The colors of a person’s chakras - their meaning and filling oneself with energy. Chakras, their colors, meanings and connections with human diseases. What does the green color of the chakra mean?

Chakras are energy centers that maintain a person’s connection with the Universe, protect him from loss of energy and help restore health. The luck and well-being of people largely depend on them.

Everyone has chakras, and their work directly depends on what a person does. Developing chakras is useful not only for healing the body, but also for avoiding energy attacks, the evil eye, damage and other mental influences. It is important to keep the chakras open, otherwise closed channels can lead to many troubles in life.

Where are the chakras located?

The number of chakras is individual for each person, since mental bodies are unique, just like physical bodies. In addition, the number of chakras depends on how spiritually developed a person is and whether he strives for this. Experts on the site believe that energy centers can be divided into two groups: in one of them there are actively working chakras, and in the other there are sleeping or unmanifested chakras. They are revealed only if a person begins to work on himself, reaches a certain level of development and abandons negative character traits and behavior.

It is believed that every person has seven main chakras located in specific areas of the body. A person’s well-being and luck depend on how developed the chakras are.


This energy center is located in the coccyx area. The human aura in this place is colored bright red color. Through the chakra there is a connection with the earth, which provides physical health, self-confidence, sexuality and emotions of passion. If the red color of the chakra is mixed with dark or even black, we can say that the energy channel is closed. At the same time, the person experiences apathy and even depression. He may develop blood diseases, and his general health will deteriorate.


The chakra is located at the point where the spine meets the sacrum. Her color is orange. The energy center is responsible for feelings, creativity, confidence and stamina, as well as sexual activity. An admixture of black color may indicate that the center is not functioning well. In this case, apathy begins, a reluctance to engage in personal life, create and comprehend new things. In men, a closed chakra directly affects the reduction or cessation of activity in intimate life.


The chakra is located in the solar plexus and is colored yellow color. It is responsible for confidence and energy, the ability to manage money and gives leadership abilities. Chakra dysfunction affects cash flows, which begin to weaken. There are problems in communication, difficulties at work or in school. At the physical level, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear.


Next to the heart is Anahata, which is colored green. Its function is the ability to love and give feelings to the world around us. A properly functioning chakra ensures harmony and joy in life, helps you overcome difficulties with ease and gain strength from communicating with people. A closed channel gives rise to negative emotions, resentment and anger, which destroy a person from the inside. He becomes . Health problems begin with frequent colds, which develop into bronchitis, asthma, heart failure and breathing problems.


This chakra is located in the neck area and has white color. The functions of the energy center extend to oratory, the ability to persuade, the ability to hear and navigate in space. The chakra helps in creative professions, makes it possible to analyze and clearly express your thoughts. An energy channel that does not work well increases the risk of developing diseases of the spine and upper respiratory tract.


The energy center is located in the head and is colored indigo. The chakra is responsible for intuitive and thinking abilities, compassion and participation. Thanks to this chakra, people often develop extrasensory abilities, which are called the “third eye.” The lack of energy received from this chakra can cause all kinds of brain diseases, loss of vision and spiritual callousness.


The chakra is located at the top of the head, colored violet or lilac color. Its function is a person’s ability to learn and assimilate new information. Thanks to this chakra, spiritual growth occurs, wisdom and the ability to defend one’s opinion come. The closed Sahasrara channel impairs memory. Often a clogged information channel leads to the development of fears, aggravation of conflicts and diseases associated with loss of orientation in space.

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It is an energy center that controls the development of a specific spiritual quality of an individual. The chakras are located in the second part of the body - they stretch along the spinal column. Each chakra has its own specific characteristics - frequency, symbol, stone that promotes opening. In this material we will look at the colors of the chakras.

Color is a specific energetic vibration. Therefore, when purchasing items of clothing of one color or another, we find ourselves filled with the energy of the shade we have chosen.

If you have problems with certain chakras and want to improve their functioning, it is important to sort the chakras by color and add items to your wardrobe of the exact shade for which it is responsible.

1 chakra (Muladhara)

Blue energy is inherent in creative people, as it provides expression of their thoughts, desires, and feelings. It is also the chakra of truth.

The flow of blue energy of Vishuddhi comes from higher levels. Its associations are trust, belief in the existence of higher powers.

6th chakra (Ajna)

Knowing all the colors of a person’s chakras and using this knowledge in practice, you can not only harmonize the work of energy centers, but also develop in yourself those qualities and abilities for which the energy of a certain color is responsible.

Chakras are commonly called the intersections of energy channels in the subtle body of a person. The chakra centers are located along the spine. Each of them has its own color and is responsible for the vibrational effect on a specific energy node.

Red is associated with the root chakra. It differs from others in sharpness and saturation, therefore it is responsible for low vibrations.

Bright red color is characteristic of sexual energy, and dark red is a more aggressive shade, directly related to fear, it becomes one of the reasons for blocking spiritual development.

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Characteristics inherent in this color:

  • heat;
  • masculinity;
  • rebirth and rebirth;
  • fight for life.

Orange Swadhisthana

The color orange is associated with the sacral chakra. The name of the color has Arabic roots and means “fruit”.

It is softer than red and is associated with:

  • with joyful emotions;
  • happy life;
  • cheerful, positive mood.

Shades of red help to get out of depression, shake off the heaviness from your shoulders, liberate your body, and free up your movements. It is recommended to add things or clothes of this color to your life to improve your mood and well-being.

Yellow Manipura

The color yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra. All shades of yellow are like the sun's rays, which bring inspiration.

  1. Symbolizes the mind, intellectual abilities.
  2. Stimulates action.
  3. Has a good effect on the skin.
  4. Calms the nervous system.

Green Anahata

Green is associated with the heart chakra and is located at the very center of the rainbow, in the middle part of the spectrum. It promotes harmonization and restoration of balance in all areas of life.

  1. Shades of green bring the bad and the good into balance.
  2. Create harmony in the trinity of mind, body and spirit.
  3. Calm and relieve tension.
  4. Grant the ability to show sincere feelings and be loved.

Green color heals a person and helps to find unconditional love. When there are no demands, but only a real feeling based on understanding and acceptance of other people.

Blue Vishuddha

Blue is associated with the throat chakra. It is considered a symbol of silence, calm, and inspiration. Shades of blue create a space in which everything around you seems larger than in reality.


  • relaxation, reduction of physical and emotional stress;
  • manifestation of creativity, spiritual growth;
  • the emergence of a depressive state during prolonged contemplation.

In the Buddhist religion, the color blue is associated with the coolness of the water surface and the skies.

Blue Ajna

The color blue is associated with the brow chakra of the third eye. It is most often depicted in indigo shades. The name comes from a plant whose color resembles the twilight sky.

Blue promotes the development of:

  • intuition and clairvoyance;
  • decent behavior, devotion.

Shades of blue are calming, help you transition to sleep, relieve tension and reduce pain.

Violet Sahasrara

Violet is associated with the crown chakra. It is necessary to distinguish between violet and purple shades. Both are obtained by mixing red and blue colors, but in violet the blue tint predominates.

It has the shortest wavelength and highest energy level compared to other colors in the spectrum. This is followed by the area of ​​ultraviolet rays.

Most often, purple can be seen in plants (for example, violet petals). Violet oil is used in various perfume combinations.

This color is a manifestation of:

  • spiritual consciousness;
  • cleanliness;
  • modesty;
  • faith;
  • humility.

To achieve the highest spiritual goal, one must strive to open the final violet chakra, Sahasrara.

Anahata chakra – located in the human chest area and glows green. It is responsible for the most important human feeling – the feeling of love. In the physical body, the green chakra is responsible for the heart, lungs, bronchi and circulatory system. It nourishes a person, influencing psycho-emotional and spiritual life. The Anahata chakra is associated with the element of air; it fills a person with love. the opportunity to grow and can thus increase from self-love to love for all living things and for the entire Universe.

Living at the level of love brings joy to a person and brings him happiness. But the transition to this level is very difficult. The green chakra of a person awakens through the performance of good deeds, which are done in a state of harmony and out of spiritual impulse.

Unbalanced green chakra on the human body

The most important sign of an unbalanced Anahata is sentimentality, the inability to separate one’s problems from the problems of those around him, the desire to do something good for other people, in the hope of getting something good from them. Dependence on feelings is also a sign of an unbalanced fourth heart chakra.

Another extreme may appear - the desire to give, along with a refusal to accept anything from other people. And thus not being able to experience the joy that someone was able to give you pleasure.

Another sign of unhealthy green chakras is a feeling of guilt and shame. It may be guilt for other people's problems, for their suffering. You need to understand that everything should be in moderation, and by letting suffering pass through you, you are thereby self-destructing. In order to balance the Anahata chakra, you first need to pay attention to the three lower chakras and balance them first.

Balanced green chakra

With a balanced 4th chakra, a person feels his unity with everything that surrounds him, his life is filled with deep meaning. The feeling of compassion that he experiences ceases to oppress him and develops into action.

The feeling of love that is inherent green chakra has three stages - personal, universal and compassionate. When the fourth heart chakra awakens, a person enjoys loving others. He strives to share his joy with everyone around him.

How to awaken the green chakra

The heart awakens a feeling of compassion for those who do not love us. Even if our heart aches from wounds, it needs to be resurrected. We need to understand and realize that we are that same love. This concept greatly softens the pain of loss. We must try to free ourselves from those dark feelings that block our green chakra. Only in this case will a channel open through which love will come into our hearts. We must also love ourselves. Believe in the power of love and it will allow reality to guide you through life. Here are some phrases - affirmations for the heart chakra:

  • All the love is in my heart.
  • I am the love.
  • Joy is the meaning of my life.
  • The desire to share my joy delights me.
  • My essence is pure and innocent.

Listen to the mantra on video to awaken the green chakra

Each person has his own aura and chakras. These energy channels and their intersections determine a person’s mental and physical health. Each chakra has its own name, color and even shape, which can be depicted on paper. Their colors are determined not only by their location along the spine, but also due to their direct connection with Cosmic energy.

What is chakra color

The colors of the chakras are determined by their relationship with certain internal organs, as well as depending on their connection with the divine principle. Each of them has its own shade. It is very convenient to conduct meditations to open each specific chakra, associating them with a specific color scheme.

Using color codes for energy channels, you can work through each of them as deeply as possible, regulating the functioning of internal organs and clearing your consciousness of negativity.

Depending on the problem at hand, it is easy to fill your body with energy using objects of a color that matches the shade of the chakra.

Muladhara or the lowest chakra is indicated by the color red. Shades of red carry a positive charge of energy for low energy flows. Shades of this color can be associated with masculinity, warmth and light, and survival.

The first thing a person thinks about is the need for survival and self-defense. The first things we must satisfy in order to live are food, shelter and sleep. All these needs are under the protection of the red chakra.

There is a meditative technique, even more than one, that is aimed at opening and balancing this channel. If a person feels insecure, constantly needs protection, food and sleep, he has disturbances in the functioning of this chakra, so it will be important for him to perform meditation on the color red.

To do this you need:

  • wear comfortable clothes and sit in a comfortable place where no one will distract you from the process;
  • calm breathing, or you can use one of the breathing techniques;
  • visualize how the soles of your feet are filled with a red glow, become warmer and the warmth gradually begins to spread throughout the body, starting from the lower extremities higher and higher;
  • The most important attention must be paid to the area where the muladhara is located in order to reveal and improve its work as deeply as possible.

Each exercise, this or that, must be performed for at least 5 minutes. It is advisable to first prepare for yourself a drawing and designation of this chakra so that you can more effectively visualize the shade.

Meditation on the color orange

Svadhisthana belongs to the color orange. It allows a person to experience the entire spectrum of pleasures, starting with the most base. At the same time, it is very difficult for people to stop, so you should be extremely careful with this chakra.

This color is also associated with sexual activity and energy. Using it in your wardrobe, you can increase the attention of the opposite sex to yourself and intensify sexual desire.

The power of this shade lies not only in pleasure, it also lies in life, joy, and fulfillment. People who have a rich imagination and fantasy often have orange in their wardrobe.

By visualizing how the body is filled with a beautiful bright orange color, starting from the feet and rising higher, to the very back of the head, you can cleanse svadhisthana and fill your body with health, as well as get rid of clamps in this channel.

Meditation on the color yellow

Yellow color belongs to the manipura chakra. It is responsible for a person’s success in the social sphere, communication and interaction with other members of society. A person who loves this shade usually has strong self-esteem and often holds a high position.

This shade is also considered the color of an optimist. It brings positivity just as solar energy fills everything around with its warmth and light. By using as much yellow as possible around you, you can attract self-confidence, strengthen your strength, and also attract success and luck into your life. Typically, people suffering from depressive disorders exclude this color from their lives and surround themselves with other, darker and sadder shades. This is fundamentally wrong; on the contrary, you need to please yourself as much as possible with this shade in order to give yourself the opportunity to become stronger and better.

For meditation, you can prepare pumpkin seeds or yellow autumn leaves in advance. You should put them next to you and take a comfortable position. Visually, you need to imagine how the sun places its rays in the center of a seed or leaf and gives it its positive energy. At the same time, you should mentally imagine that this leaf or seed is the yellow chakra. She is also filled with energy and all negativity leaves her.

Meditation on the middle and upper chakras

In order to surround yourself with harmony, you should be attentive to your mental balance. In case of any failures, you can easily correct the situation by meditating on a specific center.

Meditation on the color green

The best meditation for this shade is the following technique.

  • You need to sit comfortably on the floor with your back straight.
  • Imagine how anahata opens up like a flower bud opens.
  • Gradually visualize how the bud blooms with a delicate peach and pink hue, and its leaves acquire a bright green color.
  • The richness, peace and serenity of the leaves should give peace to a person’s soul.
  • You can imagine how tender green leaves and buds bloom on trees in the spring.

During meditation, you can use pleasant relaxing music or chant the Om mantra.

Meditation on blue color

It is best to meditate on the color blue outdoors. Whether it’s winter, summer or autumn outside is not so important, the main thing is that the sky is clear and there are as few clouds as possible. In such weather the practice will be as successful as possible.

You can keep your eyes open or close and visualize a blue tint. You should imagine how clean air penetrates the lungs, filling the entire body with strength and purity and taking all the negativity with it. After this, along with negative energy, the air flow leaves the body through the lungs, leaving behind silence and calm.

You can also imagine a ray of sun that penetrates the top of your head and leaves, taking everything bad with it.

Meditation on the color blue

Ajna belongs to the color blue. It symbolizes intelligence, thinking, concentration and memory. All human abilities to perceive and remember the surrounding reality are directly related to this chakra.

In addition, blue color is responsible for brain function and function. If you meditate on the color blue, you can improve your perception of information, improve your thinking abilities and the power of your brain.

It is best to practice violet meditation when the previous chakras are working harmoniously. In this case, the practice will be as successful as possible.