Determination of fate by date of birth and time. How to find out your future by date of birth? Predicting the future by date of birth

Numbers, certain combinations of numbers, symbols, signs manifested in one way or another affect the fate of the inhabitants of the earth. Being born, a person acquires a huge variety of abilities, talents, character, behavior, advantages, disadvantages.

Most of the characteristics are encrypted by the life path number, magicians say. The number of Life can influence the methods by which a person will achieve what is destined by fate.

Prediction by date of birth is able to reflect everything that is inherent in us at the time of birth, directs in a certain direction, where you can fully unlock your potential, apply your abilities. Fate will repeatedly test a person for stamina, and as practice shows, it is the number that can become a kind of barrier that can protect against adversity, trouble, loss, failure, and help overcome difficult moments.

In the numerological chart of fate, the number of life has the highest magical value, according to professional numerologists.

It has the ability to indicate the most striking features of the characteristic character, to show incredible magical activity.

The influence of the date of birth on fate

Any newborn appears on the planet in a certain year, month, day, hour, all these numbers are unique, inimitable, characteristic of one person, numerology teaches. Adept magicians say: each day, year, month, hour corresponds to certain vibrations of the cosmos, the positions of the planets of the solar system. Therefore, it is possible for a numerologist to predict fate by date of birth, even online.

Heavenly forces are able to endow the newborn with certain traits that can bring phenomenal, expressive differences from other children into his personality. It is unrealistic to change the birthday number, it reflects planetary phenomena of a cosmic scale at the time of the appearance of a newborn, it has a huge impact on fate until death. Knowledge of numerology will allow you to solve many problems, prepare for positive, negative changes.

Remember, there are numerological numbers that can change the fate of a newborn only if you make effective constructive efforts.

You need to build your own present, future, not counting on outside help. On the other hand, the owners of some magic numbers are unrealistically lucky, luck will accompany them at every stage, however, in some way they are also unique.

The subtleties of determining one's own destiny

Since fate strongly depends on the numbers given to the newborn, you need to learn how to mathematically calculate the number of fate. To get information about your own unique number, you need to simply calculate it. Astrologers say that the solar system includes 9 major planets, so many numbers can magically correct the line of fate.

The number is reduced to a single digit by the method of natural addition, the resulting figure is a "spiritual, characteristic number." Full number is obtained by adding the components of the date of birth - day, month, year. As a result, it must be reduced to a simple numerical value, which will vary from 1 to 9.

To calculate your future by date of birth, you need to add together the numbers of the name and date of birth.

The resulting figure will reflect how best to achieve your goals, in which area the greatest chance to appear, whether to expect third-party support. It is worth noting that the numbers 11 and 22 cannot be reduced by simple addition. Therefore, they are the highest octaves of two and four. Thus, to determine the future, it is enough to find out the number and ask about its value online.

There are many ways to know your future. One of them is the use of an ancient divination table. This method is simple and highly efficient.

The essence of the method is that you simply close your eyes, and when you open them, fix your eyes on a certain number. The first number you saw will determine your destiny. You can also just close your eyes and then poke your finger at the screen. The number you hit will be the cherished determinant of your near future. The most convenient way to choose only you.

Prediction table and its interpretation

Below is the table itself. It contains numbers from 1 to 100. Each number symbolizes a different fate. We recommend using this method no more than once a week. The table is most effective on the Full Moon, New Moon and on days such as February 29, December 31, January 1, the days of the solstice or equinox, and so on.

Deciphering numbers:

1. Soon a dilemma awaits you, a difficult choice.

2. Pay attention to the little things, because they will make a huge difference to you over the coming week.

3. A fateful meeting awaits you.

4. Random receipt of money, finding a new source of income.

5. Strengthening or finding new love.

6. Someone from the environment will hate you and will wish you harm.

7. Changes in personal life, new friends, new love.

8. Quarrels with loved ones in the coming days.

9. Depression awaits you.

10. An unexpected twist of fate, which may or may not be pleasant.

11. Attacks from loved ones.

12. Unplanned spending.

13. Travel, trip, change of scenery.

14. Luck in money.

15. Annoying problems.

16. Love triangle.

17. New opportunities, choosing a new path.

18. Avoid hasty conclusions and rash actions until you feel that you have succeeded in something extremely important.

19. Loss of strength, nervousness, fatigue.

20. Harmony with the outside world and with ourselves, finding an important balance.

21. Your decisions can cost you your luck. For the next couple of days, try not to make hasty decisions.

22. Someone from the people around you can become a happy talisman for you for a while.

23. Be optimistic, for a small series of disappointments awaits you.

24. Learn from your mistakes in the next couple of weeks.

25. Diplomacy is yours best friend before the end of this week.

26. Your distrust of people can be both a salvation and a curse in equal measure.

27. Serious internal contradictions are possible.

28. Be careful. Any risks or adventures can lead to a fiasco.

29. Avoid expensive purchases until the end of next week. You may face big financial problems.

30. Betrayal.

31. The end of friendships, love relationships.

32. Health problems.

33. New pleasant acquaintances in the next two weeks.

34. Wait for inspiration.

35. It is or will soon be the time to take a break from everyday problems.

36. Your dreams will move away from you.

37. Envy of the environment.

38. Good news, relief.

39. There may be a period of uncertainty in the next two or three days.

40. New temptations, mistakes.

41. Discipline is most important to you right now.

42. A small black stripe a couple of days long.

43. Your actions will have a special weight for many people until the end of the week.

44. You will miss your chance to win.

45. Relax and go with the flow.

46. ​​Do not share your plans and dreams with anyone, because in this case they will fail.

47. Maybe it's time to get rid of someone from your environment. Someone pretended to be your friend.

48. Don't chase two rabbits at the same time. Choose one path for yourself.

49. Changes in life.

50. There is a test strip coming up that can make you stronger.

51. Fate can turn unexpectedly for you. You will immediately feel it.

52. Grab every opportunity in the next couple of weeks.

53. Love is your salvation, your curse and your hope.

54. Among your priorities, there is one that is absolutely useless now.

55. Circumstances can mislead you, but don't lose your temper.

56. In the near future there will be new perspectives in the financial sector.

57. Someone will wish you harm.

86. Random cash receipts. Good luck in business.

87. Stay close to those who value you.

88. Vanity is the path to the abyss.

89. Strictly austerity will help you stay afloat in the coming days.

90. Those from whom you do not expect it will wish you harm.

91. You can be taken advantage of.

92. Within two weeks you will have a chance to increase your authority among colleagues, partners, friends.

93. It's time to put the house in order - throw away all unnecessary trash.

94. Soon you will see a prophetic dream.

95. Great time for expensive purchases.

96. Expect unreasonable kindness from a stranger.

97. Believe only what you see for yourself, not rumors.

98. Perhaps a slight misunderstanding with loved ones.

99. It is possible to realize the meaning of life, setting new goals.

100. The sixth sense will let you down, but when exactly is unknown.

Divination according to the table of predictions is made for a period from 1 day to a year. In most cases, the predicted comes true within a week, a month, a couple of months. If, for example, fateful meeting did not happen in a couple of weeks, then you should not forget about it, because it can happen in a month or two. That is why clairvoyants and psychics recommend guessing on the prediction table again only after the previous prediction is fulfilled.

Human thoughts in all ages have been directed to the future. Some plans were built and painstakingly worked on their implementation. But there were those (and now there are many of them) who tried to lift the veil magical ways. By the way, there are many of them. Let's talk about how to find out your future by date of birth. The method is interesting and in demand. It has been known, according to experts, for many centuries.

The magic of numbers

It is not known when the account was actually invented. But calendars existed in almost all ancient peoples. Consequently, sooner or later they began to note the date of birth. It was analyzed, compared different people. Most likely, science was born in this way. Numbers fascinated, attracted, forced to think. Especially inquisitive people decided to find out how to find out their future by date of birth. Work, it should be noted, gigantic. Apparently, people had to be observed for hundreds of years to identify patterns. In fact, it is unlikely we will ever know the details. But the method itself “how to find out your future by date of birth” is not a secret now. Anyone can use it.

What is needed for divination

Surely you, too, sometimes want to know the future. By date of birth, as it turns out, it is possible to determine not events, but trends. Some say that this date determines the fate of a person. Today, you can use both simple and complex methods of counting.

If in the first only the date itself is needed, then in others it is also the time of birth. Let's stop at easy way. He is no worse than everyone else. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Additionally, it is recommended to remember the lessons of arithmetic. There we were told about It is to them that we should reduce the date of birth, written down in full. It means that the year cannot be shortened. A month is written in numbers from one to twelve. In addition, a table is needed in which the characteristics of the numbers are given. That, perhaps, is all.

Counting example

For a better understanding, let's see how to find out your future by date of birth, on an imaginary person. Suppose his documents indicate that he appeared in this world on December 2, 1990. This date must be written in numbers. "02.12.1990". Now we need to put them together. We carry out the simplest calculations: 0 +2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 24. The number turned out to be not simple. We add further: 2 + 4 = 6. So we found what we need!

In such a simple way, it is determined future life by date of birth. In the example shown, "0" appears. It obviously doesn't affect the amount. It was left for everyone to understand exactly how to carry out the calculations.

Deciphering the result

Now, in order to determine the future by date of birth, you need to look at the table (book) of interpretations. It should be noted that many of them have already been written. You may come across various options. Do not criticize or reject them. They all say the same thing, only different words. Do a little research yourself if you wish. You will find that predicting the future by date of birth is almost universal. The texts suggest the direction in which the personality should move, emphasize its innate qualities. It is interesting that such a method, as it were, contradicts the predictions of astrologers, who also focus on the date of birth. However, this is not quite true. It just uses broader patterns. But that's up to you to judge. You know how and what you live, your talents and shortcomings. So compare them with the table.

Characteristics of numbers

The unit speaks of the energy and purposefulness of a person. He takes responsibility for everything he does. But not flexible enough, which often interferes with him.

Two represents a person prone to introspection and solitude. These are very reliable and often gifted people. However, they should spend more time in a team so as not to withdraw into themselves for a long time.

Troika gives its owners faith in higher power. These are mystics or dreamers. Their life often flows in two worlds. These personalities always have intuition, which is recommended to use.

Four speaks of good health, but earthiness. Such individuals rarely venture on a creative flight.

Five endows people with breadth of soul and generosity. These are the most reliable people in the world. They truly love and hate.

Six speaks of wisdom and the gift of foresight.

Seven - about talent, which must be realized. People of this number always become real professionals.

Eight speaks of a difficult fate, often crowned with glory.

Nine is a sign of a huge mind, the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Why is all this necessary?

Sometimes people, having figured out the method of counting, wonder about its use. Indeed, it turns out that determining the future by date of birth is not particularly difficult. Here you have carried out simple calculations, read the result. What to do next? Looking for talent in yourself or trying to feel intuition, which has not yet manifested itself? In fact, the above are only general trends. They can be expanded and deepened. And this knowledge is needed so that a person can open up more fully, better understand himself. For example, why try to become a rocket scientist if you are drawn to maps and ghosts? Know that the date of birth is such that you should receive information from the “other world”. It is necessary to direct energy to this, to study. Although no one forbids working by profession either. But in the process, try to use your mystical abilities. Get more results. Try it yourself.

What else can you find out by date of birth

There are techniques that allow you to characterize any day or year. Its date simply needs to be summed up with your number. Get a new code. Decrypt it according to the same table of values. But not only. The results obtained must be combined, to see how they are combined. For example, your number is three. You want to know what to expect from the coming year. We did the calculations and got a five. Let's look at the meanings of the numbers. Three is mystic. Five - openness and love. What happens? Unusual, perhaps romantic events await a person in the coming year. Only he must feel them with his soul, with his heart. Events must be dealt with openly and sincerely. It is forbidden to cheat and hide. Then happiness is guaranteed. So you can analyze at least every day (or hour). By the way, it's fun. It becomes especially pleasant when a person begins to understand the patterns of combinations of numbers. They are not as simple as it seems at first glance. It takes practice and some experience to become a good predictor! Good luck!