Orthodox prayers in the workplace. Prayer in the workplace for clients Prayer from the church system of chairs for job security

Every person has troubles in life that require help from Above. In many situations, we pray for the protection of the Holy Saints, because they have the boldness to pray for us before the Almighty. In addition, they, too, were ordinary people in their time and understand our problems.

And after death, the Lord granted them the gift of helping people in various situations.

When to ask for help through prayer

Work is where a person spends most of his life. Labor activity gives us the opportunity to provide ourselves and our family with material benefits.

But sometimes at work there comes a “dark streak”, a series of troubles, which forces you to look for a way out of the problems. Of course, you can endure attacks from colleagues and superiors, be under stress every day, or look for a new job, which is quite difficult during a crisis.

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Prayer for troubles at work to the Saints can influence the situation and change it for the better.

She is able to solve any problem, bring some sense to her enemies and calm their hearts. The Mother of God will protect you from enemies, eliminate omissions among colleagues, and improve the microclimate.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Many-sorrowful Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You brought to the earth! Accept our long-suffering sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy, for you are not known for refuge and warm intercession, but, as having boldness in the One who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas of Myra is one of the most beloved and especially revered saints among our people.

His miracles are countless; he helps people in almost all matters and life situations, including resolving work conflicts.


Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Favors desperate and weak-spirited people to get out of difficult situations.

The Lord awarded the future saint with the gift of healing in his childhood. The boy could cast out demons and heal the sick. According to legend, Saint Tryphon saved one of the cities from creeping reptiles, for which Emperor Troyan, an opponent of Christianity, subjected him to torture, and then ordered his head to be cut off, which is still kept in the Montenegrin Cathedral of St. Tryphon.

The saint does not refuse anyone, he opens up new paths for those who believe in his help and gives strength for good deeds.

Prayer to Saint Tryphon

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, I resort to you in prayer, before your image I pray. Ask our Lord for help in my work, for I am suffering inactively and hopelessly. Pray to the Lord and ask him for help in worldly matters. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Mitrofan Voronezhsky

They pray in conflict situations at work.

In his youth, he served as a priest in one of the parishes, thanks to which his household lived in prosperity and peace. Having become a widower, the cleric thought about asceticism and was appointed Bishop of Voronezh.

Mitrofan became famous for his deeds of mercy and assistance in resolving conflicts. He will always stand up for those who ask.

Prayer to Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh

O Bishop of God, Saint Mitrofan of Christ, hear me, a sinner (name), at this hour, in which I bring you prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God, may he forgive my sins and grant (request for work) prayers, holy, yours. Amen.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky

It must come from the very heart; it will not help in deception, but the pure thoughts of the person asking will bring great benefit.

You can ask him, in addition to resolving troubles, for promotions and salary increases.

We must not forget about thanking the saint who appears before the Lord for his help.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Remember us at the throne of the Savior and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life. We send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for work will strengthen the spirit and faith, relieve temptations, and help in difficult situations.

O glorious Apostle Peter, who gave up his soul for Christ and fertilized His pasture with his blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Bear our infirmities and do not leave us in spirit. We ask for intercession for all of us. Help us with your prayers, turn the face of Christ to our requests and grant us, together with all the saints, the blessed Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb. Amen.

Prayer to the Optina Elders

Prayer to the Optina Elders

Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

In the Psalter, the Word of God is revealed to prayer books.

David's songs help to get rid of any everyday misfortune, to appease ill-wishers who do evil. Reading psalms can protect against demonic attacks.

Read the psalms:

  • 57 - if the situation around you has become tense and there is no way to calm the “storm”, prayer will protect and call on the Lord’s help;
  • 70 - will suggest a way out of the conflict, will calm down the tyrant boss;
  • 7 - helps to resist grievances and quarrels, indicates the right steps to solve the problem;
  • 11 - pacifies the spirit of an evil person;
  • 59 - reveals the truth to the boss if the employee has become a victim of gossip or conspiracy.

Prayer Rules

When entering the Holy Temple, you must cross yourself three times. It is important to touch your body with your fingers and not cross the air.

Having entered the chapel of the temple and stood before the face of the saint, you need to concentrate and devote your thoughts to the saint to whom the prayer will be addressed.

It is advisable, before turning to a saint, to read his life, confess his sins, and take communion. And strong faith and the Orthodox spirit will give strength in this situation.

In petitions, do not forget about basic gratitude. Even if the request has not yet been fulfilled, then you need to continue praying, not renounce the saints and not blame anyone.

It should be remembered that for every action and event there is a time and place.

Prayer for work to Saint Tryphon

Luck has turned treacherously, and all circumstances are working against the desired goal. This is especially unpleasant when it comes to the material basis of life. After all, as you know, it’s better to be sad with a full wallet. To correct the situation, you need to pull yourself together, be positive and start taking action. At the same time, you can seek support from above. A sincere prayer spoken with faith for success in work will definitely help. Especially for this purpose, below are some good examples.

Prayer for success in business and work

This prayer can be said in any difficult work-related situation. For example, for success in finding a suitable vacancy. Or if you want to advance your career. She is addressed to the holy martyr Tryphon. Therefore, it would be nice if you had his icon. However, this is not necessary. The main thing in prayer is sincerity and faith, and the accompanying attributes play a role in the psychological attunement to the process.

“Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon! Quick helper of Christians, I appeal to you and pray, looking at your holy image. Hear me, as you always hear the faithful who honor the memory of you and your sacred death. After all, you yourself, dying, said that the one who, being in sadness and need, calls on you in his prayers, will be freed from all troubles, misfortunes and unfavorable circumstances. You freed the Roman Caesar from a demon and healed him from illness, so hear me and help me, always preserving. and in everything. Become my helper. Be my protection from evil demons and a guiding star to the King of Heaven. Pray to God for me, may he have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in my work. and my prosperity will increase, so that I can work for the glory of his holy name! "

Prayer before going to work

Before starting a working day, it’s a good idea to ask for blessings and help from above. To do this, below is a prayer for good luck and success in work. Reading it every morning will help you in fulfilling your duties and prevent unpleasant events. Additionally, it can also be said before a business meeting and, in general, before particularly important and responsible events.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the beginningless Father! You yourself said when you were among people on earth that “without me you can do nothing.” Yes, my Lord, I believe with all my heart and with all my soul what you said and I ask you for your blessing on my work. Grant me to begin it without hindrance and successfully complete it for your glory. "

Prayer after work

When the workday ends, you should definitely thank God. This shows your appreciation and ensures more blessings in the future. Remember that success in work depends not on what words you say, but on the heart with which you approach the higher powers. If you treat the sky as a consumer, then you will have the same attitude from your colleagues and your clients. If you show sincere gratitude, then you will subsequently be treated the same way. The following words will help you express your gratitude to Heaven:

“You who have filled my day and my work with blessing, O Jesus Christ, my Lord, I thank you with all my heart and offer you my praise as a sacrifice. My soul glorifies you, O God, my God, forever and ever. Amen!”

Prayer for a successful career

This prayer for success in work will bring you much more than you think you will get. The secret is that it means not just well-being at work, but also a harmonious relationship between professional activity and other areas of life. This is also a prayer for success, good luck in work and with your boss. After all, a comfortable atmosphere in the workplace depends not only on good work, but also on relationships with management, both business and purely human.

“Like a wonderful spark of your protection, O Lord, let my path be enlightened and my soul be filled with your good news! I, your son (daughter), call on you, God - touch my destiny with your hand and guide my feet along the path of prosperity and good luck Send down a blessing on me from heaven, God, and fill my life with new meaning and clear light, so that I may gain the strength of true life, success in today’s affairs and future works, and not know any obstacles under your blessing hand!”

at work

Sometimes it happens that everything seems to be fine, but just a little bit of luck is missing. The prayer for success in work, which is suggested below, will help correct the situation:

“Lord God, heavenly father! You know what paths I should follow in order to bring good fruits of my labors. I humbly ask you, in your goodness, in the name of Jesus Christ, direct my steps along your paths. Give me the opportunity to quickly learn and strive forward. Let me desire what you want and leave what is not pleasing to you. Reward me with wisdom, clarity of mind and understanding of your will, so that I can move towards you. Lead me to meet the right people, give me the necessary knowledge, help me. I always find myself in the right place at the right time. Do not allow me to deviate from your will in any way, and above all I ask you to grow good fruit through my labors for the benefit of people and your glory Amen!”

Prayer for success in business and work to Saint George the Victorious

The next prayer, like the first in our review, is dedicated not to the Lord, but to one of the saints. Great Martyr George - that’s who this text is addressed to. You can also pray for success in your work, especially if your profession is related to public service, since this saint of God is considered the patron saint of Russia.

"Oh, holy martyr George, saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor and intercessor and always a quick helper in sorrows! Help me in my present labors, beg the Lord God to grant me his mercy and blessing, success and prosperity. Do not leave me without your patronage and help. Help me resolve all problems and, to the greater glory of the Lord, ensure my work with success, deliver me from quarrels, strife, deception, envious people, traitors and the wrath of those in charge. I gratefully bless your memory forever and ever!


Of course, the best prayer for success in work is the “Our Father,” which Jesus Christ himself gave to people. It should also be read daily, both morning and evening. In principle, in the Christian tradition it is believed that this is the most basic and true prayer, which includes all our needs, requests, and also contains gratitude and glorification of God. All other prayers are considered a kind of commentary and additions to it, revealing its meaning. Therefore, if you are short on time, you can easily limit yourself to just this gospel prayer.

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Orthodox community on Instagram Lord, Save and Preserve † - https://www.instagram.com/spasi.gospodi/. The community has more than 44,000 subscribers.

There are many of us like-minded people and we are growing quickly, we post prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, and timely post useful information about holidays and Orthodox events... Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!

It happens that in the life path of many people certain situations occur when it seems that overnight success in business and luck simply turned away from them and there is a black hopeless streak of failures. Naturally, in such situations it is impossible to do without positive thoughts, however, the power emanating from a spoken prayer can have a miraculous effect. Prayer in the workplace for well-being can not only attract positive emotions to the person asking, but will also bring success to all his affairs.

How does this prayer help?

Today it is quite difficult to find a decent job that would meet all the requirements of the applicant. In order to achieve this, you should use a special prayer, with which you can ask the Higher Powers for help, for example:

  • On job preservation;
  • Getting a promotion;
  • A prayer service will help you achieve good luck and success in your work;
  • Prayer in the workplace against evil people can also help and protect you from their harmful effects;
  • You can even turn to the Saints for the successful opening and implementation of your own business;
  • About the successful completion of any business.

Amulet in the workplace

In order to protect yourself from the negative impact of ill-wishers and advance your career, you can use a talisman that can help many people achieve unprecedented results, as well as bring fame, success and money, and life itself can radically change for the better.

Also come to our Orthodox group on telegram https://t.me/molitvaikona

This kind of protection can be stored right at the workplace, but at the same time well hidden from prying eyes. On a piece of paper you need to write the following words:

“Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Powerful Prayer in the Workplace

To get the desired vacancy (position), you can recite the prayer text to Saint Tryphon. To do this, it is enough to purchase a miraculous image of the Saint in the temple and every day without interruption (preferably in the morning) say the following words:

“Oh, Holy Martyr of Christ Tryphon, our quick helper, I turn to You, I pray before Your Holy image. Hear me, now and always, I ask, Your servant (name), who honors the sacred memory of You.

You are a saint of Christ, you yourself said before your departure from this corruptible life to pray for us from the Lord and ask him for this gift: if anyone in any sorrow and need calls on your holy name, he will be delivered from every dark and evil thing. And if You delivered and healed the Roman king from the devil, save and protect me from evil machinations everywhere and always.

Be my assistant and a quick drive away of evil demons and a leader to the Heavenly Kingdom, as You now stand with the image of the Saints at the throne of God. Pray to the Almighty that he will give me fun and joy from new work, that he will always remain nearby and fulfill my plans. Amen".

May the Lord protect you!

Watch the video prayer for work:

Church prayer that gives strength before difficult work For each of us, the concept of “difficult work” is purely individual. For some, physical labor is difficult; for others, on the contrary, it is easier to dig up an entire garden than to write an essay; for others, any monotonous work will seem difficult. But regardless of our desires and preferences, we have to do the work. Christian prayer, which gives strength before difficult work, can significantly make our life and worldview easier, because we have asked for support from God. And with God's help you can easily cope with the most difficult task.

Text of prayer before work and for its successful completion

Almighty God, may Your inspiration anticipate our deeds; Strengthen them with Your grace, so that every work we do begins in You and is completed in You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen

O Heavenly King, just as You are our Great Comforter! Lord, bless me, Thy sinful and humble servant, for every good undertaking and for success in it, for the glory of Thy name! Let Your will be done, amen!


Use the following very powerful prayer to fill your life with success:

"I now realize the Omnipotence of God. I know that this Infinite Wisdom guides the planets and also guides all my affairs. I know that all my activities are controlled by this Divine Presence abiding within me. All my motives are pleasing to God and true. Almighty within me knows what to do and how to do it. My business is completely under the direction of God and is guided by His divine guidance. I know that God is helping me because my mind is at rest in His hands."

“I am aware of the presence of the Source within me and am in touch with my thoughts. I offer my gratitude to the Lord for the fact that the entrance to Infinite riches is now wide open before me and they are freely flowing to me. Every day I become richer spiritually, mentally and financially, money is God’s idea circulating in my life and there is always enough of it.”<...>And we did not trust in unfaithful riches, but in the living God, who richly gives us everything for our enjoyment.

Prayer before the start of the working day

"Lord, When I start a new day, I want to thank You for this opportunity to have a job. I thank You for the work that I do. For the people with whom I communicate and for the funds that I receive. Give me wisdom in dealing with my colleagues Help me in any situation to think about people first, and then about my own well-being. Help me to be honest in business relationships and responsible in the tasks assigned to me!

Prayer for finding your life purpose

"Infinite Intelligence knows all my talents and opens a new door for my self-expression in the Divine order. I follow the path that the Lord clearly and definitely tells me

"Prayer before starting any work, any business

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me , a sinner, to complete the work that I have begun, for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything, my Lord, Lord, by faith in my soul. My heart spoken by You, I bow down to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, for You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints. Amen.

At the end of the work, the fulfillment of all good

You are, my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me, for I am the only one who is most merciful, Lord, glory to You. It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Word, the real Mother of God we magnify Thee..

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer in the workplace

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

It happens that in the life path of many people certain situations occur when it seems that overnight success in business and luck simply turned away from them and there is a black hopeless streak of failures. Naturally, in such situations it is impossible to do without positive thoughts, however, the power emanating from a spoken prayer can have a miraculous effect. Prayer in the workplace for well-being can not only attract positive emotions to the person asking, but will also bring success to all his affairs.

How does this prayer help?

Today it is quite difficult to find a decent job that would meet all the requirements of the applicant. In order to achieve this, you should use a special prayer, with which you can ask the Higher Powers for help, for example:

  • On job preservation;
  • Getting a promotion;
  • A prayer service will help you achieve good luck and success in your work;
  • Prayer in the workplace against evil people can also help and protect you from their harmful effects;
  • You can even turn to the Saints for the successful opening and implementation of your own business;
  • About the successful completion of any business.

Amulet in the workplace

In order to protect yourself from the negative impact of ill-wishers and advance your career, you can use a talisman that can help many people achieve unprecedented results, as well as bring fame, success and money, and life itself can radically change for the better.

This kind of protection can be stored right at the workplace, but at the same time well hidden from prying eyes. On a piece of paper you need to write the following words:

“Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Powerful Prayer in the Workplace

To get the desired vacancy (position), you can recite the prayer text to Saint Tryphon. To do this, it is enough to purchase a miraculous image of the Saint in the temple and every day without interruption (preferably in the morning) say the following words:

“Oh, Holy Martyr of Christ Tryphon, our quick helper, I turn to You, I pray before Your Holy image. Hear me, now and always, I ask, Your servant (name), who honors the sacred memory of You.

You are a saint of Christ, you yourself said before your departure from this corruptible life to pray for us from the Lord and ask him for this gift: if anyone in any sorrow and need calls on your holy name, he will be delivered from every dark and evil thing. And if You delivered and healed the Roman king from the devil, save and protect me from evil machinations everywhere and always.

Be my assistant and a quick drive away of evil demons and a leader to the Heavenly Kingdom, as You now stand with the image of the Saints at the throne of God. Pray to the Almighty that he will give me fun and joy from new work, that he will always remain nearby and fulfill my plans. Amen".

Prayer that everything will work out at work and everything will be fine

A happy person is one who was able to succeed in life and bring something to it. Everyone chooses the most important and basic things for themselves. For some it is family, for others it is work. In both areas, you cannot do without hard work and the desire to learn.

But sometimes desire alone is not enough - it happens that things don’t go well, they stall and a streak of failure begins. What to do? In such cases, people always turn to higher powers. If there is sincere faith, an appeal to the Almighty will be heard.

How to offer prayer correctly?

The very first rule of prayer is sincerity. That is, you must sincerely desire what you are praying for. You must also believe in the power of your words. Before reading a prayer, you must expel all evil feelings and thoughts from your heart. Prayer also cannot be rushed. It is important.

Any business or request begins to be voiced with a common prayer:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen."

Patron Saints

All patrons for professions have long been determined by the church. The patron is chosen according to his deeds. Of course, there are no lists, but having read and learned the lives of the saints, you can choose for yourself a patron who was more closely related to your occupation.

  • Helps travelers and people whose work involves risk Nicholas the Wonderworker. Anyone associated with traffic (motorists, drivers of all types of transport), carrying heavy loads can choose a patron Saint Christopher.
  • Archangel Gabriel takes care of diplomats, as well as postal service workers and philatelists.
  • Workers of the printed word are patronized by the Apostle John the Theologian And Saint Luke. Also a saint Luke, who is considered the very first icon painter, patronizes artists.
  • Helps artists and singers Reverend Roman, who was nicknamed “The Sweet Singer.” Anyone who is somehow connected with choreography can consider him their patron. Holy Martyr Vitus.
  • Helps builders Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow. For realtors - Reverends Alexander of Kushtsky and Evfimy of Syangzhemsky.
  • People whose work involves money are under strong protection Apostle Matthew.

    Saints Cyril and Methodius patronize teachers. The Monk Sergius of Radonezh and the Martyr Tatiana take care of pupils and students.

    From evil people

    Good relationships with the team are the key to successful work. But some people may be negative towards you. It may be envy or just hostility, but it is unpleasant to work in this atmosphere. Believers in such situations will be helped by turning to the Holy Helpers.

    Prayer from spiteful critics:

    “The Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. Protect me from the sorrow of those who wish to hide their thoughts under the guise of goodness. May they find joy forever and may not come to the workplace with sin. Thy will be done. Amen."

    Mother Matrona is asked:

    “Oh, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. Ask the Lord God for protection against enemy attacks. Clear my life path from strong enemy envy and send down from heaven the salvation of my soul. Let it be so. Amen."

    Strong prayer to the Mother of God:

    “Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, Mother of the Compassionate, perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors. You will truly soften evil hearts.”

    For well-being, good luck in work and earnings

    A prayer to Jesus is said before work every day so that everything works out:

    “Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the beginningless Father! You yourself said when you were among people on earth that “without me you cannot do anything.” Yes, my Lord, I believe with all my heart and with all my soul what you have said and I ask your blessing on my cause. Grant me to begin it without hindrance and to complete it safely for your glory. Amen!"

    After finishing a working day, it is important to thank God:

    “You who have filled my day and my work with blessing, O Jesus Christ, my Lord, I thank you with all my heart and offer you my praise as a sacrifice. My soul glorifies you, O God, my God, forever and ever. Amen!"

    So that luck always accompanies your work and all troubles are avoided:

    “Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for success in all the works of my hands. Whatever I do and whatever I undertake, grant me success in abundance. Grant me abundant blessings on all my deeds and on the fruits of my deeds. Teach me to work effectively in all those areas where You have given me talents and deliver me from fruitless deeds. Teach me success in abundance! Tell me what and how I need to do in order to have abundant success in all areas of my life. Amen!"

    Which saints should you pray to so as not to lose your job?

    Reorganization, crisis, staff reduction, conflict with the boss - there are so many reasons to be left without a livelihood. Prayers can help you not get fired from your job.

    They ask their angel to help:

    “Holy Angel of Christ, my benefactor and patron, I pray to you, a sinner. Help an Orthodox Christian who lives according to God’s commandments. I ask you for a little, I ask you to help me on my journey through life, I ask you to support me in difficult times, I ask you for honest luck; and everything else will come on its own, if it is the will of the Lord. Therefore, I don’t think about anything more than success in my life’s journey and in all sorts of affairs. Forgive me if I have sinned before you and God, pray for me to the Heavenly Father and send your blessings upon me. Amen."

    Protect yourself from injustice and the machinations of spiteful critics:

    “Merciful Lord, detain now and forever and slow down all plans around me until the right time about my displacement, expulsion, displacement, dismissal and other machinations planned. So the demands and desires of everyone who condemns me are destroyed by evil. And in the eyes of everyone who rises up against me, bring spiritual blindness to my enemies. And you, Saints of the Russian Land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel the spells of demons, the intrigues and plans of the devil - it will annoy me to destroy my property and myself. Archangel Michael, the formidable and great guardian, with the fiery sword of the will of the enemies of the human race, cut me down to destroy me. And to the Lady, called the “Unbreakable Wall,” for those who are at war against me and plotting mischief, become an insurmountable protective barrier. Amen!"

    You can also pray in your own words, which come from the heart. Remember, sincere prayer filled with faith will definitely help you.

    I sincerely thank you for your support and your prayers, they give me strength in this difficult work.

    Thank you very much for your prayers. It’s easy and pleasant to work with. Everything works out.

    Thank you so much, your site and the prayers you shared with us helped me a lot. Thank you

    Thank you for your help, for teaching me how to pray and the Prayers themselves...

    Thank God for everything I will always pray to our savior! Amen.



    In difficult times, you can suddenly lose everything: your job, your savings, the friendly attitude of your colleagues and bosses. Even the best co-worker friends can suddenly start looking at you askance: after all, everyone is afraid that they might be “downsized”, and for some reason they want someone else to take their place - for example, you...

    Read prayers that protect against ill will and envy, support the spiritual strength of those who have already been laid off, and protect against job loss as often as possible. And the Lord will not leave you!

    Prayer for those who have been laid off

    Thank you, Heavenly Father, that in the midst of sadness, anger, uncertainty, pain, I can talk to You. Hear me as I cry out in confusion, help me think clearly and calm my soul. As life goes on, help me to feel Your presence every day. And as I look to the future, help me find new opportunities, new paths. Lead me by Your Spirit and show me Your way, through Jesus - the way, the truth and the life. Amen.

    Prayer for those who have kept their jobs

    Life changed: colleagues were laid off and left without work. Suddenly everything that seemed stable was now so fragile. Difficult express what what I feel: sadness, guilt, fears regarding the future. Who will be next? How I can handle the increased workload At work? Lord Jesus, in the midst of this uncertainty help to me continue on your way: work the best obra- So, living with the worries of one day, and taking time every day, to be with You. Because You are the way, true and life. Amen.

    Prayer of the Persecuted by People (Compiled by Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov)

    I thank You, Lord and my God, for everything that has happened to me! I thank You for all the sorrows and temptations that You sent me to cleanse those defiled by sins, to heal my soul and body, ulcerated by sins! Have mercy and save those instruments that You used to heal me: those people who insulted me. Bless them in this age and the next! Credit to them as virtue what they did for me! Give them abundant rewards from your eternal treasures.

    What did I bring to You? What are acceptable sacrifices? I brought only sins, only violations of Your most Divine commandments. Forgive me, Lord, forgive the guilty one before You and before people! Forgive the unrequited! Grant me to be convinced and sincerely admit that I am a sinner! Grant me to reject crafty excuses! Grant me repentance! Grant me contrition of heart! Grant me meekness and humility! Grant love to my neighbors, immaculate love, the same to everyone, both those who console me and those who grieve me! Grant me patience in all my sorrows! Die me to the world! Take away my sinful will from me and plant Your holy will in my heart, so that I may do it alone in deeds, words, thoughts, and feelings. Glory is due to you for everything! To you alone belongs the glory! My only asset is the shame of my face and the silence of my lips. Standing before Thy Last Judgment in my wretched prayer, I do not find in myself a single good deed, not a single dignity, and I stand, only enveloped from everywhere by the countless multitude of my sins, as if by a thick cloud and mist, with only one consolation in my soul: with hope in the unlimited Your mercy and goodness. Amen.

    Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from those in power

    By the will of the Lord you were sent down to me Guardian angel, protector and my guardian. Therefore I appeal to you in difficult moments in your prayer, so that amulet you me from great trouble. Those vested with earthly power oppress me, and I have no other defense than How power heavenly, which stands above us all and our world manages. Saint angel, amulets from oppression and insults from those who towered over me. Take care from their injustice, for I still suffer reason innocently. I forgive you as God taught these people their sins are before me, for it is the Lord He has exalted those who are exalted above me and thereby tests me. For all then the will of God, from everything that is beyond the will God's save me, my guardian angel. What am I asking for? you in my prayer. Amen.

    Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from mistrust at work

    Angel of the Lord, who carries out the will of Heaven on earth, hear me, the accursed one. Turn your clear gaze on me, cast your autumn light on me, help me, a Christian soul, against human unbelief. And what was said in Scripture about unbelieving Thomas, remember, holy one. So let there be no mistrust, no suspicion, no doubt from people. For I am pure before people, just as I am pure before the Lord our God. Since I did not listen to the Lord, I greatly repent of this, for I did this out of thoughtlessness, but not out of evil intent to go against the word of God. I pray to you, angel of Christ, my holy protector and patron, protect the servant of God (name). Amen.

    Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from misunderstandings with colleagues and superiors

    My patron, heavenly angel, my bright guardian. I appeal to you for help, for I am in grave trouble. And this misfortune comes from a lack of understanding of people. Unable to see my good thoughts, people drive me away from them. And my heart is extremely wounded, for I am pure before people, and my conscience is clear. I have not conceived anything bad, contrary to God, therefore I pray to you, holy angel of the Lord, protect me from human misunderstanding, let them understand my good Christian deeds. Let them understand that I wish them well. Help me, holy one, protect me! Amen.

    Prayer to the Guardian Angel for harmony in relationships with colleagues

    Holy angel of Christ, your ward, the servant of God (name), calls to you in prayer. I ask you, saint, to protect me from discord and discord with my neighbors. For I am not guilty of anything before them, I am pure before them, as before the Lord. Since I have sinned against them and the Lord, I repent and pray for forgiveness, since it is not my fault, but the machinations of the evil one. Protect me from the evil one and do not allow me to offend my neighbors. God wants it, so be it. Let them too heed the word of God and love me. I ask you about this, angel of Christ, warrior of God, in my prayer. Amen.

    Prayer to the Guardian Angel for harmony in relationships with superiors

    Holy angel of Christ, your ward, the servant of God (name), calls to you in prayer. I ask you, saint, to protect me from discord and discord with my superiors. For I am not guilty of anything before them, I am pure before them, as before the Lord. Since I have sinned against them and the Lord, I repent and pray for forgiveness, since it is not my fault, but the machinations of the evil one. Protect me from the evil one and do not allow me to offend my superiors. By the will of the Lord they have been placed over me, so be it so. Let them too heed the word of God and love me. I ask you about this, angel of Christ, warrior of God, in my prayer. Amen.

    Prayer to protect against intrigue at work

    Merciful God, now and forever delay and behind- wait until the time is right plans those around me about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion. So now destroy the evil desires and demands of everyone judging me. Yes and now point spiritual blindness in everyone's eyes rebelling against me and against my enemies. And you, all the Holy Lands Russian, develop by force their prayers about All for me demonic spells, everything devilish plans and machinations - annoy me and destroy me and my property. And you, great and formidable guardian, Archangel Michael, fire sword flog all the enemy's desires the human race and all its minions who want to destroy me. Stop indestructible on guardian of this house of all living in it and everything commons his. And You, Lady, do not in vain called the "Unbreakable Wall", be for all warring against me and malicious dirty tricks there really is no way for me to do barrier and indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances., bless.

    Prayer to Archangel Michael, protecting from troubles at work

    Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, O Lord, Thy Archangel Michael to the aid of Thy servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies fighting me, and make them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, a quiet refuge in the desert and on the seas. O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, when You hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling on Your Holy name. Hasten to our aid and overcome all who oppose us, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: holy martyrs Nikita and Eustus -fiy, and all our reverend fathers, who have pleased God from the ages, and all the holy Heavenly Powers.

    O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name), and deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from the flattering enemy, from the reviled storm, from the evil one, deliver us forever, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Holy Archangel of God Michael, with Your lightning sword, drive away from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen.

    Prayer from enemies at work and during difficulties in business

    From evil deeds, from evil people, with your wise words of God, I established heaven and earth, the sun and the month, the moon and stars of the Lord. And so establish the heart of a person (name) in the footsteps and commandments. Heaven is the key, earth is the lock; that's the keys to the outside. So tyn, over amens, amen. Amen.

    Prayer to protect you from troubles

    O Great God, by Whom all things are saved, free me also from all evil. O great God, who has given consolation to all beings, grant it to me also. O great God, who shows help and support in all things, help me also and show your help in all my needs, misfortunes, enterprises and dangers; deliver me from all the snares of enemies, visible and invisible, in the name of the Father, who created the whole world, in the name of the Son, who redeemed it, in the name of the Holy Spirit, who perfected the law in all its perfection. I surrender myself into Your hands and completely surrender to Your holy protection. Let it be so! May the blessing of God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit always be with me! Let it be so! May the blessing of God the Father, who created everything with His one word, always be with me. May the blessing of our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, always be with me! Let it be so! May the blessing of the Holy Spirit, with His seven gifts, be with me! Let it be so! May the blessing of the Virgin Mary and Her Son always be with me! Let it be so!