: resentment, anger, pride, fears.

When the 4th chakra opens, the pain can also be on the right side, as if the heart has moved to the right side. When a woman's 4th chakra opens, it is very important to ground herself: sports, dancing, yoga, tantra. It is very important to stay in contact with the body. For when a woman's 4th chakra is too open, there is no grounding, then such a woman is read by a man as a friend, spiritual mentor and is not identified as a woman at all.

5 chakra.

When the fifth chakra is cleared, there may be a sore throat, cough, a sore throat, unspoken words may come to someone, you may want to sing. I highly recommend doing the technique for opening the 5th chakra: “Talker”
She is on the YouTube channel. (Zina Shamoyan - "Talking" technique

6 chakra.

When the 6th chakra is cleared, sensations arise in the head, in the region of the third eye, in general, any unpleasant sensations in the head are the purification of the changing plane, that is, thoughts and attitudes. It may seem that the head has become heavier, it becomes harder to think, to concentrate on something.

7 chakra.

When the 7th chakra is cleared, there may be a sensation of pulsation at the crown, a feeling of connection with God.

-Runny nose

If a runny nose has worsened, then this is a cleansing from tears that have not been shed, think about where you didn’t cry. Or is it birth tears that come out like that. In any of these cases, give these secretions an outlet. S[quietly and with acceptance.


Unpleasant sensations in the hands are a clearing of communication, the level of communication and interaction with other people. You often write to me that your hands become so numb that you then hurt them or you can’t move them at all, especially during meditation on pumping the chakras. At this point, it is worth looking at what is your true purpose, are you really doing what you like right now? Have you realized yourself enough in society?

-When something hurts on the left,

it means that the female part of you and the female line of the Family are cleared, on the right - the male.

- Feelings of heat

- come when the negative inside us is burned, moreover, many channels have a fiery nature, as you know, fire has a powerful cleansing effect. Dissolve in these sensations, completely trusting yourself to your body.

- Feeling cold

is to develop a relationship with dead world with departed relatives. This is how deep birth traumas are worked out.


This disease contributes to the longing of a woman about her innocence. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the attitude “I am clean, and everything that is happening around is depravity, to which I have nothing to do.”

With a disease, having sex becomes impossible, in this way, the body realizes its deep setting.

A woman regrets her lost spiritual purity and wants to make others believe in her innocence. In addition, thrush may indicate repressed anger.

Among other possible psychological diseases, it is worth noting:

- belief in "right" and "wrong" decisions;

- high importance of the opinions of others and self-punishment for non-compliance.

Thrush, which has been treated for years, is evidence of a deep trauma, up to the denial of one's sexuality, the prohibition of its manifestation.

Cervical erosion

This disease is as common as thrush. On an emotional level, the problem indicates resentment against men. The woman's self-esteem was wounded, and the emotions are so strong that they "do not heal." The unrealized energy of resentment “corrodes” a woman from the inside.

Working with the disease, the psychologist needs to pay attention to the client's worldview, her beliefs about accepting her body and sex. Letting go of a traumatic experience will be accompanied by intense anger.

Problems with the menstrual cycle

Menstruation is a natural process for the female body. In the absence of psychological problems, this process is absolutely painless.

Such a frequent occurrence as painful menstruation, a violation of the cycle is evidence of a deep rejection of one's femininity.

Attitude towards oneself as a woman largely depends on the relationship with the mother. Childhood resentments, hatred of the mother block our connection with our inner woman in adulthood.

In the life of a little girl, mother is the first model of a woman, and by itself is ideal. If a mother offends her daughter, causes her anger, fear, irritation, the baby decides not to be like her, and, accordingly, not to be a woman.

In this situation, the psychologist needs to work with the client on understanding and recognizing her femininity, restoring the balance between feminine and masculine. It is equally important to work with fears and beliefs.

As you can see, a woman's health is not only a physiological component, but also an emotional state. In order to be in tune with the body and souls, you need to learn to love yourself, understand and accept. If this cannot be done, I recommend that you carry out deep inner psychological work, after which your life will bring you only joy.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres left and right which have a completely different effect on the human body.

Left Hemisphere Leading People are usually logical, rational, well spoken and quick to think. They process information sequentially, studying it in parts, and only then add the knowledge gained into a coherent picture.

People with a leading right hemisphere, as a rule, visionaries who process information intuitively. They first capture the big picture and only then go into the details. In addition, they are more introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound, and criticism.

Our educational system is focused on children with a developed left hemisphere, because they think in a linear way that is easier to teach. Right Hemispheric Children adapt less well because they tend to visualize and need visual images to understand this or that theory. Because of this, they are often diagnosed with distracted attention, or attention deficit. However, such children simply learn the material differently, and when they get such an opportunity, there are no problems with learning.

When the brain stem passes into the spinal cord, the nerves at the base of the skull, extending from the two hemispheres, cross. As a result, the right side of our body is associated with the rational, logical part, and the left side with creative qualities and feelings. However, logical abilities have nothing to do with which hand - left or right - dominates. It doesn't seem to matter at all. There are quite a few left-handed artists, but the proportion of left-handed tennis players is also high!

Left and right side of the body

Many Eastern schools describe difference between right and left sides, like the difference between feminine and masculine, yin and yang. This is not about gender, but about the masculine and feminine qualities that we all possess. If this principle is applied to the language of “mind and body”, then inevitably a connection is found between problems that occur on one side of the body and an internal conflict related to one or another aspect of the corresponding principle.

Right side the bodies of both men and women reflect the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, rule and assert oneself. This is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being that has to do with the outside world:

  • work,
  • business,
  • competition,
  • social position,
  • politics and power.

In both men and women, the right side of the body represents the connection with the inner masculine principle.

Problems with the right side in men can mean a conflict related to the expression of masculine qualities, responsibility for the family, difficulties in competing at work, lack of self-esteem, or uncertainty with sexual orientation. Women's right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, the difficulty in showing confidence and assertiveness in a position that is usually held by men. Some mothers have to intensively develop precisely male side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

Besides, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, brother, loved one, son - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who came to me with complaints of a slight numbness on the right side of her body, which had haunted her since adolescence. As a child, she was a real tomboy. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that the numbness appeared shortly after her father expressed an urgent desire that she become a true lady and learn to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot. As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, to break the connection with this part of her, which caused the ailment, namely, the numbness of the right side. To heal, Ellie needed to forgive her father for imposing his will on her, to fully believe in herself in order to follow her own desires, and to revive that repressed, unrecognized part of herself again. When I last saw her, she was studying to be a pilot, though not a military one.

The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, be creative, artistic, listen to and trust one's own wisdom. This side is connected with the house and inner world reflection and intuition.

Men have problems with the left side reflect difficulties with the manifestation of care and sensitivity, the ability to cry and show their own feelings, turn to their own creative possibilities, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys are told from childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many grown men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with the expression of vulnerability, femininity, the manifestation of care and maternal feelings, the conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

Besides, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here is what massage therapist Jenny Britton writes:

“David came in for a massage complaining of lower back pain on the left side. When I began to massage his back, he began to tell me that he had just canceled a wedding that was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day was already appointed, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said that he would be happy to continue to live with her, but she insisted on a wedding or a complete break. David decided to break up, and it was not easy at all. His back - lower left, in the zone of emotional support / upholding his rights / connection with women - was tightened and tense. He said that he immediately moved from life with his mother to life with his bride, and only now he realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet.