Arcana tarot in system modeling. How is the correction of life situations on the Tarot

1. Significator of relationships for the here and now. X Fortuna PP
2. What aggravates or improves these relationships. XV Devil PP
3. Mother-in-law's attitude towards her daughter. 9 Swords.
4. The relationship of mother-in-law to son-in-law. 8 bowls.
5. This is how the mother-in-law sees her daughter's attitude towards her husband. XXI Universe.
6. This is how the mother-in-law sees the attitude of the son-in-law towards her daughter. 2 Disks.
7. Mother-in-law's open actions towards the couple. XX Eon PP
8. Hidden motives or actions of the mother-in-law towards the couple. Princess of Swords
9. Advice on how to deal with mother-in-law. Princess of Wands.
10. Outcome. XII The Hanged Man.

Already from the first position it is clear that Alexei quite objectively assessed the situation. Currently, his relationship with his mother-in-law is nowhere worse ( X Fortuna PP). The reason is also obvious - his weakness for the female sex, does not miss a single skirt ( XV Devil PP)!

Mother-in-law feels sorry for her daughter, blames herself for everything ( 9 of Swords), that somewhere she overlooked, did not save from such a fate, did not warn in time, did not report her son-in-law's betrayals. To Alexei is cold as ice ( 8 bowls.). Rejects any of his attempts to get closer, to establish a warm relationship.

The mother-in-law cannot be accused of being biased towards Alexei. She quite objectively assesses his attitude towards her daughter. She sees that it has not changed and remains the same as it was at the beginning of their life together. Despite the apparent changes, ups and downs inherent in any married couple, the son-in-law is not going to part with his wife ( 2 Disks.).

But from the same position, we found out that the mother-in-law knew that the son-in-law was cheating on his wife from the very beginning of the marriage. He combined marital relations and relationships with numerous mistresses. And he is not going to change anything (in 2 disks Ouroboros biting his own tail). Her daughter, as it seems to her mother, has almost finished her relationship with her husband ( XXI Universe,) is clearly ready for a divorce.

In open mother-in-law, of course, admonishes the couple to first think before deciding to take this step (divorce), that before crossing this line ( XX Eon PP), they weighed everything ... But in fact, surreptitiously actively destroys their marriage ( Princess of Swords).

What do the cards suggest? Miracles do not happen, the fate of Alexei is sealed. There is, of course, a chance. But will he suit Alexei? There are no hopeless situations. And the cards advise him only one way out - to sleep with his mother-in-law ( Princess of Wands.) True, in the end, they will be tied with one secret with their mother-in-law ( XII The Hanged Man) and Alexey does not see anything good in this.


Well, how can you not help a person? He loves his wife, respects his mother-in-law, does not want to destroy the marriage!

Where do we start modeling? From finding out the reason / moment from which everything went wrong. Of course, the cards called the reason in plain text - XV Devil PP, constant betrayal of Alexei. But why, then, did the mother-in-law remain silent for so long, and only now began to act? After all 2 discs she told us that from the very beginning of the marriage relationship, Alexey, on the one hand, loved his wife, but also cheated on her too!

And the mother-in-law was silent, although she executed herself for this ( 9 Swords. And only when the mother saw that her daughter was ready for a divorce ( XXI Universe), she actively intervened. From this we conclude that the simulation should start from position No. 5. We replace Atu XXI Universe with III Empress.

That is, we change the mother's view of the position of her daughter in her family. They see what the daughter takes in family relationships stable position that she loving wife(mother). Which, quite likely, rules over her husband somewhere (the Empress-ruler). Well, what mother wants to destroy such a stable position of her daughter!?

We move smoothly to position number 3. Naturally, seeing the daughter as the Empress, the mother will have nothing to reproach herself for! And 9 swords is no longer appropriate here. We put Disk Queen. It turns out that the mother, herself a well-groomed, homely woman, takes care of her daughter and is proud of her, the Empress. She treats her daughter with respect, because she embodied all the unfulfilled dreams of her mother. Something that she was never able to accomplish in her life. The Queen of Disks is proud of her daughter, the Empress. After all, she surpassed her!

Of the established relationship between mother and daughter, naturally, the mother-in-law's attitude towards Alexei also changes. Here we save the element of Water, we just change the already inappropriate 8 bowls to Queen of Cups. Here we have almost equated the attitude of the mother-in-law to the son-in-law, with her attitude to the daughter. Every Queen is a mother. That is, she has a maternal relationship with her son-in-law. But there is a pitfall for Alexei here. The Queen of Cups is the Queen of Reflection. Therefore, how Alexei will treat his mother-in-law, then in response to him it will be reflected. (You have to pay for everything!).

It makes no sense to change a pair of disks. Actually, like the first two positions. It is what it is. You can’t change a man and he will walk until he himself considers it necessary to stop. That is his nature. But the actions of the mother-in-law regarding the married couple have changed dramatically. Taking into account the previously changed positions, we also change the XX Eon to the Major Arcana. But already on XIV Art. Our mother-in-law openly declares to the married couple that they are made for each other, that they are literally "husband and wife - one Satan." And secretly (we leave The princess of swords) grant her the right to destroy any threat to her daughter's marriage to her beloved son-in-law. Let the son-in-law walk, since he cannot live without it, but if any of the mistresses encroach on his marriage, the mother-in-law will immediately intervene and destroy her plans.

And now, in fact, advice to Alexei. Naturally, the previous advice and outcome are no longer relevant. Alexey wants stability, a stable, strong relationship with his mother-in-law. And we put instead of the Princess of Wands - 9 disks. Exactly her, and no less. You have to pay for everything. And let him almost literally take his mother-in-law to support. Cool, yeah? Not at all.

Firstly, the mother-in-law, being the Queen of Reflection to him, will reflect to him his attitude towards her beloved daughter. Secondly, she may really like it if her son-in-law, at least occasionally, clogs her refrigerator with food. Or pay utility bills, or throw up expensive cosmetics (after all, she is the Queen of disks), or send her to a sanatorium.

Yes, for such an attitude, the mother-in-law, like the true Queen of Cups, will pay Alexei a hundredfold! Not only will she not reproach him for his intemperance towards the female sex, but she will also stand up for him before her daughter. Anyone who informs her that her son-in-law is walking will scratch out his eyes. In short, in the final, the mother-in-law will literally pray for her beloved son-in-law - we put the final card XIX Sun.

As you can see, the intervention in the energy of the family was minimal. Everything remained in its place. We just changed the mother-in-law's attitude to the situation. We didn't hurt anyone, we didn't upset the balance. In short, everything is in chocolate!


Those who are fond of esotericism have probably heard of such a concept as a "mandala". This word is usually used to refer to a magical drawing made from certain geometric shapes, usually strictly symmetrical in outline. It is used for meditation and changing reality. But few people know that there is also a special Tarot mandala. About what it is, we will now talk with you.

What is a tarot mandala?

If the usual mandala for meditation consists of geometric shapes of different colors, then it is easy to guess that the Tarot mandala is a magical drawing in which Tarot cards are used instead of geometric shapes. Sometimes it's just one card, repeated many times in a pattern, and sometimes it's a whole set of Arcana. There are mandalas, for which two decks are used at once.

But the main elements of the Tarot mandala are a square, a triangle, a circle, i.e. strict geometric shapes.

Working with mandalas is as follows: a person relaxes as much as possible, enters a state, as in meditation, and begins to peer closely at the mandala drawing, concentrating on colors, figures and other elements of a magical picture. With the help of this exercise, he interacts with the energy inherent in the drawing, and it begins to influence his life. Regular practice with a tarot card based mandala can bring about the desired changes.

With the help of mandalas, you can attract happiness, success, wealth, and also correct your life situation. In order to change your reality, you can use ready-made mandalas created for specific situations, or you can create your own magical drawings.

Mandala Tarot for money from the Ace of Pentacles deck Magic Tarot golden dawn

To make it clearer for you, we will give some examples. Here, for example, is the Tarot mandala for money, wealth and material well-being, created from the Ace of Pentacles of the Golden Dawn Magic Tarot deck.

Tarot Mandala for Love from the Ace of Cups deck Magical Tarot of the Golden Dawn

And here is a mandala made from the Ace of Cups from the same deck. It helps to attract love, sincere feelings into a person’s life, and helps to accelerate the meeting with your true soulmate.

Universal Tarot Mandala from four aces Golden Dawn Magical Tarot decks

And this is a universal Tarot mandala, created from four Aces. Aces always mean a source of energy, so we can say that meditation on this drawing will help a person go through life in the right way, avoid mistakes.

Modeling the future with mandala construction

A tarot reader can change future events by unfolding a mandala from a Tarot deck. This happens as follows: a certain alignment is created, made in the form of a magical drawing, and then after a thorough analysis of it, the master swaps some cards. But you can change cards only according to strictly defined rules, and not arbitrarily.

The Tarot Mandala for modeling the future is a very complex ritual that beginners will not be able to cope with. Therefore, we will only briefly talk about it, and if you are interested in this topic, you can learn more about it after reading the specialized literature.

There are several types of mandalas that are used to change future events, the most popular is the correction called "Cross". This mandala can be built on any area of ​​life - relationships, career, wish fulfillment, travel, etc.

To begin with, 56 Minor Arcana and one blank card are taken. Further, the directions of the world are determined, on each of which Aces are placed: to the East -, to the West - the Ace of Pentacles, to the South -, to the North -. A blank card must be placed in the center. Further, the Minor Arcana are laid out in clockwise order, starting from the East: first twos, then threes, then fours, etc. up to kings, while all suits should be strictly above "their" aces: pentacles - in the West, cups - in the South, wands - in the North, swords - in the East.

Next, the tarot reader determines the key cut - i.e. those cards that correspond to the hour of the day at which the unfolding of the mandala ended. In this case, the first cards (aces) mean the first hour of the day, the second (twos) - the second, etc. Since there are only fourteen cards in each direction, and there are 24 hours in a day, the fifteenth hour corresponds to tens, the sixteenth to nines, and so on down to Ace, which will symbolize the last hour of the day. As a result, it turns out that each court card is responsible for one hour, and each numerical card for two. The key cut is movable, i.e. its Master can move.

The next step in building a Tarot mandala for modeling the future is the introduction of the Major Arcana. The tarot reader takes the Major Arcana of the deck with his back to himself and, pulling them out randomly, lays out three more circles with them, starting from the East in a clockwise direction. Arcana, not included in the mandala, are put aside in a separate pile. The three slices that we got - the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth, cannot be moved during modeling, they are not movable.

  • The key (moving) cut can be rotated one, two or three steps clockwise
  • Moving slice cards can be exchanged for any other slices, including Major Arcana slices, without moving cards from one pile to another
  • Any card in the key slice can be swapped with the card in the center
  • If during the simulation a clean card gets into the movable slice, it can be changed to any Major Arcana of those that were not involved in the scenario
  • Moving slice cards can be turned over, but only everything is done at once: straight lines become inverted, or vice versa

Thus, working with the Tarot mandala, the master seems to turn the wheel of life, changing the course of events. But it is important to remember that there are many nuances when working with modeling, so you can start practicing only after you have thoroughly studied the specialized literature.

Tarot mandala for correcting a life situation

Another way to correct fate is a mandala according to the Tree of Sephiroth. Before building a Tarot mandala, you need to go through a cleansing meditation: for three days, do not eat heavy food, do not take alcohol, and avoid emotional overstrain. To build a magical drawing, we use two decks - one will show the state of your affairs on this moment time, and the second - corrects the events in the way we need. As a corrective, it is better to take a deck that is soft in energy, for example, Osho Zen Tarot.

We begin the ritual by working with deck correction. We divide it into six parts: separately the Major Arcana, separately - Court cards, and four stacks corresponding to the suits. Court cards are not involved in the work, so we put the stack with them aside, and the rest of the cards are laid out as follows: in the center we put the stack of CA face up so that the first card is , and after it all the other CAs in numerical order. Above should be a stack of wands, also laid out from Ace to Ten, on the left (from the side of the heart) - a stack of cups / bowls, on the right - swords, below - pentacles.

Now we take the main deck, which will show the state of your affairs, divide it into the same piles (CA, court cards and number cards by suit) and lay out the Tarot mandala with it as follows: we simply remove the pile of court cards, Major Arcana, folded in natural in numerical order, we put in a pile under a similar pile with the SA of the corrective deck, and mix the remaining forty numbered cards, thinking about our life at the moment, and then we begin to lay out the cards in the form of the Kabbalistic Sephiroth Tree - there should be ten cards in each branch, lay them out one by one on the map - one in the direction of the Wands (up), the next - in the direction of Cups (to the left), then - Swords (to the right), then - Pentacles (down).

Now we carefully analyze what we have done. The stack of Wands (upper part) is responsible for your personal activity, creativity, sexuality, energy, communication in society. Cups (left side) are your feelings, sensations, experiences, emotions. Swords (right stack) - your intellect, mental activity, and Pentacles (bottom stack) - finances, financial situation, work.

It is important to analyze each card in the Tarot mandala in order to understand how favorable it is, or vice versa, negative. And now we begin the most interesting: we take stacks of corrective cards and with their help we neutralize, strengthen or weaken those cards that we have dropped out. You can take only those cards that correspond to the suits: for example, to correct the area of ​​feelings, we take only a stack of cups of the correcting deck, to change the material area, we use only a corrective stack of pentacles, etc.

To make it clearer, let's take a simple example: in the direction of the cups, we have a drop: to weaken its influence, we will put it on top of this card from the corrective deck: thus cruelty and failure will turn for us to search for a new path. To strengthen, for example, the one in the stack of Pentacles, we will put it on top of the corrective deck, thereby making our success permanent. The main thing is to understand how to correctly decompose the adjustment layer, because we have only ten dropped cards and ten of those with which you can correct this area. All cards must participate in the layout, so before laying them out, think carefully about what and how you want to change.

As a result, your Tarot mandala should look like the one shown in the picture.

As you can see, with the help of Tarot cards, you can not only predict the future and analyze the past, but also change your present.

Simulation of the future is another way of using tarot cards that has something in common with divination and yet is fundamentally different. The main difference is that the fortuneteller - it is more correct to call him a sorcerer in this case, and further I use this very word - does not stop the wheel of chance, but turns it. He uses the power of intent from the divinatory instrument, which is associated with the first fire of Life, along with the power of the seventh type, which belongs to him personally. As a result of his ritual actions, tendencies are created for events to develop in a certain way. If something does not suit the sorcerer, he can make "another move", trying to correct what was done earlier, to introduce a new impulse.

As with divination, the modeling sorcerer uses special items that belong to him. In this case, they are usually more numerous. The sorcerer has many items of power that allow him to act in a variety of situations. The Tarot deck is the main such item for the modeler using it. With its help, a mandala is drawn up, depicting the world in which the sorcerer operates.

The activity of a sorcerer is not a kind of clairvoyance. This does not mean that the cards in the modeling procedures are not required to have a power of the fourth type. It is required because the cards are supposed to symbolize the elements of the Cosmos. But they must also possess the power of the first type.

Modeling the future differs from divination in a number of ways. Firstly, the sorcerer does not have to be alone during the performance of the ritual. Conversely, group modeling is more likely to succeed. Secondly, the sorcerer acts purposefully, not blindly, not in detachment from the questioner (which is often himself). Thirdly, the course of events can be repeatedly influenced by modeling, and new actions can change the course caused by previous actions. Another important feature is that the sorcerer can act on his own initiative, that is, the questioner in usual meaning this word may not exist. The object, of course, is always some person, who, however, may not know that his future is being influenced by the sorcerer.

Modeling can affect some separate area of ​​the life of the object of modeling or its entire life. Accordingly, I call it partial or total. The task of modeling, its type, determines which mandala to choose and what acting forces should be involved.

A mandala is a symbolic picture made up of typical elements, as if from a constructor, having a circular shape and, as a rule, a certain symmetry. One or more decks of the Minor Arcana can serve as a constructor. The cards of the Minor Arcana are laid out according to a certain method, forming, symbolically, the world. In this world, the object of modeling is fixed, depicted by one of the curly cards. The object can be a whole group of people, but here I will not consider this complex case. It does not matter in principle whether the object is the sorcerer himself, or the questioner who came to him, or a person who does not know what the object is. I will speak in all cases simply about the object of modeling, without specifying.

The design of the mandala depends: 1) on whether the modeling is group or the sorcerer acts alone; 2) from the modeling task.

A classic example of a group modeling mandala is the checkerboard. Previously, four people played chess, more precisely, shatranj. In fact, four sorcerers, each representing one of the elements, modeled the course of a war or some kind of cooperation. This is very ancient way modeling. Now knowledge about it is almost completely lost. However, the chess game in its modern form continues to be the number one intellectual game, striking with its depth and variety of game situations. Other games on the chessboard arose later and have nothing to do with modeling the future.

Another example of a group modeling mandala is the famous Stonehenge, a giant stone structure of the ancients in the southwest of England. Later, this building was used for religious ceremonies, but at first it was a mandala, with the help of which truly initiated Druids influenced the fate of their nation.

Here I will only talk about individual modeling in order to correct fate. This is a very complex topic. A lot of things cannot be revealed. I will confine myself to methods directly related to the methods of divination already cited above. They are primitive, but nevertheless can be used at a certain level.

Modeling methods. Examples.

The simplest example is the "Cross" correction. Let the task be set as follows: to influence the course of events, the question of which could be studied by a fortuneteller using the "Cross" method. These can be events related to home, family, marriage, childbirth, career, implementation of plans, commercial activities, travel, some meetings, lawsuits, health, and so on. In any case, the modeling begins with the construction of a fundamental mandala from the Tarot deck, which includes 56 Minor Arcana and a blank card. Unfolding in this case begins from the East - this is the general principle of building a mandala. The ace of swords is placed in the East. Then, clockwise, they are laid out: to the South - the ace of cups, to the West - the ace of coins, to the North - the ace of wands. After that, a blank card is placed in the center. Then sequentially, clockwise, starting from the East, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, nines, pages, knights, ladies, kings are decomposed into thirteen circles. At the same time, swords are placed in the East, cups in the South, coins in the West, wands in the North. Then a key slice is determined - one of fourteen. The meaning of the slices in this case is different from the one they have in the "Cup of Fate". The first slice is the first hour of the day, the second slice is the second hour of the day, and so on up to the fourteenth slice. The fifteenth hour of the day corresponds to the tenth slice, the sixteenth to the ninth, and so on in descending order of slices, the last hour is the first slice. Thus, each score card encodes two hours, each figurine card encodes one hour. The key or moving cut is always the one that corresponds to the hour of the day when the unfolding of the fundamental mandala is completed. Having determined it, you need to take a deck of Major Arcana and lay out three circles of cards on top of the mandala, all in the same order: East, then South, West and North. The resulting three slices - the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth - are not mobile at any hour of the day. When laying out the Major Arcana, the cards that appear in the layout turn out to be random, since they are not chosen by the sorcerer, but are taken from the deck at random. They may turn upside down, while all cards of the fundamental mandala are in their normal position. Random cards of the Major Arcana correspond to the "moment factor", external forces that were initially active. The remaining cards of the Major Arcana, not included in the calculation, are set aside separately. This is a reserve of strength.

Generally speaking, the unfolding of the fundamental mandala must be accompanied by a certain ritual. It is needed to establish a strong connection between the cards and the sorcerer. I will talk about the requirements of the ritual later.

The upper (seventeenth) section of the calculation and the map in the center are the "current answer" to the question. Being in the center of a blank map suggests that there is no definitive answer and that the wheel of chance has not stopped. Further, a blank card may disappear from the center, but this will not mean that the answer has been received and cannot be changed. It's just that at this point the "current answer" will become more specific. The purpose of the modeling transformations of the calculation performed by the sorcerer is to obtain a "current answer" that satisfies him. It is important that even in its final form it is not a prediction, as in divination, but only shows the trends in the course of events in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife of interest.

After the end of the calculation, you can make the first move, that is, the first transformation. Five types of transformations are allowed.

1. The movable slice can be rotated clockwise by one step, two steps or three steps. For example, if you turn it one step, then a map comes to the East from the North, to the South - from the East, to the West - from the South, to the North - from the West.

2. A movable slice can be exchanged for any other slice (without shifting cards from one pile to another pile), including the fifteenth, sixteenth or seventeenth.

3. Any movable slice card can be exchanged for a card lying in the center of the display.

4. If there is a clear card in the moving cut, it can be exchanged for any Major Arcana from among those not originally included in the calculation. Thus, it is possible to enter (only once during the entire time of modeling, as it is easy to understand) the thirteenth Major Arcana into the calculation. The secret meaning of the number 13 is just a breakthrough into the fate of a new force, originally hidden, the emergence of a fundamentally new opportunity.

5. All moving cut cards can be turned over. In this case, the cards that were in the usual position will become inverted, and the previously inverted ones will return to their normal position. This happens simultaneously with all slice maps.

Each transformation defines some obligation of the sorcerer. This means that the sorcerer must make this move in life. In carrying it out, he actually realizes (with the help of the cards associated with him) that turn of the wheel of chance, which the cards prescribed. What kind of move should be made in life is determined by the interpretation of the transformation. Now I will explain it.

With each transformation, two cards are key. One of them is called advancing or ascending, the other - leaving or setting. If a turn is made, the advancing card is the card that, as a result of the turn, fell into that pile of cards that is considered the most significant, based on the type of question. So, if we are talking about a house, a family, then we need to look to the South, if it is about marriage - to the West, about marriage - to the South, about the birth of a child - to the East, about a career, the implementation of plans - to the North, about meetings - to the West or to the South (depending on whether these are business meetings or meetings for pleasure; but if it is a question of a man meeting his mistress and having sex, you need to look to the West, not to the South, but if sex is not supposed, a stack of the South is essential), if about litigation, then to the East, about health - also to the East. The outgoing card is the one that left the essential pile. If a movable slice is exchanged for another slice, the card of the movable slice of the essential pile will go out, and the one that fell in its place will be incoming. If the card in the center changes, then it is advancing, and the card of the moving cut, to which it changes, is outgoing. Thus, the concepts "incoming card" and "outgoing card" reflect changes in the key slice, and not in the upper slice of the calculation, that is, not in the "current response". When a clean card enters one of the cardinal piles, it neutralizes all cards in that pile that are lower than it. From now on, these cards have no meaning, their meaning is erased. They turn face down. In the future, they can not be placed in the "current answer". In other operations, they, generally speaking, can participate, but in such a way that such a card does not at any moment turn out to be advancing or leaving, since otherwise it will be impossible to interpret the transformation; it cannot also fall into the East at the key cut, for a reason which will be clear from what follows. It is clear that the presence of such cards complicates the operation of the calculation. Therefore, a blank card must be handled very carefully. From here it is also clear why it is better to lay out the fundamental mandala in the evening or at night - because then the key cut is low, which means that a smaller number of cards can be erased with a clean card when it needs to be used. Further, if an exchange of a blank card is made for any Major Arcana from among those not included in the calculation, this Major Arcana is the upcoming card, and the blank card is the outgoing one. If the cards of the movable slice are flipped, the incoming card will be inverted relative to its original position in a substantial pile, and the outgoing card will be the same card in its original position.

The prescription of the cards is interpreted precisely according to the upcoming and outgoing cards. This is reminiscent of the "Book of Changes", however, in this case, instead of eight trigrams, we have more cards, which can be, moreover, in different positions, normal or inverted. Here are some correspondences that can be used in interpreting the prescriptions of the cards. They are also useful in divination.

The time of day is symbolized by the value of the score cards: the ace is the first hour, the deuce is the second, and so on, as 14 slices represent time. The Major Arcana also show time, but less definitely: "Mag" - any time, "High Priestess" - night, "Empress" - morning, "Emperor" - day, "Hierophant" - evening, "Lovers" - night, "Warrior "- morning or afternoon, "Justice" - day, "Hermit" - evening, "Wheel of Fortune" - day, "Strength" - morning, "The Hanged Man" - evening, and also night, "Death" - night, "Temperance" - morning, "Devil" - indefinite time, "Tower" - too, "Star" - evening, "Moon" - night, "Sun" - day, "Judgment" - morning or evening, "Peace" - day, "Jester " - any time. The inverted position does not play a role.

Behavior at home, in the family is indicated by a combination of incoming and outgoing cards. If the Ace of Cups advances, the Two of Cups retreats, then the behavior should be conflict-free. Otherwise, it's easy to quarrel. When the "Hermit" comes, regardless of the situation, the house is a mess, one must behave changeably. And so on.

If we are talking about the birth of a child, then the black suit means a boy, the red one means a girl.

On the issue of marriage, the following can be said. When "Peace" comes, you need to make an offer, the same is true when the ace of cups comes. If an inverted "World" or the Ace of Cups comes, no offer is necessary. It is also necessary to refrain from offering when the "Moon" comes, in its usual position or inverted. The upcoming "Hierophant" recommends looking for another woman (another man), for a short time - the upcoming "Hermit", as well as the red eight. If the inverted "Hermit" comes, you must behave boldly, if the ace of coins - too, regardless of position. If the ace of coins in its usual position recedes, sexual aggressiveness should not be shown. With the advancing "Emperor" it is necessary to make a gift, with the retreating - stop making gifts. If the inverted "Emperor" advances, one must pretend to be unhappy, poor thing, but if he retreats, one must talk about bright prospects. The upcoming "Magician" - passivity. And so on. There are a lot of options.

On the subject of weather: a clear sky is indicated by an ace, a seven, and also a nine in the usual position, fog - a six or an inverted nine, clouds and a light wind - a two, a four, a strong wind - an eight, a storm, a thunderstorm - a five, snow - a ten, rain - threesome. Major Arcana can also talk about the weather: "Moon" - a gloomy sky, dark, "Sun" - a clear day, "Star" - a clearing of the sky, "Jester" in its usual position - rain, in an inverted position - the cessation of rain, "Peace" - sunny, "Magician" - to change the weather, "High Priestess" and "Death" - night, snow, cold, "Empress" - good morning, "Emperor" - thunderstorm, storm, "Tower" - hail, strong storm, " Hanged Man" - fog, "Wheel of Fortune" - wind, "Hermit" - also wind, flood, "Temperance" - sunrise, "Judgment" - morning or evening, coolness, dew, hoarfrost, "Hierophant" - uncertain weather, twilight , "Warrior" - a clear sky, "Lovers" - no sun is visible, "Strength" - dawn, "Devil" - storm, tornado, storm, flood, "Justice" - clear, but cold.

On the question of the cardinal points: two suits naturally determine one of the eight cardinal points.

On the question of movement and rest: movement is indicated by ace, three, five, eight, such cards as "Magician", "Hierophant", "Warrior", "Wheel of Fortune", "Tower", "Sun", "World", "Jester", peace is indicated by two, four, six, seven, ten, cards "High Priestess", "Empress", "Lovers", "Hermit", "Hanged Man", "Death", "Moon". Other cards do not speak on this issue.

On the issue of colors: ace - white, two - black, three - yellow, four - blue, five - orange, six - green, seven - blue, eight - purple, nine - white, ten - red; some of the Major Arcana also talk about color, for example, "Magician" means a colorful color, "High Priestess" - dark colors, as well as the color of gold, "Empress" - pink, lilac, green colors, "Emperor" - white color, but also the color of gold, "Hierophant" - brown, "Justice" - black and scarlet, "Wheel of Fortune" - white and gold, "Death" - black, "Devil" - red and so on.

Cards of the Major Arcana can denote family members: "Emperor", "Hierophant", "Hermit" - father, "Empress" - mother, "World" - youngest daughter, "Wheel of Fortune" - youngest son, "Sun" - brother and sister, "Strength" - daughter, "Magician" - son, "Justice" - also son. The card "High Priestess" can mean an aunt, "Death" - too, "Devil", in some cases, the youngest son, and "Emperor" - senior, and so on.

Very important correspondences exist between the cards and parts of the body. So, "Empress", "Emperor" - the head (in last case- crown), "Magician" - hands, "High Priestess" - lips, "Hierophant" - hair, "Lovers" - eyes, "Warrior" - shoulders, "Justice" - one eye, "Hermit" - hair, "Wheel Fortune" - the stomach, "Strength" - the chest, "The Hanged Man" - the throat and tongue, "Death" - the legs, "Moderation" - the back, "Devil" - anus, "Tower" - the neck, "Star" - the whole body, "Moon" - ears, "Sun" - arms and legs, "Court" - genitals, "Peace" - feet, "Jester" - nose. Minor Arcana cards can talk about body parts: ace - head, two - neck, three or knight - shoulders, page - legs, four - arms, but also eyes, five - chest, six - stomach, seven - hips and knees, eight - shins, nine - crown of the head, ten - nails, hair and genitals. These correspondences can be specified by other cards accompanying the interpreted card.

Of the animals, the Major Arcana correspond to: "Mag" - a cat, "High Priestess" - a swan, monkey, kite, cat (here the sex of the animal is important), "Empress" - an elephant, an owl, "Emperor" - an eagle, horse, "Hierophant" - mouse, also "Hermit" - a mouse, but also a fox, "Lovers" - fish, "Warrior" - a hawk, "Justice" - a falcon, "Wheel of Fortune" - an eagle, horse, mouse (in fact, this is a meeting of the "Emperor " and "Hierophant"), but also animals corresponding to the "High Priestess", "Strength" - a doe, a wolf, "The Hanged Man" - a bear, "Death" - animals corresponding to the "High Priestess", "Temperance" - a cow, " Devil" - a bull, as well as a dragon, "Tower" - animals corresponding to the "Emperor", "Star" - a she-wolf (gender is important again), a dog, "Moon" - a pig, deer, "Sun" - a lion, "Court" - a bear, a wolf, a cat, "Miru" - a cow, a lion, "Jester" - a horse, a frog. There are some other correspondences that I don't mention.

From precious stones diamond answers aces and "Jester", emerald - sixes and "The Hanged Man", ruby ​​- threes and "Empress", sapphire - sevens and "Justice", topaz - deuces and death, turquoise - nines and "Magu". There are other correspondences as well.

Of the plants, the Major Arcana correspond, for example, to "Magu" - reed, bamboo, "High Priestess" and "Death" - rose and lotus, as well as an apple tree, "Empress" - apple tree, cedar, onion, garlic, beets, cabbage, " Emperor" - oak, elm, "Hierophant" and "Hermit" - beans and thistles, "Lovers" - apple tree, "Warrior" - reeds, "Justice" - boxwood, "Wheel of Fortune" - beans, "Strength" - lily of the valley, "Hanged" - lily, acacia, mimosa, cypress, spruce, pine, poppy, grapes, birch, "Temperance" - snowdrop, "Devil" - algae, "Tower" - peas, "Star" - birch, pomegranate, "Moon "- hazel, "Sun" - birch, spruce, pine, "Sudu" - cypress, as well as plants corresponding to "Magu", "Peace" - sunflower, "Jester" - hazel.

On the question of geographical phenomena: the Emperor points to the mountain, the Empress points to the valley, the Hanged Man points to the cave, the hermit points to the well, the Sun, the Empress points to the forest, the devil points to the sea, the river - the world, on the bush - "Jester", on the ravines - "Strength", on the rocks - "The Hanged Man", on the lake - "The Hermit", "Hierophant", on the clearing in the forest - "Sun", on the spring - "Empress" , on the road - "Hierophant", "Hermit", "Jester", "Warrior", on the swamp - "High Priestess", on the waterfall - "Peace" and so on.

On the question of food: the card "Lovers" indicates the fish, the "Hierophant", "Emperor", and in many cases other cards indicate the bird, the "Devil" indicates the beef, the "Jester" indicates the pork, the "Hermit" indicates the beans "and "Hierophant", for peas - "Tower", for nuts - "Jester", "Moon", for onions, garlic, many vegetables, bread - "Empress", on vegetable oil- "Mir", for hot spices - "Hermit", "Hierophant", and so on.

After fulfilling the prescription, the sorcerer can make the following transformation of the calculation. The hour when it must be done is indicated by a card lying in a key cut in Vostak.

I'll give you an example. Let the task of modeling be the achievement of wealth as a result of commercial activity. At midnight the fundamental mandala was laid out. The first circle of the Major Arcana - "Emperor" (inverted), "Devil", "Hierophant", "Death" (inverted). The second circle - "Tower", "Moon", "Jester", "The Hanged Man" (inverted). Upper, third circle - "Lovers", "Moderation", "Peace", "Star". Thus, the key cut is the first, essential stack - the West.

While the cards say the following. At present, the object of modeling is in a state of bright hopes for soon happiness and well-being and is somewhat frivolous about the matter. He is probably hindered by his own indefinite position. He can never find his way. The Star card shows that the subject's hopes play a key role in the subject's actions. "Moderation" says that it's time to make up your mind, "send to hell" everything that binds, interferes, be more selfish, be guided by your own interests, and not the desires of others. It is clear that this alignment is not very good when it comes to business, and its improvement should be associated with: 1) placing the "World" card in the center; 2) by placing a suitable card in the North, for example, "Magician". It is also necessary to pull out an ace of coins in the "current answer" to the West. Here's how to proceed.

1. Change the first and upper sections. The upcoming card is "World", the outgoing card is the ace of coins. There are many ways to interpret this injunction. For example, you can go to the river or, even better, to the waterfall and wait for the first hour of the day to expire (this will symbolize that the ace of coins is gone). However, in this case it will not be taken into account that the ace refers specifically to the suit of coins. Therefore, the following simple interpretation is proposed: take a coin, bury it and pour sunflower oil on it (approximately this is how Pinocchio began to act, wanting to get rich). In this case, sunflower oil symbolizes the "World" card.

It seems that this action has nothing to do with the task, that it is just stupidity. In a sense, this is true, and yet there is an inexplicable connection between the actions of the sorcerer and his goal. Castaneda uses the term "controlled stupidity" in his books. He is quite adequate. The point is that, realizing the inexplicability of the connection between the fulfillment of the instructions of the cards, manipulations with the calculation and influence on life events, the sorcerer still takes the cards seriously and does what is prescribed to him. You can usually understand what exactly is prescribed by the surrounding situation. I won't even give examples, because they are bound to be artificial.

2. At night (because "Lovers" in the East indicate night) we change the "World" card to a blank card lying in the center. A clean card is advancing, "Mir" is retreating.

3. At night, we change a clean card to "Magician", taking it from among those set aside.

4. At night, turn the movable slice three steps clockwise. The advancing card is "Temperance", the retreating card is "Mage".

5. In the evening, because in the East there is a "Star" in the moving section, we replace the "World" with the "Magician". I will give a possible interpretation: take a pose in which the feet are placed on the hands.

6. In the evening we change the first and upper sections. Ace of coins comes, "Moderation" leaves.

7. In the first hour of the day, since the ace of swords is in the East, we change the ace of wands to "Magician". The Ace of Wands leaves, the "Mag" comes.

8. In the first hour of the day, we change the first and upper sections. "Moderation" comes, the ace of coins leaves.

9. In the evening we replace the Ace of Wands with "Peace". At the same time, the "Peace" leaves, the ace of wands comes. I want to emphasize that controlled stupidity will not be effective if the sorcerer does not have power. On the other hand, if practiced systematically, the strength increases. As a result, the desired layout is achieved. However, finding the ace of swords in the East is extremely unfavorable. Here he speaks of destructive external forces that oppose the commercial endeavors of the modeled object. It should be transferred to the South, which can be done in five moves. We continue modeling.

10. In the evening we change the first and upper sections. Again "Temperance" leaves, the ace of coins comes.

11. At the first hour of the day, because in the East there is an ace of swords in the moving section, we change the ace of swords to "Peace". Thus the "Peace" advances, the ace of swords departs.

12. In the daytime, swap the Ace of Cups and the Ace of Swords.

13. In the daytime, change the ace of cups to "World". The Ace of Cups comes, the "Peace" goes.

14. Finally, in the first hour of the day, we change the first and upper sections. Now "Moderation" comes, the ace of coins leaves.

The result is the layout shown in the figure.

Interpretation: the object of modeling is currently busy improving his financial situation and is ready to implement new projects, although he is hindered by being drawn into a romantic life, a love interest. However, judging by the "Magician" card, he is in control of the situation, he knows how to conduct his affairs. He needs to act effectively, not being afraid to use coercion (ace of swords in the South), not sparing opponents. He will succeed - after all, "Mir" is in the central position, denoting the result.

One more example. The task of modeling is to make the journey of the object of modeling to the east favorable. The time of unfolding the fundamental mandala is the third hour of the day. It is chosen because the three is associated with movement in some direction. Essential stack - North, key cut - top. The cards of the Major Arcana lay down sequentially as follows: "Warrior", "Court" (inverted), "Power", "Sun" (inverted), "Justice", "Hermit", "Lovers", "High Priestess" (inverted), " Mage", "Wheel of Fortune", "Temperance".

The "current answer" can be read as follows: the object of the simulation wants to "shake it up", change the situation, for which he goes on a trip, but this is prevented by family disagreements. Apparently, the family does not approve of the idea of ​​​​going on a trip. By the way, the card "Temperance" is very appropriate - because it is associated with the East, because it depicts the Dawn. It's good that she's in the North. The card "Magician" shows that everything is in the hands of the subject, and that he needs to negotiate in the family. In order to improve the forecast, it is necessary to correct the position of the "Empress" card and, be sure to maintain "Moderation" in the North, South or West, enter into the calculation such a card as "Warrior", or the card "Jester" - after all, both of them are associated with a successful journey. "Magician" and "Wheel of Fortune" are not essential for success. Of the triples, the appearance of a triple of wands or cups in the "current answer" is acceptable, nothing will add a triple of swords and coins.

At the first stage, you need to enter the "Jester" into the calculation. To do this, we do this.

1. Change the third and upper sections. The time is the third hour of the day. Three of Wands leaves, "Moderation" comes. Controlled foolishness may consist, for example, in strangling a rooster (symbolizing the three of wands) with a pink scarf (this is the symbol of "Temperance").

2. Replace the blank card with "Moderation". Time is morning (the inversion of the "Empress" does not play a role)

3. In the morning, we replace a clean card with an inverted "Jester". It is important that it must be taken from the pile of cards set aside in an inverted form.

4. Change the position of the cards in the moving section. Time is morning. Now both "Jester" and "Empress" are in the usual position. To enter the "Warrior" into the "current response", three more operations must be performed.

5. Change the third and fifteenth sections. Time is morning. "Jester" leaves, "Sun" (inverted) comes.

6. Change the third and upper cut. Time - morning or afternoon. The Three of Wands comes, the inverted "Sun" leaves.

7. At the third hour of the day, we change the third and fifteenth sections. Three of Wands leaves, "Jester" comes. Now we need to construct the top slice, which will contain the "Warrior", "Temperance", "Jester" and "Empress". Some card will appear as a side effect.

8. In the morning we turn the movable cut one position. "Empress" is advancing, "Jester" is leaving.

9. At any time, change "Moderation" to "Wheel of Fortune".

10. At any time, change the third and upper sections. Now the "Empress" is leaving, the "Sun" (inverted) is coming.

11. Change "Wheel of Fortune" to "Warrior". Time - day or morning. "Wheel of Fortune" is coming, "Warrior" is leaving.

As a result, the current answer shown in the figure is formed.

Interpretation: the object is preparing for a journey with undefined purposes, it is not yet ready (inverted "Magician" in the East), but this is a temporary obstacle. "Empress" in the North indicates that there is consent from the subject's family. "Temperance" in the South, that is, as an answer to the question means "East." The cards suggest heading east. "Warrior" in the center of the display means that the journey will take place and will be successful.

As already mentioned, the unfolding of the fundamental mandala must be accompanied by the performance of a certain ritual. Its essential element is the presentation on each of the fourteen circles of unfolding the corresponding object of force. The sorcerer takes it in his hands, shakes it like a weapon, and says: "I have such and such." This may be accompanied by ritual singing.

On the first round, when aces are laid out, the most important object of the sorcerer's power is presented. Every sorcerer has such an item. It depends on the fire of Life to which the sorcerer belongs. Of course, there is no unambiguity here, but I will still give some options.

For the second fire of Life, the object of power can be, for example, a double-edged ax or a mirror. The first case is male, the second is female, that is, if the sorcerer is a man, he can have an ax, if a woman, then a mirror.

For the third fire of Life, a typical object of power is a bow and arrows.

For the fourth fire of Life - a hook, a hook made of iron, a bracelet with spikes. Bone items can also be effective power items in this case.

For the fifth fire of Life, a typical object is a wooden stick.

For the sixth fire of Life - a bell, a cap, a hammer.

For the seventh fire of Life, a glass or crystal ball.

On the second round, when deuces are laid out, some piece of clothing, jewelry is presented. Here also there is dependence on the fire of Life. For the second fire, any jewelry made of gold, jade is suitable. For the third fire - a belt. For the fourth - a necklace. For the fifth - shoes, shoes. For the sixth - a ring, headband or ribbon. For the seventh - a mask. Of course, other options are also possible.

On the third round, for example, a skin or a fang of an animal is presented.

On the fourth circle - a piece of glass, a pipe.

On the fifth circle - crown, hatchet, club.

On the sixth circle - a fir cone.

On the seventh circle - a knife, a sword.

On the eighth circle - a brush, a broom.

On the ninth circle - a bird feather.

On the tenth circle - a needle.

On the eleventh circle, when laying out the pages, the presentation of some kind of children's toy (doll, ball, etc.), as well as coins, shoes, is suitable.

On the twelfth circle, when laying out the knights, it is suitable to present a sword, a knife (if they have not yet been presented), a cloak, a ring, a medallion, and the like.

On the thirteenth round, when the ladies are laid out, for example, a scarf, a glove, some dishes are presented.

On the fourteenth circle, when laying out the kings, a metal stick, a staff with a knob, and a headdress are presented.

When unfolding, it is necessary to observe the cardinal directions.

Some additional details of the ritual may be due to the season, hour of the day, lunar or solar day, weather, and so on. If the sorcerer belongs to the fourth fire of Life, he is recommended to chant all the words, if the second fire, it is recommended to burn incense. All details cannot be described in advance.

A much more complicated case is the correction of the Chalice of Destiny. The fundamental mandala is built like this. The Minor Arcana are taken without a blank card and laid out in 14 circles around the cardinal points, as is done with the correction of the "Cross". Now the key slice is determined by the hour in which the unfolding is completed. After that, two decks of the Major Arcana are taken with clean cards. The two blank cards are placed as the bottom cards of the Share and the Undercard. Another 13 circles of unfolding are carried out according to the "Share-Undoly" rule. There are still 18 cards left. They are laid out in three circles according to the usual method of the "Cup of Fate". As a result, a layout of 17 slices is formed. The following transformations are considered valid:

1. Rotation of four maps of the key slice lying on the cardinal points (as in the "Cross" correction).

2. Replacement in the key slice of the Share map with the Nedol map. In this case, it is considered that the Nedol card is outgoing, and the Share card is incoming.

3. Turning over all cards in the key cut, including the cards of the Share and the Nedol.

4. Replacing cards of a key slice with cards of another slice, but only in piles corresponding to cardinal points.

5. Replacing any card of the key cut, lying on one of the cardinal points, with any of the cards of the Share or Nedol, except for the clean one. In this case, the card of the key cut is outgoing, the card of Share or Nedol is incoming.

When the transformation is done, the "current answer" is considered to be the totality of the top thirteen layers of the calculation. It does not contain an excluded card. Formally, it is considered that a clean card is excluded.

I will not give any example, since its analysis would be very complex and lengthy. I mentioned the possibility of correcting the "Cup of Destiny" only for the sake of completeness.

As can be seen from the way the cards are manipulated in modeling, the sorcerer can never change one thing without affecting something else. When he makes a layout transformation, the position of several cards changes at once. This is the principle of universal interconnection: if you change something, the rest will change. To foresee all the side effects of modeling is the task of the sorcerer.

Additional Information

There are methods for correcting fate that are associated with Tarot cards, but do not require unfolding the mandala and manipulating the layout. Generally speaking, in this case, the maps themselves may not be present during the simulation. The really effective methods belonging to this group were developed by schools under the influence of the Pleiades. We are talking about modeling with the help, figuratively speaking, evocation of spirits. The spirits, or more precisely, the forces of influence on the future, leave the body of the sorcerer and must then be taken back. They are always present in the human body, because man is a microcosm, a miniature likeness of the Universe. All Thrones are contained in man, and they can act in outside world, being released. On a case-by-case basis, the sorcerer must decide which spirit is to be released according to the modeling task.

If we are talking about establishing happiness at home, in the family, then the Queen of the Earth is called, for she is the Pipe of Peace.

If it is necessary to organize a love meeting, to settle the matter between lovers, the Great Master is required, because he is the Cat-golden tail, the great pimp. The Grand Master is also called if it is necessary to make a deal, establish an alliance, and negotiate.

For marriage, especially by calculation, Raven is more suitable.

To win in battle, to gain strength, you need the Fire Prince.

To perform difficult work - the younger brother of the Master of the Sky, denoted by the card "Devil". It must be said that this power is universal in nature and can be successfully applied in almost all cases, but it always requires the sorcerer to pay for the work.

To achieve success in business, the Great Master or the Month is called, depending on the clarifying circumstances, denoted in this case by the card "Court".

When it comes to recovery from illness, the Queen of the Earth, or, more rarely, the sister of the Moon, indicated by the Star card, is suitable. The Sister of the Month is not suitable when it comes to recovering from an illness associated with an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to cause a disease, Koroveva Raya is needed. Also suitable is the Fire Prince.

For successful learning of something, the Master of the Sky is called. It is also activated when there is an intention to receive a gift.

And so on. The general method is this. At the right time (the day of the week, the hour of the day, etc. is chosen), the sorcerer, armed with objects of power that protect him from side effects, and also, sometimes, having a corked bottle or flask, begins to meditate. As a result, at some point, his body is ready to release the necessary force. Symbolically, this release is expressed by uncorking a bottle or flask. When the sorcerer needs to take the power back into himself, he meditates again, and at the right moment closes the bottle or flask.

For successful meditation, natural phenomena, certain sounds that the sorcerer makes, ritual movements, and so on are often used. Tarot cards can also be used.

In conclusion, I will answer some fairly frequently asked questions.

Question : How to choose a significator for a group of people, for example, for a nation, or for a state?

Answer : general rule does not exist. It is necessary to proceed from the gender of people, their age, their type of activity. Sometimes the number of people in the group determines the answer. As for nations and states, today we should correlate England with the King of Coins, Japan with the Queen of Coins, Germany with the King of Swords, Russia with the Queen of Wands, the USA with the Knight of Swords, India with the Queen of Cups, countries such as France, Spain and Italy - with the Knight of Wands. Other correspondences are also known.

Question : How to make this or that object your object of power?

Answer : This is the individual task of the sorcerer. In each case, the solution is specific and unique. But the main thing is that it is necessary not to make an arbitrary object an object of force, but to find, to find exactly the object (even of a given kind) that is needed, that is, one that will become an object of force immediately.

Question A: There are many options to interpret the prescription cards in the simulation process. How to choose the right one, and what happens if you make a mistake in choosing an option?

Answer: In fact, there are always many signs around that point to the solution. The examples that I have given in this chapter are artificial, the interpretation here is only possible, but not at all obligatory. In practice, you need to look at what is happening around. Every unnatural detail of the situation has a hidden meaning. It allows you to choose an interpretation option. It is simply impossible to choose it in absentia. If you make a mistake in the choice, then the simulation may be inconclusive.

Question: Are there methods of modeling with the help of fate tablets?

Answer: Yes, they are. Pay attention to the fact: in the "Book of Changes" 64 hexagrams are interpreted, and the chessboard includes 64 fields.

Question: Is it possible to summon spirits with the help of mandala transformations?

Answer: If a regular tarot deck is used, no. The call is made only by the sorcerer himself from his body. However, card shuffling can play a role similar to that of the rosary, being used in meditation, and thus helping the sorcerer.

Question: Is it possible with the help of Tarot cards to determine the favorable moment to start this or that action?

Answer: Yes, you can. If the question is asked in an appropriate way, then, laying out, for example, "Cross", you can determine the time on the map located in the South. Cross cards can also show the direction of travel. Using the correspondences I have given, the color of something, the type of food, the sex of the person of interest, his nationality, age, and so on are also determined.

Question: How do tarot cards correspond to the chakras of the human body?

Answer: Energy centers, called chakras, are associated with the Thrones ambiguously. There is no unequivocal connection with the seven fires of Life. However, I can say that muladhara mainly corresponds to the Fire Prince, and therefore - to the "Justice" card, svadhisthana is associated mainly with the Queen of Paradise ("Death" and "High Priestess" cards), manipura - with the Queen of the Earth ( card "Empress"), anahata - with the Good Shooter ("Jester" card), vishuddha - with the Grand Master ("Magician" card), ajna - with the sister of the Moon ("Star" card), and not at all with the Moon, how can it would be thought based on the formal correspondence of Ajna and the Moon, and sahasrara - Thunder (card "Emperor").

Question: Do certain tarot cards indicate certain types of angels?

Answer: No, they don't. However, the Queen of Paradise was the creator of the alphas, so the card "High Priestess" indirectly points to the alphas. The Warrior card depicts the Tsarevich, one of the first three alphas, the other types of angels appeared later than the original Alpha Tarot deck was formed.

Question: The Major Arcana are Alfic runes, and the modern, if I may say so, runes (Scandinavian) known to us are the letters of a certain alphabet. Does this mean that the Major Arcana were the letters of some ancient alphabet?

Answer: No, they themselves were never letters of the alphabet. But they and the letters ancient alphabets ascending to alphas, and therefore Scandinavian runes there is a common basis - a system of twenty-five worlds. This question is interesting, and I will dwell on it in a little more detail. The worlds were designated by alphas and people in the second aeon by special signs, and this system of signs was also used as an alphabet. One of the worlds was answered by a pure rune, namely, the thirteenth, because this world, which is the central one in the system of worlds, is the world of the greatest unpredictability. This again shows the meaning of the number 13, especially significant in the fifth aeon, in which we live now. Through this number, the wind seems to be blowing towards us from the side of the upper worlds. This is the border for us, beyond which is the unknown, where we cannot yet rise. The rest of the worlds were answered by 24 letters. Tablets with these signs, including a clean rune, were used for divination. It is important that the system of twenty-five signs was complete, that is, it did not require a separate interpretation of the inverted signs. Similarly, the "Book of Changes" is full - inverted hexagrams are always hexagrams again, having their own independent interpretation. The system of the Major Arcana is not like that - the inverted Arcana is no longer among the Major Arcana. The technique of fortune-telling with the help of the signs of the worlds is Alfic, and it is related to the technique set forth in this book, but the Major Arcana can be considered illustrations of the signs of the worlds, while unequivocally unrelated to them.

The best way to predict your future is to create it yourself.

Peter Drucker

With the help of the Lenormand deck, you can model your future in the desired direction. This technique is called - card magic. It works partly, and perhaps precisely because our subconscious mind “thinks” with pictures, symbols, and building the right combination, actively mentally modeling the situation in the process of selecting the right cards, you give a signal to your subconscious mind to shape events around you in a certain way, this method is especially good for those who like to interrupt the desired signal with their horror stories that nothing will work out, or when one thing is consciously declared, and subconsciously a person actively draws pictures of the Apocalypse.

With simulation, you can program yourself for the best outcome of events, You begin to think about how best to act, calculate the steps in the right direction, change. The modeling process tunes in to the wave without interference! This method is also called future design or intention harmonization.

He switched to the Lenormand system from Tarot Magic, of course. in Tarot there are strong multifaceted archetypes, but this is also their complexity, in Lenormand, thanks to concise, intuitive symbols much easier to design your future.

Each Lenormand card, as well as the tarot arcana, carries its energy, which can be used for magical influence. For example, sun card carries the energies of success, and also it pulls out into the light what is not manifested, it can be used when required reveal the truth; Clover carries the energy of good luck, success, the ability to turn the wheel of Fortune in the right direction, it also gives protection and patronage to higher powers, because. associated with the Christian egregor, but works much softer and more pleasant than the card Cross; map Fish connected to the egregor of financial well-being and abundance, it can be used as a symbol of the money channel.

Using the modeling technique you can attract the necessary energies into your life money, health, success, influence the events around you, the relationship with people, neutralize conflicts, cause sympathy, you can influence the mood of a person and his attitude to certain situations, as well as level out negative impacts- damage, evil eye, envy, love spell.

Any maps can be used for the process of modeling the situation, the main thing is know the specific energy of each of them. Sun we put as an activator; Anchor as anchoring and grounding; lilies can be put as a harmonizer; rider as an analogue of the gas pedal; a map of Horus as a brake, a map clouds to fill in the fog and hide something; Coffin as the completion of an unnecessary process so that it quickly vanishes into oblivion; card House you can stop the situation completely, this is a static map, even more than Mountain, because it is supposed to bypass or overcome; map Snake will help you safely get out of any situation, like a map Fox; negative rats successfully used with the intention of losing weight and getting rid of excess weight; Ring helps to achieve mutual understanding and agreement, leads to cooperation; storks And Ship give return; The scythe helps cut off the unnecessary, but be careful, this is a surgeon's scalpel, it will hurt.

I will talk more about the practical aspect of modeling in the next article " The practice of modeling on Lenormand maps».

Choosing a Lenormand deck for modeling

Any deck that you like is suitable for modeling, it is important that the images do not cause dissonance and rejection. When I lay out cards for modeling in a chain, layout or mandala, it is important for me direction of figures, who goes where or does not go, looks and what he does. For love - A man and a woman should look at each other when laying out; for a Child, for example, admission, it is better if the symbol on the map is directed towards the card, which symbolizes the place of admission, if the place is associated with education, then it is better that the Book is open, not closed. Compare 3 calculations:

The first layout is very positive in every character: the child is active and is heading towards the government house; The tower looks friendly, not abandoned, looks like a school or kindergarten and not to the place of confinement; The book is a symbol of learning, opened, in the deck of Lo Scarabeo the book is also turned with a closed spine to a child who has turned his back on school and safely continues to play with dolls. If such nuances are not important for you, then this moment can be omitted. I use those decks that are free at the moment, even if not all the symbols suit me, but in priority for modeling decks Lenormand Piatnik, Lenormand Mundi, Primal Lenormand and Mystical Lenormand.

Cards should visually please you, tune in the right way, so for money topics it is better to take a high-quality, elite deck, for marriage affairs - sensual and romantic, with well-drawn 28, 29, 25, 4, 24 cards. All in all deck drawings should easily reflect your desires. Therefore, I recommend choosing bright positive decks with a pleasant colors and pattern, color is generally used separately in magic.

It is better to buy a deck for all occasions at once Primal Lenormand(First Original Lenormand, Ur-Lenormand, Primal Lenormand), the cards are large, dense, of high quality, in a beautiful case, the drawings are simple sketchy with a minimum of details, the symbol is in its purest form, such cards as blank blanks are better suited for magic than richly painted with many minor extraneous details.

Correction and modeling - what's the difference?

Conventionally, I divide the impact on the future with the help of cards into 2 types:

  • Modeling- acts as a soft harmonization of the background, helps to resolve issues and fulfill desires;
  • Correction– more strong impact, usually carried out after the forecast showed a negative outcome for the Querent. Often used ritual objects(altar, candles, stones, runes, etc.).

When the mental flow and the general field of a person change, which, in fact, read the cards from the Querent. In general, even if, after a fortune-telling session with an unfavorable prognosis, a person himself thinks: “Why did I get such an answer? What am I doing wrong? How can I influence the situation, what steps can be taken? This alone will give progress, awareness in the process is very important, after this, a person’s behavior, his actions and, accordingly, his fate change. But a person does not always have enough awareness for a clean and uncomplicated analysis of his role in what is happening, it seems that everyone around is to blame, and he himself is white and poofy, and he wants correction without understanding too clearly what it actually is.

Before correction, it is desirable to make an alignment, which will show the result of such an impact, because not every situation can be intervened and prevent the natural course of events. In this case, the magician refuses to influence, because. ignore the answer given Higher Powers fraught. If the go-ahead is given, then the Querent should be ready to change and, possibly, bend itself, this process is quite uncomfortable, to say the least, old problems and caches with skeletons are often revealed, in general - this is such an active working out your karma for the sake of changing it, because the goal should be really important, and not easy to play around, and then think I needed it at all? You can’t quit halfway, it’s like getting up from the operating table in the middle of the operation and going home with the thought that it will heal and grow on its own. It is impossible to radically change the course of events in fate and not hurt the person himself, maybe someone had a similar experience, I don’t. Corrections sometimes have to be carried out in several stages and several times.

Modeling the future on maps is a gentle and not particularly energy-intensive way, it does not require lengthy preparations and is quite easy to use even for novice cartomaniacs. But, of course, you must know at least the basic meanings of the cards, try them out in practice, how exactly they are played with you, and have a deck that has been worked out by layouts. Sometimes they use a new and specially charged deck for magical operations, which they buy on a certain day, but I only use old decks for magic that have been worked out.

Separately, I will say about the perception of the cards - each master has his own unique developments, the meanings of the cards, which other masters may not have, or even they may contradict the classics, and then other people's developments according to the formulas will not work for you or will give the exact opposite result. The deck may resonate with you in a certain way, but how - you can only understand this with practice. That is why it is so important to have the experience of prediction.

Besides, every card has its shadow side, For example, Stars- these are not only brilliant prospects, but also illusory, daydreaming, detachment from reality, virtuality, distant fantasy projects. A favorable card Heart next to a negative card, it will not talk about love and pleasant feelings, but about strong feelings or even illness. Map Ring in addition to cooperation and marriage, it can mean running in a circle, obsession with the existing situation, and if a lonely girl puts out the wrong combination with the Ring in the hope of meeting her future husband, she can loop the state of her loneliness and search.

Practicing divination, you will master card combinations in pairs and triads and will be able to make successful “paths” to simulate the desired situation. I, for example, in modeling never use negative cards(Scythe, Coffin), except for the map Rats, and even then with great apprehension. But sometimes the Scourge card is used in combination with the Letter card as the desired signature on the document, and the Kos card for the quick sale of a house or car, in terms of the fact that the owner loses his property and receives money for it (+ Pisces card). For me it too risky combinations. Of course, this does not apply to questions about blocking, disassembly and other witchcraft. But complex issues cannot be solved by modeling, it is better to master the correction method, which is closer to ritual work, and sometimes after one such correction, the deck has to be destroyed or left at the mercy.

Basics of modeling on Lenormand maps

Key points in modeling:

Card face (window, top)- this is the card that you see when you hold the deck - a wish card is placed here, your request, what you want to receive. With this card you seal the deck.

Back (bottom, bottom of the deck)- the last card, an activator card is placed there, the energy with which the intention is activated, the situation is harmonized. The bottom card gives energy, support to the whole deck, penetrating it through and through and bringing it to the desired result. For example, you need to activate the receipt of some letter or news - you put the Sun down, and the Rider or Letter card on top.

You can add cards down- they will answer the question of how or through what the changes will go, additional conditions that need to be harmonized, for example, if the decision depends on the boss, then you can add a Bear, Dog, Heart, Ring card, in general, those cards that can soften the boss and incline him to your side when resolving the issue. But the activator card is still the last one, for me it is always the Sun card. I lay out the cards in this mixed form below, when there are both "how" cards and an activator-amplifier.

Choose the cards you need for work, hide the negative ones closer to the center of the deck, diluting them with neutral or positive ones, put positive cards closer to the edges. Cards are selected according to their meaning and associations, according to the plot in the figure, according to their own intuition.

Be careful when choosing a card if it seems to fit, but inside you feel rejection or negativity, doubt, some nuance confuses you, then it’s better to replace it with another one or check with the masters how this card is played in practice, how the card is played in a pair or triad which you chose for her.

Cards, especially in combination with each other, can behave differently. Therefore, it is best to specify your intention.

Clearly and honestly form an intention! This does not mean that you need to think through to the smallest detail how the fulfillment of a desire will take place step by step, but you must look into yourself and honestly answer Do you really want it? The worst thing that can happen here is self-deception with an eye to conventions or a frivolous attitude - today I want it, tomorrow I don’t want it. Refusal to recognize your true desires, clinging to secondary goals, self-deception - all this will nullify your efforts.

Sometimes our wishes come true but too expensive, so specify in the wording that would not like to pay for what they have received with their happiness in love or material well-being . If you feel insecure here, then you can sacrifice something yourself, as, for example, in runic magic.

Break multi-pass difficult situations into parts and stages, or simply into the desired overall result, but then the simulation will take more time.

The more cards you used in the simulation, the slower the situation will unwind, but for complex issues this is the best option.

I lay down my cards wish up picture, so the deck transmits energy to the outside, helping to achieve what you want. And I put the picture down to store the deck.

If the deck is already for a long time, and no movement, you need to change the cards to another combination, or make a deal with clarifying questions and advice on how best to resolve this situation.

Map modeling methods

So, there are several options for modeling situations on Lenormand maps:

Closing Deck Method

Most cartomancers between divinations close the deck with resonant favorable cards, but you can use the deck to design the situation you need by closing with certain cards.

With this method, the deck is closed from above and below with the necessary cards, for example, for money Fish up, Sun at the bottom. Sometimes the deck is "asked" a question - What cards are better to close to solve the current problem? And close the dropped cards. In theory, if you are not afraid to rely on fate, then the deck will show you the best way to resolve your situation, but this may be far from what you wanted and how you wanted. Way too random, didn't suit me.

Select the cards you need for work. Pick up those that symbolize your desire, visualize what you want to achieve, holding the cards in your hands a little, put them on top of the deck. Then, take the cards for the bottom, visualize how this will happen, hold a full deck in your hands for a while, imagining how the flow of energy from your hands permeates the cards and fills them with strength. After that, the deck can be wrapped in cloth and left in a cozy place until the wish is fulfilled.

Tracks method

In the variant with the closing of the deck, we set a general program for money, meeting or attracting love. A more in-depth version is the "tracks" of the cards. To do this, select the Significator of your request, as well as a card - a form (Lady for a woman, Gentleman for a man and both cards, if the question concerns relationships, the 13th Child card is suitable for children). Then lay out the necessary cards, for example, if relations, then Heart, Ring, etc .; for work - Bear, Anchor, Pisces, as well as cards that complement the nuances of your desire. With the Anchor card, you can fix the result, put the Sun as the last card as an activator. Visualize the desired result.

Then you collect the tracks in sequence so that the card-blank (for whom it is done) lies first on top, then the Significator of desire and then the entire track in sequence. The bottom card is Sun, from it the track sequentially as the implementation will take place. In this form, the deck must be postponed until the wish is fulfilled.

Modeling method "5 cards"

This method is similar to the tracks, but will suit those who like well-defined positions. The first card symbolizes the event you want, the second card how it will happen, and the third card symbolizes what you want as a result. At the bottom I put Anchor And Sun.

Method "Closed"

Divide the deck in half, lay out the cards of the desired result on the top of the first half of the deck, and on the other half how you can come to it, through events or sympathy, the favor of the people on whom the decision depends. Bring both halves of the deck together face to face, wrap in cloth and place in a secluded place.

Modeling method with meditation

Choose the main key card of your request, put a candle (in a candlestick) on the card, light a candle with the intention of fulfilling a desire. Imagine in the flame of a candle what you want to receive as accurately as possible, using feelings, putting the power of intention. For professionals, meditation can last 30 minutes or more, you can meditate until the candle burns out, for the first time take small church candles. In fact, this way of modeling is sending intention to the world. Then the cards can be put on top of the deck, put in a prominent place, carried with you. This is especially effective if you want quick goal achievement. But for some, the way to remove the card from sight and generally forget about this ritual is more suitable, it is easier for them to let go of desire. So try which one is yours.

Modeling method with water

This technique is also borrowed from Tarot magic. Everyone knows the properties of water in terms of retaining the information received, the action of holy water, as well as whispered and spoken water, is based on this property. Kashpirovsky charging three-liter cans of water placed in front of the TV set also used this magical property.

So, you have some question that you want to quickly resolve or desire.

Take a transparent glass, pour melted water or the one that is, but better in good quality.

Choose 2 cards from the Lenormand deck: the first card is associated with your innermost desire - as a final result, the second card answers the question of how your desire will be fulfilled or activates the first card with its energy, usually this card Sun.

Then we take the bottom card, put it on the altar with the picture up and put a glass of water on top, on top, with the picture to the water, cover it with the card that symbolizes the result. In this position, the energy of the cards closes and actively interacts with water.

Leave this design overnight, the water will be saturated with energy, and in the morning, the first thing you wake up, drink the whole glass.

There are some nuances in this method:

  • TO better get a new one, without any extraneous energies and unnecessary information that "stick" during fortune-telling and magic. Therefore, either buy a deck for personal use, or print the necessary cards on a color printer.
  • Move the altar to the head of the bed or to the bedside table. To immediately upon awakening to drink water.
  • The ritual with the same combination should be performed every day for 3, 7, 9 days.
Photo modeling method

Take a photo of yourself, or the person for whom you are modeling, preferably full-length, and that he was alone in the photo. If there is no photo, then you can symbolically draw a figure on a sheet and sign the name and date of birth so that there are links to a specific person.

Put the photo in the center of the altar, surround it with the necessary cards as if in a frame.

Spread method or mandala

Sometimes it is enough to lay out 2-3 cards without any spells and rituals in order to simulate the desired situation or insure the desired result. This will increase the necessary energy and help in overcoming obstacles.

Variant of the chain of events, alignment and mandala closer to a correction. Still, simpler non-started situations are taken for modeling, but before the operation, you can make a deal for everything for and against your “Wishlist”, because you will change your future and it is better to know in advance what the consequences of your intervention in the natural course of events may be. If the problem is old and can not be solved in any way, then it is better to make a correction with preliminary preparation. on the accumulation of energy for your desire and deep work with the request. Such questions are not common, and by the strength of the request they usually differ from “wants”.

You can take a ready-made layout for modeling (Station for two) or come up with it yourself on request for key points.

Mandala- this is a symbolic picture, made up of cards, as from a designer, it has a circular shape and a certain symmetry. Several decks can be used as a constructor, the laid out cards symbolically form a world in which the modeling object is fixed, depicted by one of the Personal Cards (28 or 29 cards). Mandalas from cards lie for a long time, within 1, 2 or 3 months, during which the necessary simulated changes will occur to work out a specific task.

Laying out a layout for simulation is best read the slander or visa as in runes, if it is in verse, then the action is stronger, but still the main thing is to coherently stipulate and voice your intention, at the end do not forget mention what would be without harm to you and your loved ones, and so that the result will please you. In fact, few people are willing to get what they want at any cost.

If you decide to lay out the mandala, then you can place a meditation cushion in the center, and after laying it out, sit in the center, focusing on your intention. Candles, stones and incense are welcome.

Your desire is taken as the starting point - how you want the situation to develop, through what actions and influences of other people or events, in order to reach the desired result. Analyze all the important points, following the logic of the sequence, be as careful and correct as possible.

Take a deck, you can take two if you need duplicate cards to enhance and complement the picture with what is not in the first deck.

Slowly sorting through the deck, we select all the cards that, in your opinion, are more or less suitable. Review the selected cards again, and again, until you are sure that you have selected all the necessary cards. The selection process itself already includes magic and mental modeling, as You concentrate on the question, add options, clear the desire of everything superfluous and unimportant. Having selected the cards you need for work, start laying them out in the right order, so you draw a certain layout, draw up a plan, break down the path to achieve the goal into specific steps, determining for yourself what you really want to get. This is already a process of building intention and mental modeling.

If you want to strengthen some positions or specify what you want, then you can use cards from another deck, where the images in your opinion are more correct and better reflect the essence. In this way, you can mix classic decks with negative ones, if the question affects the conflict sphere.

Then forces are invoked on the altar or in the outlined circle, a spell or visa is read, the cards set aside for modeling are laid out one after the other in the desired sequence, they are again comprehended along the way, and attunement occurs. This is how you draw the future, create what will become a reality in your life or in the life of your Querent.

The ritual can be enhanced by adding candles of the desired color, stones or runes, draping the place with a fabric of the desired color, choosing an astrologically appropriate time, even if just By lunar calendar (for profit on the growing moon, for deliverance and cleansing - on the waning one).

After the ritual, the cards can be left on the altar until the intended execution, or they can be collected step by step as they were laid out and placed facing the remaining deck, sealing it in this way.

Modeling the negative on Lenormand cards

I believe the deck Lenorman is not very suitable for negative operations, it is better to use runic or spell magic for this, when the artifact is destroyed after use.

In addition, keep in mind that when specifying negative combination You pass it through yourself, and then if you don’t make a competent defense, then cards will flash next to you.

If you still decide to model the destructive on the cards, then it is better to store them away (in a barn or non-residential premises). When negative, combinations of favorable cards (object) with unfavorable ones (destruction of the object) are used. You can also put on the bottom Sun, but better moon in combination with coffin(to be empty, to wither away), with oblique(for the rapid destruction of communication, trauma), s rats(for dirt, devastation, corroding from the inside), Ship for parting Scourge and Metla for squabbling, etc.

Pay close attention to dreams during this period, in dreams you may receive a warning or a hint on how best to proceed.

By swinging the whip too hard, you can hit yourself, and by such actions you can bring trouble on yourself and loved ones, this has nothing to do with morality, simply by calling on a certain force for embodiment, charged in a certain way, you automatically change yourself and the space around in accordance with by this force. Of course, in a fit of desperation, it seems that there is nothing to lose anyway, I can assume that this can be applied, but still think over other options well, and do you really have nothing to lose and there is absolutely no other way out? Aleister Crowley wrote that a knife or pistol is much more useful for killing than magic, and anyone who thinks that the use of magic will protect him from otherwise inevitable punishment is simply a fool who does not know the basics of royal art.


  • I take into account phase and position of the moon, planetary clock. I look at very important tasks horar, I select the time using the methods of elective astrology;
  • Combining modeling with key turning points of the year (New Year, solstice, equinox, strong holidays of the wheel of the year) enhances the effect;
  • picking up color of candles for the task(for passion - red; for love - pink; money - rich green; success and social achievements - yellow, gold or purple; for malicious witchcraft, destruction or cleansing - a black candle);
  • It is better to choose a later time, firstly, no one will distract, and secondly, this is a traditionally favorable time for magical operations and all sorts of magic;
  • I use herbs and incense for tuning and cleaning;
  • The most important thing before the ritual - clean the room, and above all clean up physically. Then prepare an altar, a circle, or your usual workplace. The main thing is to clear the space and set yourself up for a magical operation;
  • If in you have the feature of "interrupting" the signal the desired vision of a negative outcome, if the fears are very strong, then seal the situation with intention;
  • End the process with some meaningful ritual or in the usual way, you can, for example, put a glass of water next to it before starting and drink all the water after finishing. The final ritual not only acts as an “anchor” to the fulfillment of a desire, but also helps to let go of the intention, close it for oneself and not cycle;
  • It is better not to touch the deck during the modeling process for layouts. Put it under glass in a closet, on a windowsill under the Moon and the Sun, wrap it in a cloth and put it in a secluded place where no one will move or scatter it, this is especially true if you have cats in your house. If you decide to wrap it in fabric, it is better if it is natural, of high quality and of a noble color, I use a deep blue color, but white or natural linen type is also well suited;
  • You can duplicate the simulation on tarot or runes.

Important points in modeling on Lenormand maps

In magic, beginners often work the rule of the "evil leprechaun"- when you get what you want, but in such a form or through such a series of events that you will not receive any satisfaction and joy, or even regret that you interfered with the natural course of events. For example when a person wants to work at home and gets an injury that chains him to bed; wants a free schedule at work and the person is reduced the amount of work along with the salary; if you want to get money, a large amount can really suddenly fall on the card, but then it turns out that this is a bank error and the money is soon debited, and so on and so forth. Who is interested in this topic, watch the movie "Route 60". Therefore, it is so important to carefully select the deck so that the images are “no surprises” and specify the intention. Logic and minimalism are the priority here!

Always be careful with negative cards., especially at first, can come back to haunt and very seriously. It is better to avoid negativity, try to reframe your desire in a positive way, such desires always have more power. If someone wants to severely punish, then it is still worth asking for retribution, justice, judgment according to merit, help and protection. But as it is already clear, you yourself must be clean here, otherwise it may backfire in the other direction and it will become even worse than it was before.

Why am I not getting anything with event modeling? What to do?

If you have read the forums and were inspired to do everything, everything, everything according to the rules, but you didn’t get anything as a result - do not immediately get upset and give up. Someone has tons of personal power, the ability to form an intention in years and send it to the world, someone has less, someone is completely in its infancy, depending on this, it takes different times to realize a desire. The results will also be different. If you just picked up the cards yesterday, you have never practiced meditation before, and there were no crazy energy releases, then do not expect an impressive wow effect from your magical experiences. What can you recommend to get started? Study the cards, actively practice, along the way, do some practices to increase personal strength (yoga, qigong, especially the Tree stance, vipasana), attend retreats, give up bad habits. A sharp accumulation of strength is helped temporary but severe self-restraints or taboos. Traditionally, sexual abstinence is used to accumulate energy, or rather sexual discharge in any form, or silence and informational isolation for a day or more. Choose what you are used to doing regularly and what is rather difficult to refuse (for example, coffee in the morning, if you are used to drinking milk, then give it up, or carbonated drinks, meat, sweets, your favorite (!) Food) - after the expiration of the term, you can return to all this; give yourself a vow for a certain period of time to perform some actions that you have not done before (jogging, exercising, swimming), in general, choose something that causes discomfort, pulls you out of your usual rut and requires effort, this is similar to the Nautiz rune ( need), when a flame is extracted from the friction of two sticks.This power will go to the realization of your plan. To make it easier to get through this period set realistic deadlines- best within a month, after which you will return to your coffee, soda and cigarettes.

It is most effective to make commitments a month before modeling, the fulfillment of which will remind you of the upcoming work and concentrate the energy of attention. Such techniques keep you in a state of awareness at all times. The very essence of the taboo is secondary, choose what is difficult for you to do, if you swear a lot, then give up foul language for this month. Such practices greatly strengthen the will and teach concentration.

Sometimes the simulation fails because the situation is very complicated, there are too many factors involved, other people, karmic knots and work. To solve complex issues requires painstaking step-by-step work. And better perform correction with a preliminary layout current situation and possible solutions.


Modeling technique intersects with the map of desires and visualizations of the goal, therefore, your combination of cards can be printed out in order to periodically glance and remember your goal, put a screensaver on your desktop or phone, carry a deck with modeling with you, put it under your pillow. If you did modeling for business, then it is better to take the deck to the workplace. Sometimes it happens that we don’t seem to need anything special, then we can just close the deck to give ourselves some qualities, energy and good mood.

Modeling on Tarot: practical advice

It is known that on the Tarot one can not only guess, but, using the power inherent in the lasso, change reality, simulate the best outcome of events. Two techniques are common: 1) simulation using one or more cards and 2) layout simulation. Both methods involve a ritual to tune in to the process. Magic is a creative activity, and there can be no dogmas in it, so I will tell you about my approach to this ritual.

Some of the practitioners use herbs, incense, someone focuses on the planetary clock, and I take into account the phase of the moon and the color of the candles. But the main thing in preparation for the ritual is to clear the space (including the physical cleaning of the place where the action will take place), to prepare the altar. This will help set you up for the magic.

Candles are selected in accordance with the goals of the ritual, for example: for love and passion - red, for money - green, for social success - yellow, for villainy and dirty tricks - black, for cleansing - white, etc. (information about candle magic in Internet abound).

As experience shows, the first rule when modeling using one or more cards is to choose the right deck, and from it choose the right card for modeling. In magic, especially for beginners, the rule of the evil leprechaun works well, that is, when you ask for money, your beloved grandmother may die, leaving you an inheritance. Ask him to love you, and he loves, but ... he doesn’t talk about it or, having said about his love, he left for another city. Pay close attention to the image on the map: minimalism and logic win.

You do not need to take the Six of Wands from the erotic Decameron Tarot if you want to win in sports competitions.

Get a deck separate from divination cards. Pick up cards in an amount from one to three. Three cards are either an algorithm of desired events (for example: you take an active position - the boss listens to you - you get the desired position), or components of the cherished goal (luck + favor of the authorities + free space = desired position).

I advise beginners to model with one card. Ideal for this card from "twos" to "sixes". The Major Arcana, more often, do not project the desired events, but set the tone and mood of the situation. With negative cards (for example, locking the enemy in the Eight of Swords of the Necronomicon Tarot) you need to be careful - the negative can return to you like a boomerang.

The six wands of the Tarot Thoth deck work well - to win in a situation, the two of Ryder's cups - to love relationship. These cards are hard to mess up. The Two and Three of Wands have a good effect on career matters (for example, to overcome an obstacle on the way to a goal, to achieve a promotion).

On dozens, the suit comes to its end and “is depleted”, you have to go to the next suit, or it remains to slide in the ten of pentacles to the beginning of the beginnings.

Dozens are generally insidious. In Crowley's system, the ten of cups is a rather dirty card, as it means satiety, boring marriage, idleness. If we consider the numbered cards according to the Sefirot tree, then those Sefirot of them that are below the six are heavier - there are more unaccounted factors. In general, when unaccounted factors are embodied and spoil the planned picture, so that the leprechaun rule does not work, beginners are not recommended to use number cards after sixes.

But, by the way, if you really, really want to experiment - go for it!

So let's continue. I put a candle on the card and light it with the intention of fulfilling a wish. What should I do with the chosen card and candle?

The second rule - after choosing a deck and a card, you need to thoroughly meditate on the card. You must turn on your imagination and see - as accurately as possible, using all the senses and the power of desire - what you want to receive. Meditation lasts at least half an hour, maximum - until the candle is completely burned. In essence, tarot modeling is a simplified form of a ritual for sending intention into the world, while the energy of the arcana helps and simplifies your task.

Then everything is as in the usual ritual: let the candle burn out, remove all unnecessary from the ritual space. You either remove the card (cards) out of sight and forget about it and the performed ritual, or vice versa, put it in a prominent place (this works rather if the goal should be achieved fairly quickly: for example, to receive a certain amount of money tomorrow).

Some practitioners suggest using not individual cards in modeling, but a whole layout. The “advanced” version of the Tarot simulation, that is, using the layout, in a simplified explanation looks like this:

1) make the usual fortune-telling layout for the situation (attitude, prospects);

2) replace the cards that spoil the situation;

3) meditate on the changed result.

One of the versions of this not at all simple modeling technique is described on the website of Lisa Chernaya. Its essence is to correct not the result, but the reason for the alignment made: “We either turn the card “from head to foot” if you use the inverted lasso, or replace it with the desired one, but not contradictory. And logically, we look at the further positions that this card influenced and replace them with the natural result of the impact of the replaced card.

There are some advantages in modeling the alignment: the impact on the situation is gentle and logical, the whole mechanism of your problem is processed, a solution is not offered from nowhere. But there are also disadvantages: you must masterfully understand the arcana, the Tarot system to which your modeling deck belongs, and the layout scheme that you are doing. It is also necessary to fine-tune not only to the impact, but also to deviation (fortune-telling), so as not to pull out something unknown in the preliminary working scenario.

Do not change the whole alignment - a miracle will not happen. Change no more than 30% of cards. Correct the causes of the situation lurking in you. Turn the evil hysterical empress into a straight card position - loving queen mother. Adjust the circumstances of the further development of the conflict according to the forecast for circumstances that will force the conflicting parties to sit down at the negotiating table (five of wands for four of wands).

Well-known layouts that are ideal for modeling are the “Celtic Cross”, “The Secret of the High Priestess”, “Station for Two”. In the last scenario, the mechanism of interaction between two people is clearly visible. If you want to change your attitude towards yourself, change your behavior, and then replace either the main interaction card in a couple, or the partner’s feeling card (depending on where everything is bad).

In any case, one cannot avoid meditating on the situation, in a new way formed by the alignment. Visualization is the basis of all magical actions and rituals, therefore, no matter what method of influence you choose, you will have to imagine the desired events as if they are already happening. Some experts suggest adding positive affirmations to visualization, that is, ending your meditation with positive statements formulated in the present tense (“I have a favorite job”, “The desired goal has been achieved”, “I am happy”, etc.). I repeat: there are no dogmas in magic, if you like affirmations, read them before the final stage of the ritual.

So, which modeling method to prefer? Listen to your intuition, but remember: the more complex the method of influence, the more likely it is to layer errors on top of each other. Therefore, for beginners who have discovered the world of Tarot, I still recommend using the first method to correct the situation - meditation on one card.

If you are interested in the topic of modeling, I recommend reading the following books:

1. Craig Donald Michael. Tarot in Practical Magic.
2. Reni Jeanne. Tarot spells.
3. Telemsky Oleg. Jump into the abyss.