If I have magical powers. How to determine if you have magical abilities

If you think that psychic abilities manifest themselves immediately in the form of telepathy or foretelling the future, then you are mistaken. Sometimes people who have had paranormal abilities all their lives do not even realize that they have them. And all because signs of a gift often appear in simple little things that many do not focus on. Below are 15 signs of paranormal abilities. Check, maybe you are a psychic?

You get lucky very often. It is worth thinking about the fact that this is not just like that. “Getting unscathed” from any difficult situation, constantly being in the right place at the right time is one of the hidden signs that you have a gift. If luck does not leave you even in those moments when you think that everything is lost, it means that there really is something unusual in you. You have a strong guardian angel who prevents you from getting into trouble.

When approaching technical devices, they begin to work poorly, or, conversely, they function much better. This means you are emitting strong energy that affects not only people, but also electronics.

Animals begin to behave strangely in your presence. This suggests that you have a special energy that is keenly felt by pets. It has long been known that some animals, especially cats and dogs, are very sensitive to paranormal phenomena.

You don't like open doors in your room. This also suggests that you have psychic abilities. People often refer to “fear of open doors” as agoraphobia. This is not always true. The desire to be in a closed space has nothing to do with mental disorder. If you can't stand it when the door to your room is open (even if there is no one else in the house except you), you simply unconsciously want to protect your energy.

Does your offender always get what he deserves in the end, and this happens without your participation? Then you have powerful energy and the power of thought that can influence other people.

You sense the experiences and feelings of others. Not many people have this ability. This phenomenon indicates that you can take on the emotional burden of other people.

The touch of your hands can ease or neutralize physical pain. This ability indicates that you can control your energy and thereby heal people.

You often have prophetic dreams. Often, many of us simply forget our dreams or do not attach much importance to them, but prophetic dreams are one of the main signs of having extrasensory abilities.

Do you often say phrases like “I knew it” or “I told you so”? If yes, then you have the ability to foresight. You know in advance the events that will happen - this indicates that you have developed intuition and you are capable.

Materialization of thoughts and desires in reality. It can manifest itself both in a negative and positive way. If your thoughts and desires begin to manifest themselves in your life and this happens quickly and often enough, then this means that you attract the events that you think about. Many people develop this ability over the years, while others receive this gift from birth.

All these manifestations indicate the presence of extrasensory abilities. Of course, you need to constantly develop your gift. To do this, first of all, you need to learn how to properly manage your energy.

It is also important to remember that people with paranormal abilities bear some responsibility for their power. Those who have the gift of a psychic must be aware that their actions, thoughts and words can cause harm to a person. So if you discover signs of unusual abilities in yourself, it is better to use them only for good. Discover new abilities in yourself! And don't forget to click and

And also, a little about Initiation.

Hello, my dear readers and students. Many people are concerned about the question: how can you find out whether a person has the ability for magic and how to develop it? I’ll tell you about this today. In general, as I already explained in the section Secrets of Mastery, magical abilities Every person initially has them, but not everyone is given the ability to develop them.

Modern science has calculated that a person uses only seven percent of the capabilities of his brain, and the remaining 93 are simply turned off. Humanity has been thinking about how to activate them for more than a century, but there is no need to invent a wheel, it is the “switching on” of non-working sections that is carried out in a special ceremony, Initiation.

However, there are few real Initiated Witches, more often people acquire unusual abilities by more accessible means. Where do ordinary people get magical abilities from?

  • Training. Training with a Master makes it possible for almost anyone to independently achieve the first stage of Initiation-Witchcraft. For most, this is enough.
  • Trauma-brain shutdowns. After clinical death or a lightning strike, the brain sometimes turns on single “blocked” abilities.
  • Indirect inheritance. If there were people in your family with magical abilities who did not pass them on to you, then some of them (abilities) may manifest themselves even after several generations.
  • Direct inheritance by Family. If your great-great-grandmothers were Initiated Witches and your training began at the age of 5-9. In this case, your life will be enough to go through all the degrees of Initiation, unless, of course, you want to take a risk, you will be ready and there will be good teachers.
  • Conscious renunciation of the worldly. This includes seclusion, fasting, vows of celibacy, silence, foolishness. In return, such people sometimes receive the ability to clairvoyance or healing.

These are, perhaps, all the ways to comprehend the Great Knowledge. If you are an ordinary person, but feel that you are ready to devote your whole life to magic, start training right now; in order to achieve at least some skills, it takes years and years of work. Now I will tell you how these abilities manifest themselves. If everything is clear with training, the Teacher puts knowledge into your head and it depends only on your faith in him and the exact fulfillment of all the rules whether it “gets” to you or not, then you need to deal with other methods separately.

  • Injuries. People who have received magical abilities in this way often suffer greatly, not understanding what is happening to them and how to live with it, because seeing, for example, spirits or sick human organs is a test that threatens madness. A good master can help “turn off” this function and develop Such abilities are undesirable, because they were “turned on” by mistake and can pose a threat to life and health.

Indirect inheritance occurs most often and usually gives several related abilities. If you start teaching such a person, it will make sense. I want to say right away that those who hear voices and feel an otherworldly presence in the house do not have anything unusual at all, this is most often not a Gift but “ infection with “entities” and requires urgent disposal, and not the development of this supposed Gift... Abilities actually manifest themselves in dreams.

These can be bright short flashes or flights to other worlds, such dreams are very unusual and even the smell and taste of everything seen can be remembered. The distinctive signs of a witch may also appear, in this case the dreams are similar to a real Initiation, i.e. in a dream you are like - you would play an educational game, see the aura and energies, you can control them, fly or leave the body. You are given the opportunity to try everything in a dream that you will then need to implement in reality. This is the so-called Reverse Initiation.

Why is it the opposite? Because the usual Initiation takes place only after everything that is needed for this Degree has already been learned and the exams have been passed. After which the senior Masters, with the help of special spells and potions, put the student into a state that looks like a coma. All that remains is the pulse and breathing. The student can remain in this state for up to several weeks, living in another world and seeing everything that has been erased from the memory of humanity, receiving confirmation of his skills.

In the case of reverse Initiation, knowledge comes chaotically, in fragments, in unusual fantastic dreams; often, upon waking up, a person wants to sketch what he saw, or describe it in poetry, or music is born. For example, this is one of my poems written down after such a “dream.”

I saw the heavenly worlds, I took handfuls of crystal water,

Those who left us long ago greeted me and Zemlyanka as a guest...

I wandered in that same garden, every leaf there is a delight for the soul...

There are birds singing, there is bliss and peace, there are flowers and bunches of grapes all around...

Yes, I know that I won’t be in heaven... that’s what He decided, and that means it’s the way it should be...

That's just the key that I carry with me, from all the gates, from heaven and from hell...

I saw the underground worlds, my soles were burned by fire...

Everything there is not as you think... but it would be better if we didn’t meet you there...

Of course, this happens rarely, only if one of your ancestors has undergone at least four Initiations. If something similar happens to you, or your dreams are at least a little reminiscent of what is described above, then you have received your part of the Knowledge.More you can talk about Dedication

  • Transmission by gender is the least common and this is the most complete Knowledge obtained under the supervision of Teachers.
  • Refusal from worldly life is practiced in many religions in order to get closer to God, that is, to gain a piece of Knowledge (more details in the Secrets of Mastery). Usually these people take tonsure (vow) and devote their whole lives to service. Some succeed, mainly in healing.

That's all for now. If everything written above is about you, then welcome! I will teach to the best of my ability and your desire. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer. Health and love to you.

Your Svetlana from the Vasiliev family.

Have you ever dreamed of acquiring super powers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With this free online testing, you can assess your energetic potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine a person’s natural inclinations. As you know, there is some truth in every joke... The effectiveness of developing beyond one's abilities largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a difficult matter as acquiring magical abilities.

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Unleash your super powers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or is Shiva the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online testing "Am I a magician or what" to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only the obvious manifestations of magical powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are beyond the control of many magicians, who have successfully replaced the lack of superpowers with astrology and the practice of fortune telling using Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they appear as a result of a special set of training, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By using the magical abilities test, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something “from scratch.” Remember - beyond ability is not a gift from the gods or a privilege of the chosen few, but human properties that are rudimentarily present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's time


First of all, it is necessary to accept on faith the fact that every person “by default” has a whole set of hidden, “magical” abilities. The thing is that their manifestation is almost always associated with a lot of difficulties.

If we think about it, many of us simply do not need such properties as, for example, telepathy. Why should a person be a telepath and try to mentally communicate with another person when he has a mobile phone?

However, if you still have a desire to check exactly the manifestations of your hidden qualities/abilities, then there are very simple ways to detect them.

Observe yourself carefully and analyze your life. Answer the question - has this ever happened to you when your random thoughts about someone led to certain consequences for that person?

Thus, many cases have been described when the seemingly unconscious thoughts of energetically strong people led others to illness or some kind of trouble.

Observe the attitude of pets, especially cats, towards you. These animals react very sensitively to any type of energy and have a great sense of whether a person in front of them is good or bad. If a person has a lot of negative energy, a cat or male cat is unlikely to allow him to stroke himself for a long time, much less pick him up. They will most likely sniff you and then try to put more distance between themselves and you if they don't like you.

Remember that the use of certain energies imposes great responsibility on a person. Moreover, the laws of life are such that when using negativity, the responsibility is orders of magnitude higher, because in this case, you may harm others with your actions. Therefore, to experimentally test your abilities, it is better to use positive qualities.

Try wishing someone something good. For example, recovery or a speedy solution to problems, and then follow the further fate of this person. If everything works out for him, try again. If successful, you will be able to think that it was your good intentions that helped this person. This means that you have the necessary basis for developing your abilities.

In any case, remember the responsibility that rests with you. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility for its use. Rashly disposal of great force can lead to dire consequences. On the contrary, using your energy for good will only increase your strength. In order to receive a lot, you have to give a lot.

Many people dream of having paranormal abilities. Witchcraft in the real world is considered a fiction, a trick of the authors of mystical programs. Is it possible to be sure that there is no witchcraft in nature? How can you tell if you have magical abilities? They check unusual powers by zodiac sign, date of birth, structure of the palms, prophetic dreams, effects on others, animals and objects, family connections, and the presence of unexplained incidents in life.

Superpowers do not manifest themselves in the same way for everyone. In some people, those around them saw something unusual from birth, while others understood their purpose in adulthood. There are those who have not learned about their special relationship with the world.

There are several starting points in human development: birth, puberty, severe shock.

Young children begin to have magical abilities without realizing it. Puberty brings physical and mental changes to a teenager's life and can trigger a surge in the paranormal.

There are those who understood the first skills of communicating with the other world after an unusual situation: mental or physical shock. More often it is the death of loved ones, psychological trauma, illness or stress.

With study and practice, anyone can learn to cast magic. But not everyone will become outstanding magicians.

Mystical art comes in several types:

  • telepathy – reading and transmitting thoughts at a distance;
  • clairvoyance - recognition of the future, vision of the past;
  • mediumship - establishing communication with spirits;
  • witchcraft - damage, evil eyes, love spells, divination;
  • telekinesis – mental movement of objects;
  • healing - conspiracies, spells, rituals, amulets that healers can use.

Some believe that magical talents are inherent in each person to varying degrees; proper training must be given.

What factors and situations reveal magical abilities?

Those wishing to understand psychic abilities need to look for precise methods. Types of mystical art:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Zodiac sign.
  4. Frequent unusual events in life.
  5. Special signs on the hands.
  6. A gift that allows you to know the future, the ability to see prophetic dreams, and the possession of intuition.
  7. The ability to control events and be lucky, to materialize desires, to give offenders what they deserve.

Heredity is the main factor in obtaining magical skills. Inheritance of the physical and energetic structure of the human body. But a grandmother who is a healer and an aunt who is a medium will not make you an esotericist. You need to have your own talents in order to develop them, investing desire and strength in the process.

The presence of psychic skills is a certain date of birth.

To understand magical abilities, turn to numerology. The formula for calculating your number, which indicates your originality, is simple: the numbers of the day, month and year of birth are added up to a single digit (from 1 to 9), which carries information.


  • unit is a good speaker, can develop the skill of hypnosis, understands others well;
  • two is a conductor of energy, which allows you to become a medium, charge objects, make amulets, amulets;
  • three – luck, ability to quickly materialize thoughts. Easily damaged;
  • four – a strong aura that protects against black fortune telling;
  • five – intuition, clairvoyance and prediction skills;
  • six - pragmatists without faith in mysticism, who notice the true essence of people;
  • Seven is a magic number. Such people become telepaths, see prophetic dreams, other worlds;
  • eight - indicates the gift of providence;
  • Nine is a symbol of connection with the dead and the Universe.

Zodiac signs additionally indicate supernatural abilities.

Fire element Aries Aries have the gift of foresight and strong intuition.
a lion Leos are flame leaders. Their spheres: fortune telling, love spells, love spells.
Sagittarius Sagittarius is a healer, a bioenergy specialist.
Earth element Capricorn A born palmist, strong in astrology and nature magic.
Taurus He has energy that he happily gives to people.
Virgo They guess well, they are lucky.
Air element Scales Libras make powerful amulets from literally any available materials.
Aquarius Aquarians are excellent at fortune telling and know how to create new magical rituals.
Twins Their specialty is predictions.
Water element Cancer Cancers can manipulate, have developed intuition, and tell fortunes by any means.
Scorpion Scorpio easily masters home magic and the skill of creating amulets.
Fish Pisces perform successful rituals on water and know how to brew potions.

You can recognize strong magical abilities in yourself using your hand, drawing lines on your palm. Witches and sorcerers are people with long lines of intelligence and intuition, a cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger. The drawings on the upper phalanx of the thumb, the X on the Mount of Neptune and the ring of Venus with an island will tell about such talent.

How to determine if you have magical abilities and at what level they are

Family background for the formation of superpowers does not guarantee knowledge. How do you know if you have magic?

Often the desire to understand a person’s paranormal skills turns out to be strong.

If you see strange images or hear otherworldly sounds, this does not indicate the presence of psychic powers. Visions can be the result of ordinary suggestion, a game of the psyche.

To identify magical abilities, you can try to take an Internet test, complete tasks to guess objects in a closed package, try to tell about a person from a photograph, or influence people and animals. There is a method by psychologist Karl Zener, based on playing cards, that can provide the necessary information. You will understand that you have the beginnings of clairvoyance and telepathy. If you guess 10 out of 25 cards in the deck on your own or with the help of a friend who will influence you mentally.

Intuition and Prediction

You may have the ability to perform predictive magic if:

  • feel the mood and feelings of other people;
  • easily distinguish healthy from sick;
  • you can tell about a person by his appearance;
  • you see prophetic dreams and predict the course of events;
  • feel danger.

If you love loneliness, you are not bothered by a cemetery, you understand animals - it speaks of mystical abilities.

Magicians can induce lucid dreams to communicate with entities from the other world.

The power of thought

Materialization of thoughts, quick retribution for offenders, guessing plans, influencing decisions are signs of superpowers.

Sorcerers and witches can understand energetic connections, intangibly penetrate other people's bodies, and read strangers. Infusions are practiced in the occult sciences.

Reaction of the surrounding world

Pay attention to the behavior of living and nonliving objects in your presence.

Is it pleasant or unpleasant to be around you? Do animals caress or hate? Living beings are sensitive to the magician’s strong biofield. His aura repels or attracts them.

Possession of magical powers will allow you to change the taste of liquids, making them salty or sweet.

Inanimate objects come to life next to magical energy: they move, rotate, fall. Electrical appliances stop working, and you feel unwell from talking on the phone or using the stove.

It is difficult for psychics to be near a current source. Their energy fields intersect with electrical energy, creating interference. This is how the sorcerer's soul reacts.

Unexplained life situations

Think about the presence of magic in your life. Do you know how to relieve pain and anxiety without much effort? Luck in hopeless situations is another ability in esotericism.

If you want to constantly close the doors, but don’t understand why: your spirit is trying to protect the energy center from external influence.

Which magic to choose for practice

Every aspiring wizard or sorceress chooses a direction according to his preferences.

If you want to bring goodness, happiness, health, heal, create amulets, you should practice white magic. A person who works with the forces of light, knows prayers, uses them in his rituals, holds religious fasts, studies conspiracies, understands healing herbs and recipes, Slavic practices.

Black divination is aimed at destruction, destruction, disease. Darkness is associated with love spells, curses, evil eyes, suppression of will, damage, and fear. Black masters understand how to heal no worse than white ones, but they demand payment for their abilities.

Gray magic combines the knowledge and power of white and black. The opinions of sorcerers differ: some believe that such witchcraft is a non-life theory. In practice, you can choose one side. But there are those who deny the existence of pure good and evil.

For a novice sorcerer - the choice of a type of magic and an experienced teacher who will reveal natural talents, conduct initiation into knowledge, and pass on the secrets of mastery.