Who are Twin Flames? Why are we here? Twin Flame. Practices with crystals Love of twin flames and their connection

All of us, people, dream of sincere, supportive, trusting, joyful and happy relationships.

This is exactly the kind of relationship that develops between people whose souls are twin flames.

With such a meeting, the intensive development of the soul of a person in incarnation begins.

Meeting your twin flame helps you remember yourself, what we really are, but does not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship.

You may be the same gender as your twin soul, or you may be 50 years apart in age, or you may both already be in a relationship.

You can become best friends, work colleagues, or go in different directions along the path of fate, but this meeting will definitely affect you: will make it more real, centered and, when you go through all the tests, happy.

How to recognize a twin flame?

You will feel it. Seriously, meeting twin flames is like both the elements and magic - you can't help but notice half of your soul.

But it can be difficult to believe and realize something completely incredible: the lack of duality, recognition and unconditional love that you can experience for a complete stranger can puzzle and shock anyone.

That's why in this article you will find 23 signs that you have met your twin flame.

Perhaps they will help your brain adapt to the life-changing encounter when it happens, or understand that you have already been through this experience.

The Origin of Twin Flames

Twin flames are two halves of one. This is one soul, divided into two full-fledged souls, but remaining absolutely energetically identical.

In the book Soul Mates and Twin Flames, Elizabeth Prophet quotes the words of the Apostle Paul:

“We are twin flames because we come from the same realm of existence called the white fire body. Only we two came from this One - only we share the unique Divine plan - “male and female”” (Gen. 1:27).

At this starting point of creation, each single consciousness - a monad - contains the seeds of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of one reality.

Upon descent into third dimensional reality, these two aspects of one were separated and thus twin flames were created. One of them is the Alpha flame, the other is the Omega flame.

Both flames incarnate to live lives separate from each other, but they are always aware on some level of losing an aspect of themselves.

Also, at the deepest levels of their souls, they know how to recognize their twin flame.

The Purpose of Twin Flame Incarnation

Typically twin flames do not incarnate together unless they are passing through to Earth for a higher purpose.

At this time many evolved twin flames are incarnating to help raise the consciousness of humanity.

Typically, when one flame incarnates, the other remains out of form, preferring to energetically support its incarnated twin.

When twin flames incarnate together, their union on the physical plane is often chaotic and full of tension: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Their relationship is very intense. The romantic version of love that we all dream of is truly for twin souls.

When twin flames come together, they become mirrors for each other.

They are here to reflect each other's flaws and imperfections as the ultimate goal of twin flames is their complete unification on all levels once again, now in embodiment.

Twin Soul Relationships

Twin flames can be of different ages, genders (the same gender is also possible), their geographical location, morals, beliefs, race, income levels may not coincide.

And yet this connection is such that their relationship is very feels like coming home.

The attraction is strong on every level and spiritually they know that they are one.

This knowledge helps them overcome many obstacles, most of which are created by conventions, beliefs and the characteristics of their individual perception of the world.

As twin souls evolve and expand when they are together, their service here on the planet becomes more global.

When they realize it, they grow spiritually faster than when they were separated.

Their spiritual gifts are finely tuned: each of them has a gift, which the other does not have.

They are sensitive to each other's energy flows and mood changes. When they are not together, they do not live to their full potential, as if they “function” in a limited mode.

Together they become balanced, full of energy and capable of fulfilling their mission of embodiment to the fullest.

Together they become more of who they truly are simply by being in each other's energy.

Caduceus Union

When twin flames are reunited in physical forms, a special awakening occurs.

This awakening is only possible when twin flames energetically connect in 3d density.

The flames of Twin Alpha and Twin Omega ignite. Prior to this reunion, the flames were dormant.

From this ignition a golden spiral arises, which, meandering, illuminates their essence. Some call this spiral a snake.

In reality, this is the awakening of the oneness they once shared, which is their Christ Light/monad/"I-presence" awakened into recognition.

As they become closer in connection on all levels, these spirals intertwine to form Caduceus – the unification of the Light of Christ.

These two flames become one.

As they balance more with each other, the spirals of the caduceus become increasingly united until there is no visible separation between them.

Twin souls transformed all the inconsistencies and imbalances that separated them and stepped onto the path of Alpha and Omega, returning home as two parts of one whole, reunited in service.

The reunion of flames creates the deepest relationship for these two people.

Twin flame: signs of meeting

Until recently, most halves of twin flames did not incarnate at the same time, but came to Earth in turns, supporting each other throughout entire human lifetimes.

Now twin partners are incarnating together in larger numbers for a special purpose:

  • help manage and master time lines,
  • protect and increase energy,
  • move our world forward, especially forward in time.

Since soulmate connections are so sought after, familiar and strong these days, sometimes people don't know how to differentiate twin flames from other souls in their immediate group.

How to recognize a twin flame in 3d density?

The following signs of a twin flame relationship will help you admit something to yourself.

Of course, they are not immutable truths - after all, each of us goes through our own personal experience, but they are based on the experience of meetings and relationships of twin souls, and therefore can be useful.

23 Signs of a Twin Flame Relationship

1. You had dreams or visions of a person and/or energetic relationships before meeting in this life. Or you found out that you met your energy twin in some other unusual way.

For example, Elizabeth Prophet says that after meeting her future husband, she saw his face in the mirror when she looked at herself, and realized that she had met the twin part of her soul in a male body.

Some people say that when they looked into the eyes of their energy twin, they felt unearthly love.

2. When you met your partner, you felt as if you were “at home”, as if you had returned to a familiar but long-lost energy.

After the meeting, you have "memories" of other times and places with that person that are not part of your current life.

3. Your partner reflects your problems, concerns and shortcomings, but you also complement each other's skills, talents and capabilities.

Together you are a complete yin-yang fusion.

4. At least one of the partners has a higher frequency.

Perhaps he is from Indigo and/or Crystal Souls or the first wave of space volunteers.

The first wave of space volunteers, as Dolores Cannon recounts in her book Three Waves of Volunteers and a New Earth, were born between the late 1950s and 1960s, coming directly from “The Source,” from other planets or dimensions.

They incarnated on Earth to increase the vibrational level of our world, so that souls who have lived on Earth for a long time would get bogged down in karma and forget about their mission, and would not destroy the planet.

5. You may be of different ages, of the same or opposite sex, of different origins and education, and belong to “opposing” religions or cultures.

But you feel incredible unity or an incomparable feeling of inseparability with your partner.

6. You sense each other's symptoms, illnesses, and emotions even when you're not around or communicating.

7. You “function” weakened or much less optimally when you are separated from your twin flame. It hurts you physically when you're not together.

8. When you are with your partner and your relationship is in balance, you become stronger, more powerful, and more capable than ever. You feel united in a mission or calling to serve others and the world.

9. Your unconditional love for your partner is unique, unlike anything else.

Your partner will likely have a certain habit, quality, or “baggage” that would lead to the end of any other relationship.

However, you do not pay attention to this or willingly work on the relationship with this partner, no matter how difficult it may be.

10. You met your partner when one or both of you were in another relationship or, to put it another way, “unavailable.” It is likely that you met when and where you least consciously expected it.

11. You or your partner feared the power of the twin flame connection and ran away from the relationship to avoid feeling overwhelmed and/or vulnerable.

It may take years before both of you are in the same place to finally fully accept your relationship.

12. The partner who ran away from the twin flame finally “wakes up” and understands the meaning of what is happening. His or her “aha” moment comes as a result of loss, illness, or other personal disasters.

He or she then accepts the fact that there is no other person or priority more important than the twin partner.

13. No matter how many times you break up or break up, it seems that unknown forces bring you together again. You see “signs” and reminders the twin connection is everywhere and they are calling you to be together again.

14. Your relationships are characterized by extreme highs and lows, including passion and intense pain that you've likely never felt before.

15. To harmonize and balance karma and each other, you "push each other's buttons" and testing each other's limits and boundaries like no one else has ever done before or since.

However, the maximum heights in relationships consistently get higher.

16. Friends, family members and others in your circle cannot understand the drama of twin flames and do not understand how you feel in this relationship.

They are always trying to get you to move towards someone or something else that seems more logical or better for you in theory.

17. The growth you experience, the lessons you learn, and the person you become in your twin flame relationship is a whole other level of development.

This happens faster and more powerfully than in any other experience or period of growth in your life.

18. You realize that your previous soulmates or other relationships were preparing you for your twin flame reunion.

Your twin flame may even share many of the unusual characteristics of your previous partners or friends.

19. You feel like We've been waiting for this man our whole lives.

When you look back at your life, you see illnesses, failed relationships, or other situations that manifested themselves because you were still waiting and still looking for “the one.”

20. Even if you are extremely tired of existing in 3d density on Earth, you heal, evolve, mature and move on with life, only to remain with your twin flame partner.

21. You are an “old soul” and this is your last human experience.

22. The more time you and your twin flame spend together, the faster and more fully you will “awaken” to higher consciousness.

23. You have the deep knowledge that your twin partner is your destiny – not only in this time of life, but also when you return “home” and are reunited for eternity.

Not all twin flames incarnate...

A twin flame relationship can involve searching for your twin flame, who may or may not be here in this time and space.

Twin flames are literally the other half of your soul, which makes you whole, but at the same time, each “twin” is a complete soul.

But twin flames can only reunite if both partners are whole.

Your previous relationships were also contracts between souls to help you prepare to be with your twin flame. When you meet your twin, you will recognize him immediately.

Some twin flames are not here, not on Earth - they have not incarnated in 3d density.

This does not mean that you should not get married or have children because your twin flame, even in the ethereal worlds, wants you to experience everything that can bring you joy and happiness in this life.

As well as learn so many life lessons so that they will help your spiritual growth.

He or she is still part of your immediate soul group, but has made the decision not to join you in this lifetime. Don't take it personally! They are still with you in heart and spirit.

It is also important to remember that some twin flames stay on the other side to provide you with help and spiritual guidance.

Some souls chose to come here without their twins because they "heard the call" and they knew they were needed here in this incarnation.

One thing to keep in mind is that not everyone in your soul group incarnates at the same time!

Twin flames

Greetings dears, this is Leah. Once again, it gives me great pleasure to speak with you. All the time that the Arcturians, the Founders and the Higher Self of this channel communicated with you, we were also with you.

Now we will talk about a topic close to our hearts (mine and this channel’s) - about twin flames.

First, let's start with some facts that will hopefully put the rumors to rest. Yes, you only have one twin flame; and no, your twin flame is not on Earth. Of course, there are exceptions. According to the Akashic Records, there are approximately 58 pairs of twin flames on the Earth at any one time right now. And right now there are approximately 58,000 couples on Earth who believe that they are twin flames, but they are wrong.

This in no way diminishes or devalues ​​the beauty of a loving relationship. On the contrary, many types of relationships are built on deep spiritual connections. And many such connections are orchestrated by the twin flames of the partners involved.

As we will soon see, there is a huge variety of types of relationships on Earth. Many of these involve a deep inner connection with souls from one's own or similar soul families. In some cases, partners are strongly attracted because this is the only way the souls involved fulfill their obligations to each other. Commitment in a relationship is not always a good thing, but it is often necessary for couples to learn lessons of the soul that are not easily learned alone.

The reason why there are only a few twin flame pairs on Earth at any one time is very simple. Because life on Earth is inherently difficult and it is so easy for souls to lose their way, most human beings on the planet need a strong incentive to grow and develop, and to have someone very close to help them do this. Having one member of a twin flame couple in the higher realms ensures that both souls are not simultaneously stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of reincarnation.

Before we go into detail, let us define “twin flame” precisely. After the souls exited Divinity, working on the various bloodlines described earlier, they reached the level of oversoul. In most cases, the oversoul was divided into six pairs of twin flames, which became 12 individual souls.

Your twin flame is another soul born with you. Does every soul have a twin flame? Not really. There are a small number of souls who did not divide in the usual way, but retained both polarities within one being.

Typically twin flame couples will be male and female. However, sometimes the same soul will have both masculine and feminine aspects. Twin flames can also be male-male or female-female. In rare cases, there are also triple souls - three souls that simultaneously emerged from the oversoul. But 99.9% of the time you appear as a twin flame pair, one member of the pair stays in the higher realms while the other goes off to explore the lower realms.

Sometimes the partner remaining in the higher realms descends to level 6, the causal planes, but most often he or she remains at levels 7-8. In extremely rare cases, the partner will be at level 9.

What determines the level of your counterpart in higher dimensions? It's a difficult question. There are as many answers to it as there are souls. A few obvious explanations include the following: Some twin flames at levels 8-9 chose to evolve in an evolutionary spiral beyond home level 7. Others at levels 6-7 chose to slow their development to levels 8-9 as they dedicated themselves to helping their twin on the earth plane. Twin souls have a much easier time communicating if they are within two vibration levels of each other. (Communication is possible if the earthly soul is at level 4, and the double in higher spheres is at level 6.)

Some twin flames in the higher realms are simply not ready to move beyond levels 6 or 7, especially if they have unresolved issues from past lives in which they incarnated in the lower realms.

A significant number of counterparts in the higher realms have never incarnated below 6th density. I, Leah, have been at level 5, but never at levels 3 or 4.

Some twin flame pairs switched roles. This means that the counterpart who now resides on Earth or another lower-density world formerly resided in higher dimensions, and the one who now resides in higher realms lived on Earth (or a similar planet).

When do twin flames connect? From a non-linear point of view, they are together all the time, but from the perspective of earthly souls, this is obviously not the case. Most twin flames spend time together between incarnations, out-of-body experiences, deep meditation, or sleep. Sometimes both members will be in the same dimension at the same time (usually level 6 or higher), depending on each soul's subject of study.

Eventually, all souls become developed enough to go to any level or dimension at will, then you are free to choose whether to spend time with your twin flame or not. For the sake of simplicity, the minimum requirement for “unlimited access” to a twin flame is level 6 consciousness.

Planet Earth has many built-in restrictions to prevent premature contact with a twin flame. Such conditions are created to help the soul focus on its life purpose and mission. Even before incarnation, the soul agrees to restrictions. Most often, border protection is ensured by the parental part of the soul. Essentially, your soul has agreed to keep you away from open contact with your twin flame until you have evolved enough to handle the emotional consequences of contact. Many relatively undeveloped souls would give up everything and rush to leave the body immediately if given the chance to communicate with their twin flame in the higher realms. In the most extreme case, they would completely lose interest in continuing their earthly path and spend all their time attached to their cosmic double.

If less evolved souls are having difficulty with earthly lessons (as they usually are), they now have two reasons for wanting to leave Earth. First, they will begin to remember that life on higher planes is free from suffering. Second, they remember the joy of uniting with their double. Then everything experienced, of course, will be more desirable than the constant suffering that seems to accompany earthly life.

Since Earth is a planet of free will, the primary soul fragment may refuse to submit to the restrictions inherent in the current system. Additionally, some twin flames miss their earthly counterparts so much that they may insist on returning to Earth to find their partner. From time to time, earth souls desperately try to convince a higher dimensional counterpart to incarnate on Earth and succeed in their intentions.

In the rare cases where twin flames do occur on Earth, the relationship between them is almost always extremely difficult. Firstly, before contact, both partners are already involved in other relationships. Due to the highly emotional nature of meeting a twin flame, it will become difficult to do so-called “normal things” on Earth.

Because the parent part of the soul does not welcome twin flames meeting on Earth, the higher aspects of the self do not arrange the meeting or prepare the individuals in advance. In this case, twin flame couples are left to fend for themselves and receive no help from soul family members. (Of course, the soul family members love them very much, but they shake their “heads” reproachfully, not believing that anything good will come out of such a meeting.)

Another reason for the rare encounters of twin flames on Earth is that the oversoul containing six pairs of twin flames usually desires a variety of life experiences from the six members incarnated on Earth. Therefore, each of the six members will incarnate in different parts of the Earth, under different circumstances. This is why it is rare for members of the soul's primary family to date each other and even rarer for them to be twin flames.

Most soulmate relationships on Earth are between members of a soul's secondary or extended family. Because relationships can be quite intense and beautiful, they are often mistaken for twin flame contacts.

What's even more confusing is that often twin flame counterparts in higher realms "channel" through different souls on Earth, and therefore place some of their energy into different Earthbound souls. If an earthly twin counterpart encounters one of these channels, he gains the ability to speak directly to his counterpart in higher realms. If the earth soul is not aware of what is happening, he or she may mistakenly decide that the channel is the double. If the Earthbound soul is sufficiently developed, then the counterpart in the higher realms can channel through his or her human body.

For example, in addition to this channel, I, Leah, work with almost a hundred souls on Earth. If he had met one in a hundred souls, and if he had not already channeled me and was not aware of my role as a spirit guide in the higher dimensions, he might have mistakenly believed that he had met me, since in other souls (in some degree) contains my energy.

Of course, another best way to meet your twin flame would be to talk to him or her through another human being acting as a channel or means of communication. Although this is occasionally done (when it is determined that such communication would be beneficial to the developing earth soul), this form of contact with a twin flame is fraught with dangers.

If an earthbound soul prematurely encounters its twin flame when the twin in the higher realms communicates through another human being, it could provoke the same intense passion that would arise if the twin contacted the earth soul directly. This would be disastrous to the progress of the earthly soul for the reasons discussed above.

To sum it up, if you are underdeveloped, remembering your twin flame can be shocking, especially if you have been sleeping for a long time and having dreams of duality. This is because suddenly remembering will awaken a passionate desire to be with your twin flame. Uncontrollable passion will turn the earthly soul away from earthly obligations. Such a soul will no longer want to live in the world, and will not think about anything other than meeting its double in higher spheres.

She cries and wails, “I can’t wait to get out of this hellhole so I can connect with my twin flame.” And this is not only because the love between them is so strong that he cannot concentrate on earthly matters, but also because along with strong love often comes the recollection of higher dimensions - there is no war, poverty, suffering, and so on. This adds to the lamentation as most earth souls in contact with a twin flame have evolved enough to become "sick" of the drama of duality.

Please forgive me for repeating this idea, but we want to make sure you understand the dangers of dating a twin flame.

For communication with a twin flame to be beneficial, the earth soul must be developed enough to recognize the attraction of its mission on Earth and patiently wait for a reunion with the twin flame in the future. Highly evolved souls on Earth will only communicate with twin flames when it helps their mission on Earth, which is the case with this channel. I help him when he needs help, but he rarely asks for it directly. Instead, he passes on my wisdom for the benefit of others, which is what he is doing now.

The purpose of this channel is to bring heaven to Earth. This is my goal too, as well as the goal of my assistants from the Galactic Confederation. We are a group of souls, not a group soul aggregate, we have individual names. If he forgets, we remind him of his mission, but we do it delicately. He realizes that he cannot fully accommodate me emotionally, but allows me to help establish earthly relationships. Of course, the double in the higher realms is not allowed to interfere with free will. The earth soul may request that the counterpart in the higher realms not be allowed to interfere, especially if it is obvious that interference would be detrimental to the growth and development of the earth soul.

When the soul develops to level 5 consciousness, direct encounters with the double in higher realms become possible if the double is at the sixth level of consciousness. When souls are separated by two or more levels, the process becomes more difficult and usually requires telepathic contact. So if you have evolved to the fifth level, and your twin flame is at the seventh level, you will begin contact from the telepathic level, either in a dream or in meditation. When you reach level 6, you will have the opportunity to meet face to face if this will promote the most sublime and effective growth of the soul.

Thanks to free will, people do not develop in the same way and at the same speed. It would be boring. Some souls will be able to reunite with their twin flame in this lifetime. Regardless of whether you are able to reunite or not, the focus of your life should remain the same - growth and development into higher planes of consciousness. If the connection is made properly, the twin flame adds a little more stimulation.

Should you give up earthly relationships and wait for your twin flame? Of course not. I would be very sad if this channel lost interest in human relationships as it waits to reunite with me. As such, it brings me great joy when he is able to communicate with other souls on Earth. In our sphere, we are not jealous, envious, attached or obsessive. When one soul loves another, it increases the amount of love for all of us. We rejoice when you meet your loved ones on Earth. We want you to explore all facets of human relationships and we don't want you to become fixated on being with us.

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Spiritual Attunement Finding Your Twin Flame™
Founder: Anna Znamenskaya.

Twin flames are radiant souls that were created united by the Creator, but when incarnated on Earth, according to the law of polarity, they were divided into two halves: male and female. Absolutely every person has their own destined twin flame. These are two halves of a whole, created by God.

Under ideal conditions, two halves of the spiritual whole (twin flames) should incarnate at almost the same time, in the same region. According to the magnetic law of love, such partners should be attracted to each other in the same way that birds have an internal built-in navigation system; love is built on the same law, this is the attraction of two halves of a whole. Like a plus and a minus.

It is known that the energy of a man and a woman is different, and we can achieve true perfection and reveal all our capabilities only when we meet our spiritual partner, our soul mate of a single integrity!

Where a man has an energy channel with a plus sign, a woman has a channel with a minus sign. When we find our twin flame, we not only complete the electromagnetic circuit and call upon ourselves tremendous spiritual power, but we also achieve fusion at the soul level.

Twin flames are unique. Not every person can achieve spiritual fusion, although he has the opposite polarity, but at the soul level he does not have those properties that we so need, so in marriage many people feel that they are not living their whole life.

All twin flames intuitively feel their soulmate, otherwise we would absolutely not care who we date and live with. For people who are not mentally developed, it really doesn’t make much difference who they live with; for them, only the polarity of the body is important. But those twin flames for whom the true nature of Light has already begun to awaken are no longer satisfied with just some partner. Intuitively, nature encourages twin flames to find their true soulmate. And if both people are approximately on the same level, they can hear each other’s inner call and their spiritual magnets will definitely be attracted to each other. A meeting may seem to happen by accident, but in spiritual love there are no accidents between true partners.

Each of us has a spiritual partner, he can be called differently in esoteric teachings; in former times, twin flames found each other very quickly and lived in peace and harmony, bringing Divine laws to Earth, helping the physical world and all living beings located in it, to evolve.

But in our conditions of man-made radiation, the internal energy rhythm is disrupted, and twin flames cannot find each other; for this they need to feel their internal rhythm and make special settings to find their spiritual partner. In addition, there is also karma that has arisen between twin flames over a long series of incarnations and which does not allow them to meet.

Twin flames were created by the Creator with the aim of bringing the divine laws of harmony and love into earthly conditions of existence. When we live not with our soulmate, but with someone else, this leads to the accumulation of negative karma, because we are not following our divine task. This is why it is so important for twin flames to meet and find each other as early as possible.

If you feel that somewhere in this world you have a spiritual twin, a true partner, but you just can’t find him, spiritual attunement will help you, which removes negative karma and your meeting in this world becomes possible.

Spiritual attunement is a true miracle that was discovered by us completely “by accident.” We simply intuitively followed the call of our soul and derived from it a sequence of actions in the subtle world for a speedy meeting with our soulmate.

If you want to find your exact twin flame, you should try spiritual attunement Finding your twin flame, it will reveal your individual vibrational rhythm, you will be able to send a signal from the magnet of your spiritual center and after a while you will meet your person whom you have been waiting for so long and it will be exactly him. Twin flames must be together, because when they meet, two stars will shine on the subtle plane in consonance and fusion, forming a wonderful pattern, a new divine symmetry will arise, and a beautiful harmonic will be added to the sound of the rhythms of the Cosmos.

Spiritual Attunement The search for a twin flame works through the nature of the Cosmos and the meeting simply cannot fail to take place, as the entire Universe rushes to you and answers your call. And if somewhere there is a person like you, with the same vibrations, the magnetic power of love will make your meeting possible.

When twin flames want to meet, and are no longer hindered by negative karma and conditioning created in society, they find each other and learn the value of spiritual treasures, the harmony of complete fusion and divine revelation.

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In our lives there are many people with whom we are connected by karmic threads coming from past lives. We may feel a sudden liking or inexplicable antipathy towards complete strangers. They are karmically connected with us and this connection originated in past lives. We may feel that we need to enter into a relationship with them and change the Karma we share.

Relationship Karma has many aspects. Its “testing ground” is families, love unions, friendships and business relationships. People have a lot of reasons for joint, “connected” incarnation, and not all of them go back to heartfelt affection.

Reasons for joint incarnation:
- Spiritual connections;
- Relationships carried over from the past;
- Unfinished mission on earth;
- Force of habit, inertia;
- Dependence, including joint dependence;
- Lessons to be learned from the past;
- Attitudes, life principles that need revision;
- Duty or obligation;
- Gravity towards mutual happiness or unhappiness;
- Vows and promises;
- Love or hate;
- Passionate desire for revenge.

About some aspects of relationships we can say that they have a purely personal character, arising from the person’s personality. The manifestation of karma in this case can be likened to a “confrontation” with “standard” expectations and attitudes regarding love firmly rooted in the consciousness in the process of interaction with other people. In other aspects of relationships, two people, and often a whole group of people, are intimately involved. The purpose of such relationships is to fully reveal one’s human essence. People are bound by karma from their past lives. However, it also happens: the only thing that connects people who meet to practice certain karmic lessons is the character, the topic of the lesson. On a personal level, there was nothing in common between them in the past.

Sometimes in past lives or between incarnations, obligations to some people who must meet again in this life for this.
A person can be driven into a karmic trap by a relationship with someone and karmic promises to someone in a past life: a burden voluntarily assumed, moral responsibility. Commitments and promises can be either unilateral or bilateral. At the same time, conscience feels that it owes something to another person. This often occurs in relationships between parents and children, lovers and business partners. Refusal of obligations can occur with the understanding that there is a reasonable limit when repaying debts, and it cannot last indefinitely.
The karma of interpersonal relationships can be generated by a person’s promise to always be close to this particular person and take care of him. Such an oath keeps people in the zone of mutual attraction even after their death. Even a positive decision: “As long as I live, I will love you” can become a karmic stumbling block on the path of spiritual growth. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to show wisdom and let the other person go in peace.

The binding "solution" for two people can sometimes be hatred and feelings of bitterness or.
Can bring a couple together hatred or thirst for revenge originated in a past life, they will sincerely believe that there is genuine love between them. They will be attracted to each other until Karma is neutralized, until their subconscious negative attitude towards each other, which originated in one of their past lives, changes.

People with uncontrollable force can be attracted to each other from incarnation to incarnation due to the fact that one person has shifted onto another the blame for internal limitations, complexes that he himself created. This person, sooner or later, must stop blaming the other for everything, must “let him go” in peace.
Some people cling tenaciously to the object of their “love,” never agreeing to let him out of their hands or under their control. They will be incarnated together again and again - as long as this is possible. Learning a lesson in such cases can be painful, especially if the object of the feeling does not recognize the “love” imposed on him and rejects the persistent applicant, who may be driven by the desire to gain integrity.
Some couples are plagued by infidelity that dates back to the distant past.
The meaning of karma in interpersonal relationships, in addition to retribution, can be retribution according to deserts, making amends for guilt and doom to endless joint rebirths.

Particularly strong physical attraction is observed in cases where people knew each other in the past. However, this does not mean that it is worth continuing the relationship. It is quite possible that the lessons for which they came to earth will be better learned when practiced one by one. It may also be that karma is so powerful that it would be inadvisable for a couple to attempt to atone for it before they have worked thoroughly to overcome the negative consequences of past lives apart. It cannot be ruled out that these two do not yet have enough spiritual strength to pay their karmic bill. It may also be that the goals of souls when they are born together are incompatible. In such cases, it seems desirable to choose another partner, regardless of the strength of the physical attraction experienced.

Edgar Cayce emphasized that when we talk about karma, we do not mean that partners have certain debt obligations to each other. In this case, we are talking about the purely individual needs of the soul in terms of spiritual development: “We have a meeting of the soul with its higher “I”... this is not a karmic debt of the higher “I”, which can be worked out in relation to real conditions.” In practice, this means that if someone complains about the indifference and coldness of a partner, he should “look at himself”: there is no need to demand from the other that he change his mind... everyone can be recommended to try to open unclaimed reserves of love in their soul and thereby overcome the coldness and selfishness, which many so often sin.

Dedicated to YOU, my FLAME...
“The energies of the FLAMES merged”

I just looked at the photo,
Cupid's arrow struck him down!
I dived into the abyss of your eyes,
For all ages in love with YOU!

That there are no coincidences at all,
The Creator speaks in Dictations!
I saw the Light in your Soul,
And everything in me is burning with FIRE!

I shout thanks to the Creator!
I don't know how to thank you.
Perhaps it’s not at all fitting,
To love blindly like that for fifty dollars!

Looking at you, I recognized myself!
How he lovingly accepted a Gift from Heaven,
And as time passes,
The energies of FLAMES merged!


The one who is divinely beautiful!
“We will remember the Flame Ball”

You can argue for a very long time,
How to love, and what to write!
Well, it’s better to forget it all,
And without rules, take it and love it!

So that my whole heart will grow into you,
I love you and forgive me
Our souls are so intertwined
That you and I have grown together in eternity!

God created you and me with Flame!
And he personally got married in heaven!
And since time immemorial,
We will remember the Flame Ball!



The Twin Flame is our “Soul Mate” with whom we are in a relationship, or we are going to enter into a Heavenly Marriage with each other. We spent more than one life together, loved and cared for each other. We are united by the deepest spiritual connection. When we meet him (her), we will feel an extraordinary attraction. It’s as if an electric charge will run between us and there will be a feeling that we knew each other well before. We will experience the deepest feelings for this person, which are always mutual.

In the evenings, on clear evenings
The soul is full of unquenchable melancholy:
I’ll give you the crystal verse alone,
Edged in harsh silence.

The night enters as a good accomplice,
Taking away my sadness from vanity...
In a dream - only you: there is no other under the sun,
Since I came to earth.

Like a narrow reflection - the residents of the prison,
Like people in churches - blessed bread,
We have communed with each other forever
For a long time - no, not under this sky.

Let the prophetic dream, parting the reeds
And the bending branches of oblivion,
The boat of the soul rushes along a peaceful river
Back, back, beyond birth.

I can already hear them singing in the distance
Only the two of us know the upper reaches,
Where you warmed my life and death
Inexhaustible love.

I don't remember the name. I don't remember the mountains
Forests, seas in the lost homeland,
And the spirit is preserved only by your radiant gaze,
Your eyes in the morning of life.
© Daniil Andreev

They suit each other as much as possible to improve themselves, by mirroring an exact copy of themselves in their other half. They often fall in love, contrary to all dogmas and rules.
Most often, "Twin Flame" refers to the opposite sex. They may resemble each other in appearance, especially their eyes. Their spiritual energies are so similar that a kind of energy arc (Heavenly connection) appears between their Auras, similar to a rainbow, connecting their Souls. The hidden flow of love that exists between them can neutralize any negative impact.

Not everyone and not in every life will have the opportunity to meet a “Twin Flame”. It may be that their paths will cross only for a short time, because that’s when they will need each other’s help, or maybe they will spend their whole lives together. This depends on the agreement made between them before birth. This should be approached calmly and with understanding.
The main essence is reading the karmic half and working out the negativity in yourself and in your partner. They don't have to be together as a husband-wife couple. They can be thousands of kilometers apart, and even married, but still be together spiritually.
When you meet your other half, or your Twin Flame, you will understand everything. You will be 17 years old again. And this is a feeling like no other. You will have the brightest positive emotions. This is not falling in love. This is not conditional love. You will have the same thoughts, the same views on so many things.
This person will reveal all the deep hidden feelings and emotions that you were afraid of. All your fears will surface, all the negativity, all the inner undisclosed love.
This is your complete mirror. Everything that is in it is in you. This is you. This will all happen on purpose to demonstrate your mutual mirroring in all spectra and situations.
To meet this person, you just need to give a request to the Universe that you want to develop, together with your karmic soul mate, that your SOUL needs it. Don't wait or look for this person. It will fall on you like snow.
I wish everyone to meet their Twin Flame and reach the heights of enlightenment in all planes and worlds.

The true connection of love between Souls remains forever, and whatever their earthly shells may be, true love will break through them like a spark, from one Soul to another. The bonds of love between Souls remain strong and unbreakable no matter what. The power of true love always manifests itself as love and. These Souls who love each other are able to demonstrate all the versatility of love, which is expressed by devotion and self-sacrifice for the sake of the beloved.
See Marriage in Heaven.

Where no rider has raced,
In the meadows of the infant earth,
White and blue constellations,
Blooming and swaying, they blossomed.

And breathing warmth over the furrow,
The wind of paradise, flying through the valley,
Two consonant stems intertwined
And he connected star to star.

Myriads of lives have passed,
The Milky Way changes its foamy appearance,
Only our destinies are intertwined
Forever, in all corners of the universe.
© Daniil Andreev

Reflection of crooked mirrors...
The silence of an impenetrable night...
- I've been looking for you for so long...
- I was waiting for you... very, very...

And they rushed towards each other
Two Universes... Ice and Fire...
And the words lost their meaning...
And the Earth floated under my feet...

And hearts beat in unison,
Approaching to merge together...
Our feelings are an endless canon...
Our Souls are two White Birds...

Quiet sadness will spread...
Face of the Moon. Fog. Alley of Stars.
- I'll wait for you... I'll wait...
- I will find you... I will be able...

“When we communicate, we feel a deep contact with each other - the contact of two souls. This is not at all like looking at each other with loving eyes. This meeting takes place in a mysterious territory that is nevertheless real and very deep. Such communication occurs far beyond the boundaries of language. It's almost telepathic communication. I think something similar exists in the higher spheres, where they do not use speech, but, nevertheless, transmit knowledge. This is “living soul to soul”, and this is the accompaniment of love. After all, there is love that is accompanied by such relationships, and I know that I feel it with all my heart and solar plexus!”

The soulmates who meet already have the unity of the Soul. Their Love permeates all planes of Existence! With their love, their relationships, such couples show the way to return to the Source. They are in a state of bliss and carry others along with them. As a rule, they unite in some common activities dedicated to their spiritual growth and the spiritual growth of everyone around them. These couples are like beacons on the path to the greatest love, to happiness. And other people who believe that they have not found their soul mate need to be guided by them, making their way.

“There was an awareness of unity with the entire Universe and a immersion into oneself deeper and deeper. A previously unknown space opened up in front of me, as if all the doors opened and I left the house. It became easy and joyful. We merged in a gigantic one - in the breadth of the soul, in a bright one - in feelings, in a sweet one - in pleasure, in a passionate one - in an orgasm at will - on the physical plane, but at the same time, in the soul everything was one, there were no two. There was everything and nothing! On this blessed day, filled with a new divine state, I wanted to bestow blessings on the whole World. And I gave this grace to the men I met that day - with a look, a smile, a word, a touch... And at the same time, again and again, a sweet languor poured into my body and it was saturated with the orgasm that I experienced while loving my soul mate. I felt that this is the state of my real essence and this is the real state of all of us!”

“We always meditate before we make love. And we do this out of lack, and out of completeness - out of the fullness of love and the feeling of how God loves us. This is a real connection. And therefore, each of us is here not to satisfy ourselves, but to satisfy the other.
I enter my sexual self with a desire to explore. I don’t need to enter into it just to feel loved, because now I am love itself. I know it. And that is why I achieve states of bliss that I experience much more fully than those states that arise when you rely on a man in your sexual experience.
I am more than a participant. I am a creator. I am more than satisfied because my bliss is the creation of a space in which nothing else is needed. It's not like trying to satisfy only a certain part: now my whole body becomes completely sexual. Here, in my research, I really approach the light energy of creation. My whole being strives for this combination of loving a man and seeking light when I make love. This is the full experience of love.
I don't strive for local experiences, such as vaginal orgasm. No. I need the highest experience of which I am capable. I don't strive for physical orgasm every time because it's not necessary. I get much more satisfaction without it. This does not mean that I restrain my sexual energy: on the contrary, I become its conductor, and it fills not only one small part of me, but my entire body.
My man joins me more and more in this experience, although sometimes he needs to come on a physical level. Here's how I look at these things: if you don't allow the other person to explore their sexuality through you (as long as it's not violent in any way, of course), then you don't need to stay as a couple.
If a person cannot offer himself to a partner, then what is such a relationship for? Thanks to the sexuality that I develop in myself, I find that I am always useful to my man. I am energized through my sexuality as we make love to develop more love, more energy, and serve the world.
With happiness and joy we create much more and are able to give much more to each other. Our sex creates a space where we can move away from everything that happened to us during the day: the body calms down, rests and, moreover, connects with the source of life, with internal creative energy. I can't put into words how much happier I have become since I started having this sex life. When we go to bed, I look at the man as if he were a divine being. I see God in him and bask in his love. He knows that I love him all, I love his highest expression. I go to him, wanting to connect with his most beautiful essence.
When I feel our bodies merge together, a fusion occurs, because there is nothing left between us that could be called negative. I believe that within each of us there is a desire to become perfect and truly loved, and it is in this desire that I want to unite with him. Beyond our sexuality is the door to the infinite self that we truly are, to the divine light that lies beyond the veil of our body.
Truly, by loving each other, we pass through this door, and we no longer need to seek other pleasures.”

© Anatoly Nekrasov - Search for halves - myth and reality

Having once seen the shadow of his unearthly power, she wandered through the worlds, looking for him in the farthest corners of the Universe. Fast as the wind, he soared through outer space, enjoying the aroma of boundless freedom! His Spirit wandered in search of Truth and God, expressing love for all creation. He was selflessly happy, his happiness filled the worlds he walked on with sweet molasses, inspired many Souls to turn their gaze to heaven and see more majestic worlds and more sublime beauty.

Her heart longed to meet him. What attracted her so much? His divine power. Wisdom of the Ancient Spirit. Independence and detachment. The source of love in which he bathed. She wanted to enter it with him... Her heart felt that she was on the same path with him... That they were looking for the same thing... That they were once United and came from the same spiritual space... But she would feel is it him? Will her eyes remember? Will she see her gentle Soul with the same energy pattern as his?

She saw him. For the first time in eons. She saw him... Everything else ceased to exist. Just this look of charming power and the smile of God. Between them there were thousands of conventions and reasons not to approach, not to speak, not to remember. But he took a step. Something unconscious and deep pushed him. He spoke to her. She recognized him from the first second. He listened to her and remembered. Where could he have seen her? He listened to his feelings. Something elusively familiar shone in her eyes. Something elusively familiar was heard in the intonations of her voice. Something elusively familiar was evident in her movements. Did he know he was looking in his mirror? And sees a continuation of himself?

They separated. Again... The joy of one meeting was enough for her. She could breathe again, live, create... knowing that he was there. It doesn't matter whether he remembered her. She remembered. I remembered everything connected with him. Their dreams, flights, innocent games. Their fiery love, giving birth to worlds. Their delight in the harmony of the sound of two Souls. They could continue this way... But...

He did not know that all these eons he was looking only for her. He called it the search for truth, God and beauty. Although all this was a search for her. It was she who was his truth and beauty. It is with her that he must ascend to God. Earthly women burned his sensitive Soul. He decided not to go into the depths of feelings. He closed himself off to the love of one woman for fear of being betrayed again. Understanding the secrets of the world alone became his choice.

She knew a lot. Her Spirit, as ancient as his, could open a new path for him. A road along which they walk not alone, but together. Supporting and helping each other. She remembered that unearthly taste of Unity and the delight of true love that was between them. But he forgot... She would never have hurt him, because the love of true halves does not burn. Pain is caused only by those who are not our continuation. Rare unions in which the One Soul meets, divided into a man and a woman, experience ecstatic love that ascends to the very heavens. This love becomes stronger, deeper and more beautiful every day. The Truth of creation is revealed in it. In it all the beauty of Divine Love is comprehended.
And he could know this... if he remembered what he was looking for in other women, and that there is that Truth to which he so strives.

© Maria Manisha - Atmospheric poetry
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thread of love
Shrouded in deep darkness,
Sometimes we go by feel.
Forgetting in the midst of pain and vice,
That the two of them came into this world.

Among everyday obsessions,
Among the usual lying eyes,
In the smoke, amid the pain of defeat,
Only the thread of love saves us.

She guides us through the fragments
Broken ghostly worlds,
Where do we disappear to no avail?
Shackled in a mute shroud.

Cold world with your breath
The light of our former soul is extinguished.
But the thread of love awakens knowledge in us
And returns us peace.

This thread is more than one century old.
And we can't break it.
Only she was granted immortality
Only she is given the ability to recognize us.

When we lose ourselves,
We don't recognize ourselves.
We trust this thread
Those secrets that we keep together.

We are two faces of one Universe,
Two essences of one soul,
That she was born to be incorruptible.
In silent cosmic silence.

Just like that, together through eras
We are going through our long journey.
Having exchanged everything for crumbs of happiness,
We are even losing our essence.

But the thread of love is like salvation for us,
Will give a chance in deep darkness.
And like an impulse, like an inspiration
It will remind you of me.

She will flash in the darkness with dawn,
She will glide like the first ray.
You will remember all your covenants,
That the sun will come out from behind the clouds.

She will open the gates of heaven
He will give us harmony.
And we, burning in its rays,
Let us see that God protects us.
©Copyright: Yulia Vasilishina 2, 2011

Finding and meeting Twin Flames is one way. In fact, man is a perfect, complete being. The two poles - male and female - are two parts of a whole that was divided during evolution. In the beginning, man was both male and female. This is what is called an androgyne. At the moment when the separation of the sexes occurred, each part went in its own direction, but each principle carries within itself the image of the other, deeply imprinted in its soul. Therefore, when a man, among hundreds and thousands of women, sees a face close to the image that he carries within himself, he is happy and does everything possible to be close to her...
In reality, our soulmate is the other half of our Essence - it is ourselves, our other pole. Therefore, in all Initiations, students are taught to connect with the other pole. Osho.
Paul Ferrini.

Soul mates. Twin flame.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

"The Flame Twins. What kind of theory and view is this?”

This theory is of an esoteric direction. You can read more about this on esoteric sites. And I don’t know what else can be added to this. I can draw some parallels between traditions and theories. And I can give a completely different perspective on this issue, for example, to remove the charm of this theory.

The esoteric direction speaks of fiery twins as one soul that was divided and incarnated in two different bodies, male and female. But since they are one soul, these two are perfect for each other. They are indeed very similar, but not externally, but internally. A strong attraction flares up between them, they can become a couple. But they may not be together. It all depends on their tasks that they implement.

Very romantic and beautiful concept. The two find and remain together forever. A lot of different beautiful stories have been invented and films made about this. She is loved very much by all lovers and romantics, everyone who suffers from unrequited love and those who dream of strong love forever. And it's really beautiful! - That's very beautiful! And when you are in love and this love is mutual, then the two of you experience very subtle and beautiful states. This is a very subtle and sublime pleasure from each other, from a feeling of unity. It is no coincidence that many people strive for it.

In the Vedic scriptures there are many descriptions of various worlds in the Universe. These worlds are different types or levels of consciousness. And so, there are the worlds of hells, pretas, the world of ancestors, the world of nagas, people, asuras, danavas, samsaric gods, demigods, apsaras, sages, gods, etc. there is a world that (I don’t remember its original name, unfortunately) represents the world of lovers. In this world there are consciousnesses that are very attached to each other and to the pleasure of Love for each other. They have a subtle form (the body is not physical) and enjoy spiritual communication with each other.

They are so strong that they practically form a single whole. And they can stay in this world for a very, very long time. But their stay in it is not eternal. Since they ended up in this world, thanks to trends and attachments in their consciousness. As soon as the supply of such karma comes to an end, they are reincarnated in other worlds, depending on the trends in consciousness. And there are a lot of these trends and they appear as they mature.

And so, it seems to me that what they say about fiery twins is very similar to this dimension of lovers. But about the division into two halves - this is very romantic, and it is quite possible that such a thing exists in the Universe. But I don’t remember this in the Vedic texts, but they talk about powerful beings who are able to emanate several of their parts (avatars) at the same time.

And the division into man and woman is the original principle of the Universe. Purusha and Prakriti, Shiva and Shakti, Yin and Yang, etc. This is essentially just a division into polarities. And these polarities are constantly striving for reunification. But only the feeling of Love truly reunites, since it reunites at the most subtle level of the soul.

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