The meaning of the number 9 in numerology. Start in science

There is no doubt that numbers play a huge role in the life of any person. Recently, in our country, the fascination with numerology has reached unprecedented heights. Now many young people choose the date of their wedding with interest and knowledge. They meticulously study the name of the unborn child for compliance with certain digital codes. In this article we will talk about the mysterious number "9". No one will argue that this number is all around us, it seems to haunt and does not let us relax. That is why many people are interested in the number "9". Closely studying this question, an unexpected conclusion suggests itself that this symbol can have the most direct impact on the life and destiny of a person, and besides, very strange phenomena are associated with it.

Number 9- this is a symbol of the spiritual maturity of a person, the number of the significance of the spirit over matter. This figure is the strongest and most powerful of the 3 components of spiritual numbers in numerology.

There are numbers that personify spirituality - these are nine, eight and seven

Since the number nine is the oldest in the series of spiritual numbers, it contains the best of the number 8 and the number 7. It is clear that by the word "best" we mean the spiritual maturity of a person. From the seven, the number nine borrows the participation of divine conduct in the fate of the individual, and from the eight, the nine gets the voluntary acceptance of the Will of God and complete humility.

In the language of numbers, the number 9 means spiritual wisdom. Although there’s actually nothing to say here, because no " material wisdom"essentially does not exist, therefore, any wisdom is in fact spiritual. It is strange, but in our time everything has turned upside down and the bearers of spiritual wisdom turned out to be individuals who are quite far from the universally recognized ideals of purity and holiness.

Moreover, the number 9 can be translated from numerological language as spiritual intuition and spiritual enlightenment. Now in life you almost never meet nine people, but if you suddenly find one, hold on to him with both hands, because he is a real sage. It is worth emphasizing here that this person will not be a guru, nor a psychic, nor a seer, nor a magician, but a real sage!

Numerology of number 9

Bearing in mind the number 9, it should be understood that in our sublunar world, wisdom is often confused with the occult sciences, clairvoyance or simple sorcery. So how to find such an enlightened person with the help of numbers? This is beyond the power of anyone, in this case, numerology will be powerless.

Nine lives according to its own laws unknown to the common man. This figure is directly related to the spiritual state of a person. It's all difficult to put into words... Well, imagine that for the spiritual world this state is the same as movement, time and volume for the material world.

The spiritual world is hidden deep within spiritual states, just as we live our lives day by day within time and space. In the language of numbers, the entire common component of spiritual states can be denoted by the number 999.

The meaning of the number "9"

To decipher number 9, you should know a few simple concepts. Their main meaning can be expressed in a few sentences. Each person simultaneously lives his life in the spiritual and material world, although he does not notice this parallel. For people with a "black" soul, life in the spiritual world is very difficult, and people who are bright and pure stay in this hypostasis easily and freely.

Of course, this is only a superficial view of things, in fact, everything is much more complicated than " Badly" or " Fine". However, we will not go into details, because this topic is not for one article. You just need to understand that for the spiritual world the stage " goodness"is the stage of accepting the wisdom and love that comes from divine beings.

In general, there are no people who are only good or only evil, it’s just that for some, the stage of accepting love and kindness is stronger, while for others it is weak

During the application of the number 9 in life numerology, date numerology etc. do not forget that every causal relationship that happens to a person is rooted in the spiritual world, and the consequences in the material world.

If we translate this from the language of numbers, then it sounds something like this - all the consequences are in the number 6, and all the causes are in the number 9, because the six governs the material world, and the nine governs the spiritual world

What is the relationship between the number 6 and the number 9?

In order to comprehend the meaning of the number nine, it is easier to compare it with the number six. For example, if the six dresses the human soul in everything false, deceptive and unnecessary, then the nine, on the contrary, removes everything insincere and sham, tears off masks and covers.
However, the connection between the number 9 and the number 6 is very interesting to study in such an interesting number 69, or vice versa - in the number 96. The number 96 differs from the number 69 in that in the second number (69) the study of the universe begins, as it were, "from below", that is, from the consciousness and material layers of being. And in the first number (96), the study of the processes of the universe begins by people strictly "from top to bottom" - from the spiritual hypostasis to the physical.

In fact, there are no good or bad numbers.. In no case should you include your subjective understanding of evil and good in spiritual numerology. Be that as it may, such "understanding" is not worth cultivating.

In most ancient cultures (Taoist, Buddhist, Aztec, Moaist, etc.), the number "9" was associated with ideas of divinity.
For example, in Ancient Greece there were nine muses: Polyhymnia (hymns), Urania (astronomy), Terpsichore (dance), Calliope (epic poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Thalia (comedy), Erato (love poetry), Euterpe (lyric poetry) , Clio (history).

Even among the people there is a belief that cats have nine lives. perhaps this is why these pets are associated with mystical powers and magic much more often than other animals.

At sea, the worst thing that can happen to a ship is to fall under the ninth wave.

Among composers, there is a sign that after they create the ninth symphony, they may die unexpectedly. This superstition has its own name - "The Curse of the Ninth Symphony". Even in such a well-known work of Dante as "The Divine Comedy" there are exactly 9 circles of hell.

You will be very surprised, but among the ancient Slavs, the week consisted of nine days, and not, as it is now, of seven. They only have 9 months in a year.

The number "9" in terms of mathematics

If we consider the nine from a mathematical point of view, we can understand that this figure is very amazing. For example, if any other number is added to nine, then as a result we will see the number that was added.

9+8=17 (7+1), i.e. 7+1=8

9+2=11 (1+1), i.e. 1+1=2

And if nine is multiplied by another number, then the result will be nine.

9x5=45, i.e. 4+5=9

9x3=27 (2+7), i.e. 2+7=9

There is still a lot left unsaid about this mysterious number, but we will complete this publication with the main feature of the number "9", which is love for the best and striving for perfection.

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When I was preparing for the district Olympiad, the teacher gave me the book "Mathematical Ingenuity" and there I read the chapter "Properties of the Nine" and became interested in this number. While collecting material about the nine, I came across the fact that there is a lot of information about the numbers 7, 3,11,13, but little about the nine. And I had a burning desire to learn more about it and to acquaint others. Every day in mathematics lessons we learn about the properties of numbers, solve problems and equations with their help. A great helper is a textbook, you can learn a lot from it. But about who and when numbers were invented, why a person needed them, what amazing properties some numbers have, what works on mathematics have come down to us, how mathematics is used in various poems and much more, you can find out if you read additional books on mathematics.

Hypothesis: find out if the numbers 9 have a mystical, supernatural, mysterious meaning.

The purpose of the study: Collect more information about the number 9. Analyze information about the number 9.

Research objectives

Analysis of the literature in order to obtain information about the number 9;

Questioning students and teachers of our school in order to find out positive and negative events associated with the number 9;

Analysis of the progress of students of our school, born on the 9th;

Analysis of the statistical data of the paramedic of our outpatient clinic.

Research methods: literature analysis, questioning, statistical survey, statistical processing of the obtained data, analysis, comparison and generalization of the results.

Stages of work:

1) Analysis of educational and additional literature on this issue.

2) Conducting a survey among students and teachers.

3) Processing of the obtained data, determination of statistical characteristics, construction of diagrams using the computer program MS Excel.

4) Analysis, generalization and comparison of the obtained results.

Object of study: statistics as a research method.

Chapter 1. The history of the number 9.

The ancient people, except for a stone ax and a skin, instead of clothes, had nothing, so they had nothing to count. Gradually, they began to tame livestock, cultivate fields and harvest. There was a trade, and here you can’t do without an account.

Numbers have been of interest to man since ancient times. In one of the tragedies of Aeschylus (the great Greek playwright), Prometheus (Appendix 1, fig. 1) says: “Listen to what I did to mortals ... I invented a number for them, and taught me how to connect letters ...”. Aristotle (Appendix 1, fig. 2) gave the following definition of number: "A number is a set that is measured by units." It is believed that the term "natural number" was first used by the Roman statesman, philosopher, author of works on mathematics and music theory Boethius (480 - 524) (Appendix 1, fig. 3). The initial ideas about the number appeared a very long time ago, in the Stone Age, when people not only collected food for themselves, but also began to actively produce it, about 100 centuries BC. e. Numerical terms were hard to come by and slowly came into use. The ancient man was far from abstract thinking, it was enough that he came up with the numbers: “one” and “two”. The remaining quantities for him remained indefinite and were united in the concept of "many". 9.

Food production grew, objects were added that needed to be taken into account in everyday life, in connection with which new numbers were invented: “three”, “four” ... For a long time, the limit of human knowledge was the number “nine”. Finally, the number 9 was also invented. The first written numbers, of which we have reliable evidence, appeared in Egypt and Mesopotamia about 5000 years ago. So, in Egypt, the first numbers were represented by vertical lines. To write down our number 9, the Egyptian had to draw nine sticks:

9= 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.

Ancient Greek Ionic decimal alphabetic notation. (Appendix 1 Fig. 6,7,8,9,10)

The record of the ancient Slavs in the decimal system: 9 90 900.

Ancient Chinese Nine: The Arabic numeral has nine angles.

The philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras argued that "numbers rule the world." He created a school of like-minded people who believed in the magic of numbers and thought that there was a number behind every object. Numbers, they believed, bring with them good and evil, happiness and unhappiness. There was even a whole science - numerology, in which each name had a number obtained by translating the letters of the name into numbers. Of course, the belief in lucky and unlucky numbers is rooted in superstition, but it's still interesting to know what the number 9 symbolizes.

Chapter 2. Some facts of the number 9.

The number nine plays an important role in people's religions and beliefs, in art and language, in science and technology.

A mysterious power was attributed to the number 9 - at some times good, at others - unkind. "Nine will have no way," they said in antiquity. These beliefs arose, probably, when the counting limit was the number 8, and behind it - something mysterious, strange ... In Russian folk tales, the action often takes place in the "Far Far Away Kingdom", for "Far Far Away Lands". The ancient Romans had a good reputation for this number. Thus, the jury at the Olympic Games consisted of 9 judges (Appendix 2, fig. 1). , there were 9 muses - patronesses of sciences and arts. The Mongols considered nine to be perfection. In the Chinese world, 9 is an unlucky number; perceived as a disease. The Pythagoreans have nine - the limit of all numbers, within which all others exist and circulate. Nine is an important number in the Celtic tradition. This is the number of the center, since eight directions plus the center equals nine.

In mathematics:

9 square number 3

109 is called a billion, SI prefix: giga - (G) and nano- (n)

Divisibility of a number by 9: any number is divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9

In science:

Atomic number of fluorine. (Appendix 2, Fig. 2).

In the solar system until 2006, it was customary to count 9 planets. The last, ninth, planet from the Sun, Pluto, has been considered a minor planet from the Kuiper belt since 2006. (Appendix 2, fig. 3).

The average person takes about 18 breaths per minute. The sum of the digits of this number is 9. The average number of heartbeats per minute is 72. The sum of the digits is again 9. (Appendix 1, Fig. 4).

There are holidays that are celebrated exactly on the 9th. This is August 9: Day of military glory of Russia. Battle of Cape Gangut (1714). February 9: International Day of the Dentist. And the most important holiday in Russia on May 9 is Victory Day. (Appendix 2, fig. 5).

Nine, number 9 or Ennead. The ancients called it Perfection and Consent, unlimited and boundless. The last properties followed from some mathematical features of the number 9. So, if 9 is multiplied by itself or by another basic number, then the sum of the digits of the product will always be equal to 9. For example, 9 x 3 \u003d 27 \u003d 2 + 7 \u003d 9; 9 x 9 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9; 9 x 5 \u003d 45 \u003d 4 + 5 \u003d 9 *; and so on. Also, if you add all the main numbers up to and including 9, you get the sum of 45, and the result of adding 4 and 5 is again 9; if you add all the products of the nine and the main numbers (9,18, 27,36,45,54, 63, 72, 81), you get the number 405, and it gives 4 + 0 + 5 = 9.

Chapter 3. The number 9 in proverbs, poems, legends.

The number 9 is found in poems and proverbs. Here are some jokes I found on the internet.

Poems about the number 9 (Nine). (Appendix 3, fig. 1). V. Chernyaeva Number nine - a bun? Or maybe a ball? This cat Barsik is sleeping, And his tail is hooked. A kitten was walking across the bridge, He sat on the bridge and hung his tail. “Meow! It’s more convenient for me, after all ... ”The kitten became the number 9 ! Where can we find, friends, nines ? Why are they playing hide and seek? I looked everywhere for them, like, But there are no nines in nature. Sorry for the miss, I see a nine-story building! A. Sosina Well, we've already reached nine. Hurry up, baby, go to bed! Know that nine is six. Zhukova The number six turned over and turned into a nine T. LavrovaNumber nine is not simple, Like a big comma. Friendly with frogs - She's a tadpole, after all! This figure is just class! GurinaA nine lived in the tower : She loved to sleep sweet and sweet. A red bow over the top of her head, A tail with a cheerful comma. Somehow she had a dream: A miracle forest from all sides, Nine rainbow dragonflies Weaved a wreath of roses for her, Nine fast perches Played with her on the waves, Nine ducks flew with her , Nine foxes rolled her, Nine bright moths descended from the clouds to her. And then an elephant stamped And frightened off a wonderful dream! M. Courtyards Heady nine All older for order, So that the numbers become systems, From sevens to triples. Shatskikh This little bandit Sleeps in my mother's stomach! I've been waiting for nine months, That's it! I'll go play alone! A. Smetanin Somehow they decided to cut the curls of NINE rather overgrown lambs. They cut their hair from the backs and sides: It turned out, almost, NINE bags.T. Alexandrova My grandmother and I are walking down the street, We count the windows in the house from the bottom up. What a big beautiful house, There are exactly nine windows in it!

I. Gurina

She loved to sleep sweet and sweet. A red bow over the top of her head, A tail with a cheerful comma. Somehow she had a dream: A miracle forest from all sides, Nine rainbow dragonflies Weaved a wreath of roses for her, Nine fast perches Played with her on the waves, Nine ducks flew with her , Nine foxes rolled her, Nine bright moths descended from the clouds to her. And then an elephant stamped And frightened off a wonderful dream! ***

More than this figure - no! Nine balls - planets According to physical laws They circle in bottomless space Near the solar star And on the third

There are also proverbs about the number 9 (Nine). I and nine mice pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub. Having lost once, you will win nine times. Nine people are like a dozen. A bull costs ninety rubles, a haughty man is not worth nine kopecks. There are legends about the nine.

Let's take a better look at the number 9 in the religion and legends of our world: Atlantis According to the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis sank about 9 thousand years ago. (Appendix 3, fig. 2). Atlantis was a mainland (island). The center of the island was a hill located about 9 kilometers from the sea. And in Atlantis there were 9 kingdoms. It's just a legend, it's up to you to believe in it or not. Let's go further... The story of the nine begins with Egypt, when 9 people came to those lands and taught many crafts, after which we learned about the great Egyptian civilization. In ancient Greece, there were nine muses: Calliope, Euterpe, Melpomene, Thalia, Erato, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Clio, Urania. (Appendix 3, fig. 3). Judaism Nine-candlestick for the celebration of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. (Appendix 3, fig. 4). Types of performance of the Psalms: 1. Choral 2. Laudatory 3. Weeping 4. Song 5. On an eight-stringed instrument. 6. On stringed instruments 7. On wind instruments 8. On a Gathian instrument 9. On a musical instrument. 2). The nine ranks include: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Forces, Authorities, Principles, Archangels and Angels. Christianity The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit: “To one is given by the Spirit a word of wisdom, to another a word of knowledge…; faith to another ...; gifts of healings to others…; miracles to another, prophecy to another, discernment of spirits to another, tongues to another, interpretation of tongues to another” (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). faith, meekness, temperance” (Gal.5:22-23). ​​Symbolically, 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit are depicted in the form of a nine-pointed star, on the rays of which the first letters of the Latin names of each of the gifts are filled. “The fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, mercy, faith, meekness, temperance. Gal.5:22-23. (Appendix 3, fig. 5).

Chapter 4

1. The human hand is one of the first calculating machines! Finger movement. Place both hands side by side on the table and stretch out your fingers. Each finger from left to right will mean the corresponding ordinal number: the first from the left is 1, the second is 2, the third is 3, the fourth is 4, and so on until the tenth, which will indicate the number 10. For example, We need to multiply 7 by 9. Now raise your seventh finger. The number of fingers to the left of the raised finger will be the number of tens of the product, and the number of fingers to the right will be the number of units. There are 6 fingers to the left of the raised finger, and 3 to the right. This means that the result of multiplying 7 by 9 is 63. This mechanical multiplication, surprising at first glance, will immediately become clear if we recall that the sum of the digits in each product of the numbers of the multiplication table by nine is nine, and the number of tens in the product is always 1 less than the number that we multiply by 9. By raising the corresponding finger, we mark this, and therefore multiply. (Appendix 4, fig. 1).

2. What number is crossed out? Task 1. Let your friend write, without showing you, a number of three or more digits, divide it by 9 and tell you the remainder of such a division. Now invite him to cross out one number (any number) in the number he has taken; the number formed after crossing out the number, let him again divide by 9 and again tell you the remainder of this division. You can immediately tell which number was crossed out, guided by the following rules: a) if the second remainder is less than the first, then subtracting the second remainder from the first, you will get just the crossed out number; b) if the second remainder is greater than the first, then you will get the crossed out number get by subtracting the second remainder from the first, increased by 9;

c) if the remainders are equal, then either the number 9 or 0 is crossed out.

3. Some more properties. Here are some more interesting and useful for further properties related to the number 9.1. Always divisible by 9: a) the difference between any number and the sum of its digits; For example

876-768=108=1+0+8=9:9=1.2. If numbers are made up of any digits that differ only in the order of the digits, then when divided by 9, each of them gives the same remainder. It is equal to the remainder of dividing by 9 the sum of the digits of any of the mentioned numbers. 65:9=7(rest.2) and 56:9=6(rest.2), then 6+5=11:9=2.3. If the remainder of dividing the sum of the digits of a number by 9 will be called the "surplus", then: a) the surplus of the sum / difference of numbers is equal to the surplus of the sum / difference of the surpluses of the terms; b) the surplus of the product of two numbers is equal to the surplus of the product of the surpluses of these numbers.

Chapter 5. The study of public opinion.

The Kar-Gorsk school has 70 students and 11 teachers. Students and teachers who were born on the 9th were interviewed. Do you think that the date of birth on the 9th affects your destiny?

It can be seen from the answers that most of the respondents are not superstitious people (Appendix 5, Fig. 1).

Chapter 6

6 people were born in the Kar-Gorsk school on the 9th.

List of students.

F.I. students.

Dates of birth.

Egorova Evgenia

Rudin Oleg

Makarova Tamara

Afandieva Samira

Fadeev Maxim.

Borisov Vasily.

Analysis of the progress of students of our school who were born on the 9th.

F.I. students.

Egorova Evgenia

Rudin Oleg

Makarova Tamara

Afandieva Samira

Fadeev Maxim.

Borisov Vasily.

(Appendix 6, fig. 1).

Chapter 7

People with the number 9, or those born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th, are more or less prone to fevers of any kind, measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, etc. They should avoid fatty foods as well as alcoholic drinks. They may experience problems with blood, poisoning, ulcers, thirst, tuberculosis, diseases of the stomach, liver, lungs, nose and ears. The main (herb) plants are onion, garlic, leek, horseradish, rhubarb, mustard seeds, wormwood, ginger, pepper, broom, rapeseed, and nettle juice.

    Analysis of the statistical data of a health worker in our village.


Egorova Evgenia

Caries, anemia

Rudin Oleg

Makarova Tamara

posture disorder, blurred vision

Afandieva Samira

Caries, gastritis

Fadeev Maxim.

otitis, caries

Borisov Vasily.

posture disorder, gastritis



Visual impairment-1(17%)


Posture disorder - 2(33%)

Anemia-1 (17%) (Appendix 7, Fig. 1)

Summing up, there are no healthy children, on average, 67% of them have diseases inherent in people with a date of birth of 9.



    I.Ya Depman, N.Ya Vilenkin “Behind the pages of a mathematics textbook”, 1987.

    Stepanova M.G. "Number superstitions". Samara, 1978

    V. Volina “Feast of the Number” - M .; Knowledge, 1994

    Addison C.J. History of the Knights Templar. — 2005.

    Article "Hanukkah" in the encyclopedia "Religion"

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. On True Christianity Book 2

    Dante Alighieri. Article from the Literary Encyclopedia 1929-1939

    The history of the group "Ninth District". Official website of the band

State Russian Museum. Painting of the 18th—beginning of the 20th century. Catalog / ed. Pushkareva V. A .. - L .: Aurora, Art, 1980. - S. 22, cat. No. 18

Annex 1.

Ancient Greek Ionic decimal alphabetic

Slavic Glagolitic Decimal 9 90 900

Slavic Cyrillic Decimal


ancient Indian number systems

ancient chinese decimal

Mayan base 20 number system or long count

Appendix 2

fig.1 fig.2

fig.7 fig.8

fig.9 fig.10

Emblem 9


Calliope (muse of singing) fig.3

Clio (muse of history)

Erato (muse of love or erotic poetry, lyrics, and marriage songs)

Euterpe (muse of music and lyric poetry)

Melpomene (muse of tragedy)

Polyhymnia (Muse of sacred song, eloquence, lyric, singing and rhetoric)

Terpsichore (muse of dance)

Thalia (muse of comedy and bucolic poetry)

Urania (muse of astronomy)

fig.5 fig.6

Appendix 4

1. Always divisible by 9: a) the difference between any number and the sum of its digits; For example

76-13=63:9=7 or 123-6=117=1+1+7=9:9=1.b) the difference of two numbers with the same digits but different order of their location; for example 675-576=99:9=11 or 54-45=9:9=1.c) the difference of two numbers with the same sum of digits for each of them;


Appendix 5

The study of public opinion.

Appendix 6

Analysis of the progress of students born on the 9th.



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Numerologists manage to quite accurately determine the influence of a number on the fate and character of a person; thanks to research, they managed to find out what sacred meaning this or that number plays. The meaning of the number 9 in numerology is quite complex. We all know that it is the last among prime numbers. What does the number 9 mean in numerology - this number is on the verge, summing up. Often, the nine is called a symbol of perfection, and this is no coincidence.

What does the number 9 mean in numerology, and how does the nine affect the life, character and fate of a person.

What does 9 mean in numerology - this number is final, which means that in the fate of a person it should also sum up an invisible result. The presence of this figure in a person's life suggests that he is wise and kind by nature.

The number 9 in numerology completes a series of numbers, summing up everything.

  • The purposefulness of such people knows no bounds. They are constantly in search of truth, they read a lot of literature. They do not get hung up on one thing, comprehend knowledge, share it with others.
  • Such people know what they want, confidently moving towards their goal. It is not always possible to avoid problems, but this does not stop them.
  • If the number nine is present in a person’s life, then it can be called quite cunning. Such people skillfully adapt to the situation in order to benefit for themselves. It is quite easy to make contact with others.
  • To achieve their goals, they sometimes have to do things that do not attract their attention. They often step over their pride, although it can be difficult.
  • They are not used to bending under the blows of fate, but, if necessary, they will go for it. Material wealth for such people is of no small importance. They achieve their goals no matter what.
  • They communicate with "profitable" people not because they like them, but because they like them. Relations with others develop smoothly. Such people have charm, thereby endearing them to themselves.
  • It is easy to fall in love with them and dissolve completely. However, this feeling is not always mutual. They do not pay attention to those who are nearby, they are looking for something new on the side.
  • Character is changeable. Now they are smiling and enjoying life, and in an hour they can become depressed.

Thus, we can conclude that such people adapt to the situation, but at the same time they are quite purposeful, persistent, and look to the future with confidence.

The number of nines in the date of birth

From the point of view of numerology, the date of birth affects the character and personality of a person. What does the number 9 mean in numerology? Ideally, if there are two nines in the date of birth - this can be said about everyone born in the 90s. But it happens that there are three or more nines, for example, a person was born on 09/09/1999 or 09/19/1999 Here there will be a completely different interpretation.

One nine

At least one nine is present in the date of birth of every person born in the last century.

  • Since most of those living today were born in the twentieth century, one nine is present in almost everyone. As numerology says, if a person has one nine, it is safe to say that he is quite stubborn. Such people are not accustomed to reckon with the opinions of others. For them, only their opinion exists, and in any case it will be true.
  • They prefer not to make concessions. As a result, there are conflicts of interest. They are unsophisticated by nature. They don't know how to keep their mouths shut. You need to learn to compromise, otherwise it will be even more difficult.
  • Any business started can be abandoned without being completed. They just lose interest. They are happy to start another, but it does not bring results. Such people do not bother with problems. They are constantly looking for “their own business”, which they think they will be able to do all their lives. Success is extremely rare.
  • One-nine people often fall under the influence of other people. Having their own point of view, they try not to express it. It is better to keep quiet and sit in a corner so that people do not cast sidelong glances. If this cannot be done and others speak negatively about the person and his deeds, then he will immediately quit what he started. But such people cannot be called superficial.
  • They try to hide their emotions from others, however, this is not always possible. The character is quite stubborn, because of this there are frequent skirmishes. Such a person is constantly dissatisfied with something. He rarely expresses his dissatisfaction in the eyes, it is easier to express them to his relatives and friends. Others are always to blame for their failures, but not them. The truth about this can only be told to relatives.
  • Family relationships are often tense. Conflicts arise over trifles. It is worth saying what, in the opinion of such people, is insulting, as soon as they stand up with hostility. Very touchy. They are offended for a long time, they may not talk for a week or even a month. Even having reconciled with a person, he continues to harbor resentment inside.
  • Relations with the team are difficult. Such a person is not taken seriously. Management does not give such people responsible tasks. There is practically no reward for the work done. But they look with envy as laurels go to others.
  • Often indulge in daydreaming. They build mountains of gold in their dreams, although deep down they understand that they are unlikely to succeed. The material condition for such people does not occupy a leading position. If you have money, it's good, if you don't have money, it's okay. They also cannot be called careerists.

Two nines

  • If there are two nines in the numerological code, this is a good sign. These people are resilient and resilient. By nature, they are cunning, but this does not affect the interaction with others.
  • They know what they want in life and confidently walk towards the intended goal, without infringing on the rights of other people. Easily make contact with others, know how to like. They are attractive to the opposite sex. Often they start stormy novels that do not continue. They prefer active rest.
  • Such people usually start strong families. Relations with the second half are tense, but this happens quite rarely. They try to avoid conflicts. Basically, love and mutual understanding reign in the family. Relatives are treated with understanding, ready to help in any situation.
  • The main disadvantage of these people is that they practically cannot hide their emotions. But they are quick-witted, insults are forgotten over time.

Three nines or more

If your date of birth contains three nines or more, then carefully look at the result.

  • Such people are characterized by cunning and resourcefulness. These qualities are well developed. They will come out "dry" from any situation. Communication with such people does not bring pleasure. But they know how to like, have an attractive appearance, incredible charm.
  • They can manipulate people with dexterity to achieve their goals. Often such people can be found among actors. Skillfully rubbed into trust, can deceive. For them, it's easy. It is not uncommon for someone else's money to be misappropriated. But they do not steal them, people voluntarily give them their savings. They do not think about the consequences, they live one day.
  • Such people are often incomprehensible to others. They are good actors, they play the roles quite skillfully. It is not clear when they are lying and when they are telling the truth. The talents of such people can be listed for a long time. Skillfully find an approach to people of different ages. They behave depending on the situation, excellently playing the role. Everyone does this for their own benefit.
  • They are in constant motion, they cannot sit in one place for a long time. They move confidently and naturally towards their goal. Ready to go over their heads if it will be useful. Smart enough.
  • Even at a young age, people of an older age group are influenced. When educating, parents should take into account the aspect that when their children grow up, they will be much more cunning and resourceful. Therefore, they should be taught that it is not good to deceive. After all, if this is not done, then in the future they will also be deceived by their already adult children .. There is no need to spoil them too much and undead. Be stricter in your upbringing if you want to have support and support in adulthood.
  • Such people do not know how to lose, defeat for them is like death. Carefully develop the tactics of their behavior. Analyze actions, considering themselves the best. People around are not allowed close to themselves, they are kept at a distance. In their inner world there is also no place for anyone, even relatives.
  • Before making contact with a person, they will study him up and down. It can be observed for several days or even weeks. But when the "victim" is ready, they will do everything to achieve their goal. From the crowd, such people prefer not to stand out.
  • Such people have few friends, because who wants to be friends with a mean person? They can stick a knife in the back at any moment if it will be beneficial for them. They don't shy away from anything. They do not understand that one fine moment they will do the same.

Video "Destiny Number 9"

The main positive meaning of the number 9 is goodwill towards all people without distinction, the ability to understand them and show mercy to those who need it. In addition, you have a natural charm, the ability to evoke good feelings. Apparently, this quality was given to you as an additional tool for popularizing your views on life. In fairness, it should be noted that you use this feature of yours for other purposes. The sensual component of life is of great importance to you, so you do not consider it necessary to ignore your own attractiveness.

Negative qualities

The number 9 in numerology in a negative aspect is associated with a tendency to melodrama and extreme manifestations of emotionality. In other words, you love to "make a scene." This is your way of defusing inner tension. True, it doesn’t make it any easier for those around you. There is another interesting point: in your soul you are a little “Don Quixote”. In the sense that you consider the old days "paradise lost." It seems to you that modernity is obviously worse. There is no great harm from this. In any case, until you make a scandal to your spouse because he refuses to challenge a neighbor to a duel.

Name numbers

The "nine" in the numbers of the name - the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the external appearance - indicates that you have a rare gift - the ability to forgive. This provides you with the love of others, and most importantly - peace of mind. And this is the only way to get it. However, the number 9 in numerology also means a more practical ability - creative talent. Indeed, quite selective. For example, you will never be able to create a new means of destroying your neighbors. But you can easily develop a detailed plan for building an ideal society. It will have only one drawback - absolute impracticability.

Date of birth numbers

The "nine" in the numbers of the date of birth - the Number of the Life Path and the Number of the Birthday - is a promise of good fortune. Not just luck, great opportunities or “brilliant” chances, but real happiness itself. Fully. And here it all depends on the characteristics of your perception. There are people who will feel deprived, even lying "in God's bosom." You are their complete opposite. You know how to catch moments of happiness and thank fate for every day you live. You know that you will definitely get everything you deserve. And although people of this vibration perceive failures as painfully as others, the number nine endows its protégés with an unshakable faith in the justice of the universe.

Impact on the profession

The value of the number 9 in the choice of specialty is interpreted as the lack of opportunities for self-realization in the professional field. A person with this type of personality is much more suitable for a hobby, a favorite pastime that brings material income. And it can be anything, from writing, painting or any applied art, to growing vegetables and flowers for sale. Therefore, if someone recommends that you get a specialty and work, do not rush to follow this advice. In any team, you run the risk of encountering many difficulties. It is better to look for an occupation that meets your spiritual needs.

Impact on personal life

"Nine" has a uniquely positive impact on personal life. To put it bluntly: you are not the kind of person who is able to exist alone, which means that the number 9 encourages you to make alliances of any type. This cannot be called a desire for a dependent position. You just need someone on whom you can pour out your love and tenderness. You perceive life in marriage as an indispensable condition for personal happiness. You have pronounced parental instincts. And if you do not make impossible demands on your partner too often, you will definitely get what you wanted. I mean, everything will be fine!

The number 9 in numerology is not a simple number. This is a number that symbolizes the life path of a person. Moreover, the nine is rightfully the strongest among all existing elementary numbers, since it combines absolutely all the properties inherent in them.

Human life path

In addition, the uniqueness of the number nine also lies in the fact that when it is multiplied by any other elementary number and then reduced, the result will always be nine.

The main features and properties of the nine

Basic properties

Since the number 9 in numerology symbolizes the warlike red planet Mars, people under its protection are fighters by nature. This means that they are ready to challenge everything that contradicts their own ideas about life.

In this regard, at a young age, they often experience many problems and difficulties. But over time, thanks to their determination, willpower, determination, as well as strength of character, they always achieve success in all their goals.

People with the number nine are impulsive, quick-tempered and independent. These are pronounced individualists and masters of their own lives.

However, it is worth noting that the excessive influence of the number nine is not very favorable for a person. If the nine prevails in important dates and life events, there is a danger of acquiring the worst enemies, as well as falling into various conflict situations - all this is due to the fact that the militant planet Mars has a huge influence on the number nine.

That is why people born under the number nine constantly defend their rights and fight for justice. The courage and fearlessness that are inherent in people under the auspices of the nine make them excellent soldiers in war and absolute leaders in everyday life.

Negative traits of the number nine

Negative Traits

Like any other number, nine can have a negative impact on a person. First of all, it is an extreme impulsiveness and irascibility. Quite often, such people begin to commit completely thoughtless, even reckless acts.

Due to the fact that people who are ruled by the number nine are accustomed to doing something first, and only then thinking, they often have the risk of accidents, as well as other difficult situations.

The influence of the nine on human relations


For all their temper, impulsiveness and independence, people of the number nine have a pronounced tendency to simple human sympathy and understanding, thanks to which they very quickly win recognition and sympathy from others.

In general, Nine people are very charming, and this, in turn, gives them the opportunity to gently influence other people. As mentioned above, nine is a very difficult number, since it combines absolutely all the features and features, advantages and disadvantages that all other elementary numbers have.

That is why the character of a person under the auspices of the nine is also very complex. It can manifest, on the one hand, amazing generosity, generosity and tolerance, and on the other hand, pronounced eccentricity, selfishness, coldness and even cruelty. In addition, people of the number nine from time to time are characterized by considerable sentimentality and dreaminess, as well as thoughtfulness.

As a rule, people who are under the auspices of the number nine have good health and fairly well-developed intuition. True, it should be taken into account that unskilled hard physical labor, as well as stressful situations, can contribute to poor health.

What talents do people of number nine have?

Possible Talents

It is interesting to learn about what the number 9 of numerology means and how it affects the talents and abilities of a person. So, for people who are patronized by the nine, a very rich imagination is characteristic, as well as an excellent artistic taste.

Moreover, such people have a pronounced eloquence and artistic talent - in this regard, they are able to show themselves remarkably well in the cinema, theater and stage, as well as in organizing all kinds of public performances.

Nine brings great success in any field of activity that is more or less connected with art. In addition, it can be said with absolute certainty that such people make excellent leaders. Despite the fact that people of the number nine often have difficulties in choosing their life path, as a result, they expect great successes, achievements and victories.