What needs to be done to make your wish come true right now and how to put the magic into practice? How to fulfill your desires? Fulfillment of desires How to fulfill yours.

What determines the time frame for fulfilling a wish? How to make a wish come true quickly? Find out the secret!

In this article you will find valuable tips that can complement the ones you are already using. This way you can fulfill your desire much faster.

What determines the speed of fulfillment of desires?

The answer to this question is simple and obvious - first of all, the period of fulfillment of a desire depends on our faith¹. And although it cannot be seen or felt, the power of faith can make each of us powerful and fearless.

Then another important question arises: “If faith is such a serious factor in the realization of our goals, then are there ways to increase it?” Are there ways to make your wish come true faster? Yes, there are such ways!

How to make wishes come true faster?

Method 1 - collective intelligence

Suppose you have like-minded people in achieving your dreams, or you are working in a team on a large-scale project, then the best way to strengthen your faith is to spend more time communicating with such people. Planning, acting, and imagining the end result together will fuel your faith day by day.

If several people think about how to make a wish come true, it will come true very quickly.

You need to choose the most optimistic colleagues to communicate with. Charge yourself with positive energy from them.

If possible, stay close to them: have lunch together, return from work together, do not miss the opportunity to exchange a few phrases when the opportunity arises. Collective intelligence² works wonders, and passion and inspiration will turn faith into knowledge.

Method 2 - moving mountains alone

Another way to quickly fulfill a desire for those who have chosen their own unique path and are working on their desire alone is as follows.

Remember your previous victories, achievements and desires that have already come true. Savor these memories.

Live them again every day, resurrect the emotions, feelings that you experienced when you got what you wanted.

Remember how happy you were. Draw an analogy: “If it worked then, it will work now.” Transfer confidence in success from a goal you have already achieved to a new desire. In short, use the copy-paste function.

How to make a wish come true - from your own experience...

While studying at the institute, I skipped almost the entire second semester of my first year, but successfully passed the exam. I also managed, along with my fellow students, to take advantage of all the benefits of a student scholarship.

I liked this method of teaching, and I decided to continue to practice it. The situation before the start of the session became hotter and hotter every year.

Sometimes I panicked and felt fear³ (considering that in many subjects I was not allowed to take tests or exams due to absenteeism), but every time I pulled myself together, remembered all the funny things from the previous sessions and the feeling of relief after passing.

The most important ingredient!

It was the memory of a positive experience and the happiness that everything worked out that pulled me out like Munchausen’s braid. I always thought: “It worked then, it will work now.”

The example may not be entirely successful, but it clearly demonstrates the work of strengthening faith. Whenever your faith wavers, whenever you don't know how to fulfill a desire, go back to your memories and relive them. These memories will nourish faith as rain nourishes the earth.

Method 3 - wait for your parcel!

And one more method that I often use: just imagine that your fulfilled desire is in the package that the Universe has already sent to you. All that remains is to wait for it to arrive.

With this approach, your faith will turn into inner conviction. And one more thing: if possible, protect yourself from communicating with skeptics - they don’t even believe in themselves, so you shouldn’t give them your energy and faith. Leave it to yourself to realize your plans. Success and inexhaustible faith!!!

Nina Galkina

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Collective intelligence or collective intelligence is a term that appeared in the mid-1980s in sociology when studying the process of collective decision-making (

Psychologists and coaches recommend first of all identifying your true desires. "What do you want?" - a happiness specialist will definitely ask you during your consultation. And then during the consultation he will ask clarifying questions several times in different formulations, the purpose of which is to find out whether you really want this. Because there are true desires, and there are those that are dictated by society. It’s sad when more attention is paid to “social” desires. Because, even if they come true, they, alas, do not add happiness. The feeling of happiness only comes from the fulfillment of true desires. How to distinguish one from the other? How to distinguish desires inspired by fashion and advertising, parental “testaments” and advice from friends, from the true? How to weed out imaginary desires, the achievement of which wastes real life energy?

It’s good when imaginary desires are eliminated on their own. They just don't come true. And here it is important to realize that you didn’t really want to, and not worry about their unfulfillment. Five years ago, when I became interested in coaching and the topic of wish fulfillment, I made a list of 100 points “What I want” - that’s exactly what the coupling instructions required. It turned out that it is not so easy to pick up as many as 100 desires in your mind. Therefore, the list included desires from all areas of life, global and very minor. A year later, I re-read the list and noticed that from the long list the following wishes were not fulfilled:

1. I want a car

2. I want a driver's license

3. I want to go to the gym regularly

4. I want long nails

I started checking, are these my desires? I mentally tried on each desire for myself, asking how I feel at this moment on an emotional and physical level? Does it warm your soul or not? Am I comfortable? What do you want? My desires or not my desires? No, not mine... This is exactly the case when desires are imposed by society.

My friends got their nails done. Cute. Long, sharp, with bright varnish, painted with rhinestones. Glamorous. But my friends don’t teach art therapy classes with children; they don’t get clay and plasticine under their nails. No, I actually want my nails cut short because it's more convenient for me.

Gym? Well, it’s kind of like for your figure, for your health. I want a figure, but I don’t want to go to the gym. Exercise machines, dumbbells, the smell of sweat in the gym - no, it’s not warm. Three sets of ten times is boring. What do I want? I want to dance. Eastern! Beautiful music, seductive movements, coins on the loincloth jingling to the beat. This is mine. Want.

Automobile. Presented. Straightaway. Technical inspection. Refueling. Tire service. The body tensed, as if it wanted to run away. I can’t imagine myself driving. Hands on the steering wheel - I can't imagine. Introduces himself in a chair nearby. Doze, listen to music, look at the road. Want. I want to drive a car, but not at the wheel, but in the passenger seat. This means that I will always have someone willing to give me a ride and the opportunity to take a taxi.

But my friend really wanted to drive her own car. But - alas and ah - she complained that for six months for various reasons she could not buy. I ask a friend: “What kind of car do you want?” “Oka” It seemed strange to me that a twenty-two-year-old blonde with false eyelashes dreams of “Oka”. “Do you really want Oka?” She thought for a moment, and then, with the intonation of a person making excuses, began to explain that the Oka is inexpensive, small-sized, that my mother has been driving the Oka for a long time and is very pleased, that parking is convenient and you are happy. “So do you want a small car or an Oka?” — I can be very boring and corrosive. And then a friend bursts out: “Yes, of course I would prefer another car! Even when I sit in the Oka salon I feel somehow uncomfortable, but financially I only want to go to the Oka! “I don’t know what’s going on with your finances, but I know that you still don’t have an Oka, because you don’t really want an Oka. Your subconscious mind resists this purchase” “And what should I do?” “Think about what kind of car you really want.” The friend thought very carefully. She chose a small apple-green “Girl” for herself and placed her photo as a screensaver on her desktop monitor. Then everything is like in a fairy tale. Mom agreed to take out a loan for herself. (The acquaintance herself at that time was on a probationary period without official employment) Her boyfriend promised that he would help financially pay off the car loan. (This was easy to believe, since before that he made a marriage proposal) From the job where she had worked for a month and a half at that time, she was sent for advanced training, followed by official employment and a salary increase. And in the end, an acquaintance of acquaintances put his wife’s car up for sale - an almost new green Daushka. In general, a month after our conversation, an acquaintance took me for a ride in her car, calling me a sorceress. No magic. Just clearly formed intentions that coincide with true desires, and simple actions. An acquaintance easily agreed with my arguments that she performed the magic herself, but she repeatedly sent people to me for consultations to “make their dreams come true.”

Another way to return to yourself and your true desires is to remember your childhood dreams. After all, in childhood we are more real; we have not yet been given a huge number of attitudes from others about how everything should be.

One woman during a consultation recalled how, as a child, she saw a girl playing the flute. The magical sound made an indelible impression. And then she really wanted to play the flute herself. She shared her desire with her parents. But the loving parents said: “Katenka, you do ballet. You won't have time to learn to play the flute. Quitting ballet after so many years is unwise.” Unreasonable. And obedient Katenka “forgot” about the flute... In the life of a lonely thirty-year-old woman, Catherine, there was nothing else except a prestigious but unloved job that occupied all her time. Why didn’t Katya leave this job? Because it’s unreasonable to leave such a good place... When Katya remembered her childhood dream, she bought herself a flute and just started blowing it... Then she decided to go take flute lessons... Playing the flute put her in a completely new resourceful state. I wanted to live, create, love. Katya decided to go study another specialty - albeit “unwise”, but I really wanted to... And then there was a new interesting job, new friends, new discoveries and hobbies... Remember your childhood dreams. Maybe it's time to implement some of them? Take a step towards yourself.

To dream correctly, you need to turn off your mind if possible and listen to your heart. Reason will come in handy later, to develop a strategy for getting what you want, but at the initial stage it is not needed. Otherwise he will grumble: “This is unreasonable, this is unrealistic, this will never be achieved.” Or this: “Look at you! At your age! — the mind tends to become clogged with other people’s phrases.

Choose a time when no one will disturb you. You can turn on the tee fuck music (only without words, so as not to be distracted by the semantic content of the songs), lie down, relax. You can light candles. You can lie in a bubble bath. Or whatever else your imagination and your body tell you. Especially the body. You need to capture the feeling that you are the very best (the very best) and deserve all the best. Concentrate on your body sensations and your breathing. Breathing should be coherent, a smooth inhalation turns into a smooth exhalation. Inhale and exhale. Inhale: “what do I...” Exhale: “...really want” Inhale: “what do I...” Exhale: “...really want” And then catch the images and enjoy. It is important that this is at the level of sensations, and not thoughts. Not “I wish I could go to the sea,” but the feeling of warmth, sun, the taste of salt water on the lips... Pleasant meditation. Important First step when working with your desires.

Second phase. Right after, before we forget anything. Write down all your “I want”s on paper. Moreover, let it not be a standard A4 sheet or a sheet from a school notebook. You can use a roll of old wallpaper, whatman paper, or a long narrow strip of stapled sheets of notepad. Write in a spiral, scattered, block letters, bright markers or pastels. You can even sketch something. Why such difficulties? This wish list doesn't have to look like a to-do list or a list of groceries to buy at the supermarket. It is important to bypass your rationalism and habitual boundaries. Enjoy the process.

Only then proceed to third stage -traditional list. Only no longer desires, but specific goals. For a wish to come true, it must be turned into a goal. Specific and measurable. Otherwise, how will you understand that it has come true? And how will you understand what needs to be done for this?

Abstract wishes do not come true. Simply because the criteria are unclear. And if there are no clearly defined criteria, then it may constantly seem that everything is wrong...

When women in consultations tell me that they want to be loved, I ask: “By what signs will you understand that you are loved? Under what conditions do you feel loved? When they say that they want a harmonious relationship with their husband, I ask: “What does “harmonious relationship” mean to you? By what external signs will you understand that the relationship has become harmonious? By the way, when you spin the phrase “harmonious relationships,” which women talk about so much in consultations, you get completely opposite criteria. For a harmonious relationship, one needs the opportunity to have their own personal space, their own hobbies, even if they are not shared by their spouse, and the opportunity to spend a day off with friends. And for another, for harmonious relationships it is necessary that “everything is always together and thinks the same way.” (Eh, it would be nice if the spouses discussed the criteria for a harmonious relationship before the wedding, otherwise the illusion is initially created that both want the same thing - harmony, but by harmony they mean completely different models of building relationships...)

“I want a big salary” - formulate it in numbers, please. More - how much is that for you? Otherwise, there may always be a person who earns more, and without clearly defined figures, it will begin to seem that your salary is again not big...

“I want to dress well” What does good mean to you? Add criteria. Certain brands? Custom tailoring from a fashion designer? A specific amount of money for monthly shopping?

“I want to rejoice in the success of the children.” So rejoice. What is stopping you from now starting to notice successes and rejoice? “I want to specifically rejoice at my son’s gold medal” - but this is an intrusion into the son’s desire or unwillingness. You cannot wish for something for another person.

Once you have a list of specific, measurable, personal goals, look at it often. The subconscious will begin to build a plan for implementation. Don't miss his tips. And take action. It is a big misconception to think that in order to fulfill your desires it is enough to make yourself a dream collage and read positive affirmations every day, sending information to the Universe. If this strengthens your belief in success, then, of course, make a collage and read affirmations. But in terms of effectiveness, this will not replace daily targeted actions. A daily planner in which you cross off completed tasks will lead you to achieving your goals faster than a collage of affirmations. Dreams come true for those who purposefully “make them come true”

"Hello! Here you write about the need to think positively. This is of course true, but what do you do if everything you think about positively is immediately turned upside down? For example, you will think: “how good it is that everyone will be home together tonight,” when the bell rings: one has one thing, another has another, etc. But when you prepare for the worst, the result is often good. Although you know, it’s very difficult to constantly think about something bad. If you know how to get out of this circle, please advise.”

But really, why do some people’s wishes come true, while others don’t? And who is to blame for this? Surely many people have asked this question. And there are many answers to this question:

  • some are luckier
  • it's written in my family,
  • she/he is prettier, smarter,
  • such fate
  • I'm a loser, etc. and so on.

But is this true?

Probably, every person in life has had such situations when wishes came true, as if by magic: suddenly they pulled out the “right” ticket in the exam, received or found the required amount of money, found themselves in the right place at the right time...

The following story happened to one of my friends: she dreamed of going to a concert of a very famous artist. This dream filled her with such energy that she was ready to move mountains. It would seem that there is no problem - buy a ticket and go to the concert. But the situation was complicated by the fact that there was only one concert in Moscow, and the prices were such that her budget only allowed her to buy a ticket for the gallery. Moreover, they gathered for a concert with a group of friends - how can you buy so many tickets and have everyone be there?

In general, they didn’t buy tickets, but they went to the concert in case they were lucky. They didn't know how lucky they would be. Of course, there were no more tickets at the box office; there was only one hope left - for the administrators in the hall. And so, at the entrance to the concert hall, my friend began to look for the friendliest face. Having found something like this, she approached and asked to let them into the hall.

The administrator met her halfway and offered her one place in the gallery. But there were four girls. And then my friend saw through the open door 4 seats in the stalls! They were free. The most amazing thing is that they were missed, and completely free of charge! And during the entire concert no one took these places! So,

The first rule of wish fulfillment: you have to really want it.

And you need to want it sincerely. Only then does the desire acquire the necessary energy for implementation.

But it also happens that with our strong attitude we limit access to realizing our dreams. This happens when the fulfillment of a desire is so important to us that we cannot think about anything else. Then fear and anxiety appear - what will happen if it doesn’t work out? And now a person begins to think about obstacles and actively fight them.

But the stronger our desire to avoid something, the greater the likelihood of getting it. Actively fighting what you don't want means making every effort to have it in your life.

For example, you really want to get a certain job. You go to an interview and are nervous, you want to make the best impression on the employer, you are worried about how not to lose face. This is very, very important for you. As a result, most likely you will not get this job, since your stress in most cases will lead to exactly what you were afraid of.

Surely everyone has had to take an exam “for free” at least once. You are absolutely not ready, you go to answer, knowing in advance that you will have to retake it. You are absolutely relaxed and perceive the whole process as a game: what if it works out? And it works! From here

Rule two: remove the internal importance of the desire itself, treat the very process of achievement as an exciting game: what if you get lucky?

Often desires do not come true, or are not fulfilled as we would like, due to the fact that we ourselves limit the possibilities of their implementation. For example, a person sets a goal: to work hard and earn money for a country house. Or save up for a trip to Paris. In such a formulation there is already a limitation: that is, a person wants to earn or save money. This is what he does. The desire comes true: he earns money day and night.

How to learn to fulfill your desires?

The third rule is: do not limit the ways of achieving your desire.

How to learn to fulfill your desires?

Do not insist on the method of fulfilling your desire, concentrate on what you will get as a result. Create a picture of the fulfillment of your desire, watch it as an exciting film with your participation. Change and adjust it depending on your comfort level.

Another obstacle is the discrepancy between our desires and our real motives and needs. For example, one woman really wanted to start a family. But she was so passionate about her work that she simply didn’t see any men wanting to get to know her. She had no time to go on dates, go on vacation and waste time on other trifles.

Her true desire was to make a career, to achieve success in her business - it came true. And she manically continued to talk about her family, thereby concentrating on what she did not have and making no effort to implement her plans. Where will the efforts come from if the desire does not affect life values ​​and needs?

Or, for example, a businessman complains all the time that his subordinates call him endlessly, that he doesn’t have a minute of peace, that he hasn’t seen his family for a long time, and that his dream is to relax. But it just doesn’t work out. Why? Because this is how he feels his importance, necessity, and subconsciously surrounds himself with people who are not capable of independence. Rest is not his need, his true goal is significance. And he achieves it.

In fact, our real desires are easy to determine if you look at what you spend the most time on. A person is where he is precisely because he wants it!

His thoughts and deeds lead him to what he has. If you still strive to go to work every weekend, then family and personal happiness are unlikely to be your goal, at least at this point in your life. If your goal is to be healthy and beautiful, but you spend all your free time watching TV, in a bar, or eating popcorn at the cinema, then you must admit that your real desire is not health and beauty at all.

Fourth rule: the desire that is stronger and that fully corresponds to our motives and values ​​always comes true.

Another obstacle to achieving what you want is indecision and fear of stepping outside your comfort zone. As an example, I will tell the continuation of the story about Paris. My client went there. But at first, life there turned out to be not so joyful - there is no usual circle of friends, you need to adapt to a completely new environment, a salary that you cannot afford in Paris, because the business has just begun to develop. In general, she only lasted two months, and then she refused to work and returned to her homeland.

The greatest enemy of our development and success

Our comfort zone, the desire to be in a familiar environment and the reluctance to overcome the difficulties associated with leaving the cozy familiar world. How many people resist all changes, even positive ones! Imagine: you are sitting in your familiar and cozy apartment, and outside the window a blizzard is blowing and it is snowing and freezing. Do you feel like going out? Hardly.

How to learn to fulfill your desires?

What if you were invited to a fun celebration organized in your honor, which is taking place on a nearby street? Will you overcome your reluctance to go out onto the cold, unfriendly street? Therefore, there is a fifth rule: show determination and expand your comfort zone, take advantage of the chances that life gives you.

The main weakness of most people is that, having some idea of ​​what they want, they rarely go beyond their dreams. This is especially true for achieving some major goals. In fact, planning to achieve goals, so widely used in management, can be successfully used for yourself.

Take time and write down all the possible ways to get what you want, develop a strategy for achieving it. When big goals are broken down into many small actions, achieving them no longer seems so impossible. Be sure to write down your goals and plans on paper - this way you confirm to yourself that you are serious about your intentions. This is a kind of message from the Universe.

Over time, changes may occur in your plan, and there is nothing wrong with the fact that the ways to achieve what you want have changed, because the main thing is the result. So, the sixth rule can be formulated as follows: Write down your goals and make plans to achieve them.

By the way, plans and notes help to show patience in achieving goals, since many people cannot be persistent for a long time to get something. They have done a lot, but nothing happens, and they give up what they started. It turns out that everything in the Universe has already begun to work towards fulfilling the desire, but the person abandoned it.

And now let's move on to the main thing - to the scientific and practical technology of achieving what we want. So, there are several stages of correctly “ordering” the fulfillment of a desire.

Stage 1: Clearly and clearly formulate your desire.

Definitely affirmative. You can’t wish “not to be fat”; it’s correct to say “I want to be slim.” If you want to meet the man of your dreams, then don’t be surprised that you see him on the subway, in the office, or his photo in a magazine, and that’s all. The wish is fulfilled: they wanted to meet - they met.

Therefore, formulate your goals more specifically: I want to meet you; create a family; have an affair; be happy in your personal life, etc. The main rule: the desire must be formulated either very broadly or in very detail, taking into account the details. For example: I want to get married. What if the marriage is unhappy?

Then this: I want to get married happily - this is a broad request, but more specific. In more detail, you can say this: I want to marry a rich man and be happy with him. What if he was born and lives in Africa? In general, think about what exactly you want, because wishes tend to come true.

Stage 2: Check whether the fulfillment of your desire really depends on you personally and applies to you?

“I have a wonderful husband - loving, caring and attentive. We always support each other. He is an athlete and is used to achieving goals. But six months ago he began working in a charity organization under the guidance of his American friend. He has loaded him up with work, but he pays pennies - he says that the charity organization is no longer entitled to it. My husband often goes on business trips, and even if he is in the city, he runs around all day on business, and uses his car for work purposes. We often began to quarrel over his work.

It turns out that he is never at home, and he doesn’t bring in much money either. Two weeks ago, my husband decided to finally leave this job, because there were more losses from it than profits. He will get more from sports than from this job. But an American arrived, and my husband decided to help him finish the projects he had started. He is very honest and obliging. And that’s good, I’m like that myself. But a month ago his boss promised to pay him $500 instead of $300. A month passed and he still didn't pay.

I constantly remind my husband to be tougher and ask about the promised increase. My husband can’t ask and says that I constantly bite and scold him. I say that he does not value himself if he allows himself to be used to his detriment. As a result, we quarrel again. But I don’t want that, on the contrary, I want to help him understand that he needs to value himself more highly, especially with his potential. But no matter what I say, it turns out that I’m to blame, that I’m nagging him, etc. What should I do and what should I do in this situation? After all, I want to help my husband succeed.”

In the reader’s letter, the desire is formulated in such a way that it is initially impossible to fulfill. Its implementation does not depend on her, but only on her husband, if he himself wishes to become successful (in his understanding of the word). If you look at it, she either wants to increase the family income, or raise her husband’s self-esteem, or wants to teach him to ask for money for his work. You see how many nuances there are!

Any person would not refuse a “magic wand”. This is perhaps the only thing in the world that unites people. It's a pity that politicians haven't thought of this yet. Maybe the world would become a better, cleaner place. But miracle masters of all kinds of professions are vying to explain to citizens how to fulfill their desires. There is so much that is not in their recommendations: psychological trainings that put you in the right mood, magical rituals, prayers, and so on. And, strangely enough, it works! Let's look at the tools offered as a “magic wand”.

The beginning of magic

Sources disseminating knowledge on how to fulfill your desires agree on one thing. It is necessary to set the goal correctly. Desire should come from the heart, and not be born by the mind. Some call these true goals. The test is simple: imagine the moment your dream comes true. Did you feel happy? So you are on the right track. Fulfillment of desires only seems difficult. It's actually a fun and joyful process. If we forget about what is instilled in us from childhood, that everything is achieved through labor, then desires will begin to come true on their own. Unfortunately, you will have to work on the correct perception of reality. We have many harmful postulates in our heads. They prevent us from enjoying life. In the “conceived-implemented” process, incorrect statements (attitudes) insert obstacles like spokes in wheels. A real wizard must get rid of them, firmly believing that the whole world is just waiting for him to wish for something. If you achieve that such an attitude becomes the main one in your worldview, then the question of how to fulfill your desires will cease to exist for you.

About what is allowed and what is prohibited

There is one more important point to be aware of. Desires are divided into good and bad. The latter include those that cause harm when performed. For example, if you want to take revenge on an enemy, get someone else’s property, or destroy something you didn’t create, then don’t wait for the help of the Universe. She doesn't like aggressors. And the Higher Powers will definitely help you realize your good desire. These include all thoughts aimed at development and creation. It is also important to emotionally color your thoughts. Desires that bring joy are usually the first in line to be fulfilled. They are surpassed only by those whose implementation will make many people happy. For example, there is a difference between the desire to buy a car and plant a garden. The first will please you personally, and maybe also your friends and relatives. And a blooming garden will give aesthetic pleasure to many people, not to mention the pleasure from its fruits. It turns out that, thinking about how to fulfill his desires, a person involuntarily becomes a creator developing the Universe.

Magical practices

Having decided on your true desires, you can immediately begin to realize them. Many techniques have been invented for this. A simple test will help you choose the right one. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with several, and then mentally “estimate” them for yourself. What are you experiencing? How does it feel? If the information caused confusion or anger, then dismiss it immediately. It won't work. But you can try this amusing technique. The one that interests you should definitely be used. And so on down the list. Would you say that we need to stop at one? Not at all. You want to become a wizard. This means that you can do whatever you like, that makes you happy, that makes you happy. For example, have you heard that every person has a wish-granting stone? Don't have one like this yet? So it needs to be created urgently!

About the stone

The fulfillment of desires is only possible if you have spent a certain amount of energy on the process. In one case it is work, in the other it is dreams. The Universe doesn’t care how you “pay” for your dream. She needs the person to give something. Moreover, what is preferable for her is not money, but thoughts and feelings. Sometimes positive dreamers have all the chances of the world falling on their heads, which is the envy of pessimistic realists engaged in continuous productive work. The stone is the point that will force you to spend energy in the right direction. It is recommended to choose a mineral based on your zodiac sign. Although this is completely unimportant. Let there be at least a cobblestone, as long as you believe that it will fulfill everything you wish. You need to communicate with the stone regularly, describing your dream in all
colors He needs to transfer his energy. After a while it will start working. But in fact, you will get used to it, and the sight of it will encourage you to spend energy on your dream, which will sooner or later lead to its fulfillment. That's the whole secret!

About prayers

There has long been another way to achieve your goals. It is now known as the prayer that grants wishes. In fact, it is still the same positive, optimistic concentration. In Reality Transurfing, the process is described as the ability to stop the flow of thoughts, which is actually a waste of energy. As soon as this happens, the accumulation of “assets” immediately begins, as in the economy. They are not spent on empty things, but are added up to be spent on what is really important. Prayer is another way to stop the racing of thoughts in your head and clear your mind. Moreover, the special state of energy of a person conducting a conversation with the Lord has been proven. It is recommended to compose the prayer yourself, in your own words. Start with the Lord's Prayer to get in the mood, and then say what you truly want. Works!

How to make any wish come true

There is one “terrible secret”, the knowledge of which makes a person omnipotent. The creators of Simoron reveal it a little. For any wish to come true, you must forget about it! It turns out that this is the most reliable method, which many people intuitively come to. You need to wish it with special pleasure and taste. Dream with full energy and intensity of emotions. Unwind the reel of your dreams to the fullest, and then forget about everything. Then your dream itself will rush towards you through worlds and spaces. The fact is that sometimes people themselves delay the desired moment. With their doubts or excessive requests, they “confuse” the Universe, on which the approach of the dream depends. Either a person passionately wants something, then suddenly he begins to be afraid, then he becomes angry, and so on. Naturally, everything happens at the emotional level. And the Higher Powers take everything at face value. They begin preparing to realize their desire, and suddenly they receive a “stop” signal (doubt). What should they do? After all, they strive to make a person happy. It's not their fault that he has seven Fridays a week.

About perfume

Do you know how our distant ancestors reasoned? They believed that all objects and phenomena are endowed with a soul. Maybe not quite human, but quite accommodating. In their opinion, an agreement could be concluded with a thunderstorm, say, or a river. This is where the legend comes from that there are spirits that grant wishes. How to contact them? A special ritual must be performed. For example, you can conduct a seance. You will need a saucer and a circle with letters. The company sits around a table on which “magical” attributes are installed. Everyone touches the saucer with their fingertips. Then they make wishes. The saucer moves and shows the spirits' response. Or you can contact them directly. Write down what is occupying your thoughts now, and place a piece of paper in the book of the deceased classic. At the same time, ask for his assistance in fulfilling what you want. He will definitely answer. Sometimes in a dream. And it happens that through a quote from your work. Try it, incredible things often happen.

help yourself

Many experts say that no one except the person himself can cope with the fulfillment of desires. They recommend not wasting energy on contacts with spirits or gnomes, but getting down to business based on scientific principles. To do this, you need to create a positive attitude for yourself. A wish-fulfilling mantra will help in this matter. For example, you want to get rights. Imagine that you already have driving skills and drive around the expanses of your homeland like an ace. Now chant this mantra: aum hrim stream hum Ptah. In total, you need to repeat the set of sounds one hundred and eight times. It is recommended to repeat the exercise every day. They say it works best at dawn. Sit on the ground, look at the star and sing, imagining the end result.

Body language to help the fulfillment of your desires

Magic practitioners do not stop at energy and magical creatures. They believe that it is possible to create an order from the Universe to fulfill a wish with the help of hands. That is, the fingers are intertwined in a certain way, which is a sign to the Universe that you have a request. This practice is called “wish-fulfilling mudras.” This is an Indian creation. It is recommended to practice after cleansing the body. The exercise itself does not require special preparation. You need to sit with your back straight. Move your arms slightly to the sides, bending your elbows. Position your fingers like this: the index, thumb and middle fingers are connected, and the little and ring fingers are pressed to the palms. Say out loud three times what you want, without using negative particles “not” and the words “I want”. Sit in this position for fifteen minutes. Breathe calmly and measuredly. Imagine how happy you will be when your plans are realized. The mudra is aimed at realizing material desires. In addition, it allows you to improve your health and clear your thoughts.

About the genie

Very positive people, real eccentrics, firmly believe that their worries can be transferred to entities from another world. These include, for example, genies. Remember the fairy tale about the magic lamp? So, some sources claim that a similar trick can be done today. If you are interested in how to summon a genie who grants wishes, here is the recipe. Buy a beautiful oriental vase (if you don’t have one at home). Wait until night. Spread a red rug (fabric) on the floor.

Light the candles. Place the vase on the red cloth. Rub it with your palm and say: “I summon the genie, I breathe power into him! I give the order to the genie, thank you in gold! I tell you to (specifically describe what you want)! Let what is said be done!” The spirit of the lamp needs to pay for its services. To do this, it is recommended to give alms or treat children in the yard to sweets. That is, do something kind and pleasant for other people.

Should you believe in genies and spirits?

This is a very important question. The fact is that the fulfillment of desires completely depends not on external forces, but on the correctness of the “request”. If you are positive, happy, harmonious, then believe in anyone. The Universe is on the side of people who give birth to positive energies. Dwarves or genies who otherwise do not exist will definitely communicate with such people. The point is not whether a dwarf with a beard will come to you, but about the energy, which is aimed at ensuring that the flow of your happiness is endless. This is probably worth believing. This is a fact that has not yet been proven by science, but is supported by many evidence of harmonious people living peacefully on the planet. It’s a pity that stories about them rarely make it into the media. Who, according to those who build it, is interested in boring lucky guys?

How to stop a wish from coming true

When people strive to change their lives, they encounter common mistakes. Naturally, in addition to the general ones, everyone also makes their own. But you will have to fight them on your own. But you don’t have to step on common rakes after familiarizing yourself with their signs. The first mistake is using the particle “not” when formulating desires. The fact is that the Universe is like a small child. She is designed in such a way that she cannot understand the subtleties of our denials. For her, what I “want” and what “I don’t want.” That is, she will not see the meaning emphasized by this negative particle. As a result, you will get exactly what you wanted to avoid. That is, if you ask her to “prevent” an accident, then prepare for a collision in which you will be the main character. The second mistake is to allow doubts. If the order is made, then do not cancel it with negative thoughts. You are confusing the Universe. Make a wish and give it time to realize it.

A small “crutch” for beginning wizards

Everything rarely works out right away. If it is difficult for you to stop or control your thoughts, or to tune into a positive mood, then it is recommended to remember what exactly helped you to be in an upbeat mood earlier. It could be music or a film, a book or a painting. They say diamonds help girls. Take note of your own mood booster and use it without hesitation. And over time, your faith in your own magical abilities will strengthen. Everything will turn out much easier. Good luck!