Reptilians - who are they? Reptilians live with people on the same planet! Reptilians among us how to see

According to a 2013 opinion poll, 12 million Americans believe that the US government is reptiles or human-lizard hybrids, skillfully masquerading as ordinary people.

David Icke's revelations

Conversations that earthly authorities are collaborating with aliens, allowing them to kidnap people and maim animals, began back in the 1980s. Englishman David Vaughan Icke went further. He stated that all earthly politicians are either disguised as people, or people carrying reptilian genes.

Ike used to be a professional football player, but arthritis forced him to interrupt his career. He began working as a sports commentator for the BBC, then joined the Green Party. In 1990, while visiting a psychoanalyst, David experienced mental shock. A voice spoke in his head, saying that he must save the Earth.

Ike has written several books about the conspiracy theory that aliens have long conquered the Earth. And then in 1999 the book “The Greatest Secret” was published, which says that we are ruled by reptiles from the planet Dragon. Several million aliens, according to the author, live in underground caves on Earth and interbreed with people. They have developed mind control technologies and are able to influence our minds through television, computers and other electrical devices, even if the cord is simply plugged in and the device itself is not working.

Presidents and monarchs, and just the powers that be, carry their genes to one degree or another. Those who look too much like lizards hide their appearance with the help of some magical actions. There is only one way to expose them. The lizardman, Ike claims, is unable to pronounce the word “kininigin.”

David refers to a witness - Jennifer Ann Green, a former alien slave. Since childhood, reptilians have controlled her mind in order to raise an obedient priestess to perform satanic rituals. The entire British royal family allegedly took part in them. The rituals necessarily included human sacrifice, cannibalism, violence and unbridled orgies. The blood of the dead was mixed with arsenic, an element necessary for the nutrition of reptilians, and drank. After this, the reptilians stopped pretending to be people, showing their real appearance. Among them, Jennifer saw US presidents and their wives. According to her, in France she performed a ceremony with the participation of the Pope. She did not name him for ethical reasons.

The reptilian power over Ann Green's mind began to weaken when the creator of her "subjugation program" died. This allowed her to talk about the true appearance of the powers that be.
“Can the United States lose its freedom? - writes Ike. “My God, she was never here.”

Parallel civilization

David Icke had many supporters and followers. Among them was Stuart Alan Sverdlov, a descendant of the legendary Bolshevik Yakov Sverdlov. He claimed that he himself “communicated with aliens and beings from other dimensions during the course of his work on secret government projects.” Most reptiles and hybrids, Sverdlov claims, live underground, where a small sun burns in a huge cavity: “The Inner Earth became home to reptilians who survived the war between Atlantis and Lemuria. There they created an underground civilization. This is where the legends about hell and demons living in fire underground arose.

They built tunnels with fast transport, similar to the subway, and erected underground cities - Akkadia, Agartha, Shambhala. The main entrances to the Inner Earth are at the North Pole, where a passage with a diameter of 200 kilometers is open, and at the South Pole, where the entrance hole is 150 kilometers in diameter. These passages are visible from space. Man-made entrances are located under the Giza Plateau in Egypt, under the Denver Airport, major air force bases, and under many temples in India and China.”

Only other extraterrestrial civilizations prevented the open dominance of reptiles. Reptilians are hiding because of them. Earthlings are used in satanic rituals not only to satisfy the thirst for violence, but also to successfully disguise themselves as people. The older the hybrids are, the more blood they need and the “vibrations” emitted under torture.

Sverdlov stated that since childhood he took part in rituals and sexual orgies of reptilians. Before his eyes, famous politicians, TV presenters and writers “greedily devoured blood, which for them was a real delicacy.” Everyone except Kennedy Jr. turned into lizards during the ritual. About the sexual side of the rituals, we will only say that neither the age nor the gender of the participants mattered much.

Origins of the legend

When the newfangled conspiracy theory could no longer be ignored, historians and sociologists had to seriously look for its origins. Political science professor Michael Barkun of Syracuse University discovered that it is based on... Robert E. Howard's science fiction story “The Shadowfell,” published in 1929. Howard is mostly remembered as the creator of Conan the Barbarian, a muscular character much loved by screenwriters in Hollywood.

The hero of “The Kingdom of Shadows” was another, no less physically gifted character. This happened during the time of Atlantis. King Kull, who seized the throne of Valusia, was warned about the existence of the reptilian people: “These creatures can pretend to be anyone. By some kind of witchcraft spell they cast a veil of enchantment over themselves, and they can no longer be distinguished from a living person...

There was a long and terrible war, centuries passed until people became a race that owned the world. The people eventually won... The snake people survived and returned in masks when the human race weakened and forgot about the previous battles.”

It is also mentioned in the story that the lizardmen are trying to seize power by all means, including replacing the rulers: “The kings ruled Valusia as people, but when they died in battles, they died like snakes... How could this happen? After all, these kings were born women and lived like people live! There is only one answer: the real kings were secretly killed, and the priests of the Serpent took their place. And not a single living soul knew about it.”

There is also a magic word that clearly identifies reptilians. Only it sounds different - “ka nama kaa layerama”, not “kininigin”.

The second starting point was the story of Warren Shufelt, a mining engineer from Los Angeles. In 1934, he stated that there was another city underground, built and inhabited by intelligent lizards. Using “radio-X-rays” (dowsing), he mapped the layout of the halls, passages and tunnels. Warren received permission to open a mine in the center of the city. Having walked 76 meters, instead of a tunnel of lizards, he came across groundwater and stopped working.

Both stories were used by the American esotericist Claude Doggins, founder of the White Temple Brotherhood sect. In the brochure “Secrets of the Gobi,” written by Claude under the pseudonym Morris Doreal, he described snake people hiding in underground shelters.

Extraterrestrial race

In 1948, Doggins wrote another work, Flying Saucers from an Occult Point of View. There, in particular, it was said that the snake people replaced Stalin. Now nuclear war is inevitable. He called on everyone who valued life to settle in the “Shambhala Ashram” he founded among the Rocky Mountains - the only place that would not be affected by a nuclear holocaust. The outbreak of war was predicted by Doggins for "May, August or September 1953." 800 sect members settled in a mountain valley and closed the gates to outsiders.

Years passed, but the nuclear war did not begin. After Doggins' death in 1963, the sect noticeably thinned out, but did not cease to exist.

David Icke does not hide the fact that Morris Doreal was one of the sources of his works. Another author mentioned by David was the occultist Robert Diekhoff. In 1951, he wrote the book Agharta, which describes an alliance between underground reptiles and human “black magicians.” They direct negative energy into the brains of their victims, provoking murders, wars, and crashes. Only Tibetan warrior monks fight on a physical and mental level with the cursed creatures and their allies.

“Nowadays one only has to think about the snake people living in human form to feel their ominous radiation,” wrote Diekhoff. “They often occupy high positions, are respected, rich and serve Lucifer himself.”

In the early 1970s, the first rumors of underground alien bases appeared. Over time, they merged with stories about the underground shelters of reptilians. Now for the birth of a legend it was enough to imagine that the reptiles had already seized power.

The final straw was John Carpenter's 1988 film They Live (Strangers Among Us). David Icke, in his book Children of the Matrix, writes: “If you trace Carpenter’s career, it becomes clear that he is one of the initiates. I highly recommend watching this film about an extraterrestrial race that has taken over the Earth and is masquerading as humans.”

Many ufologists share the opinion that disguised aliens live among us, although they try to stay away from sensational stories about reptilians. David Jacobs, a renowned abduction researcher, titled his latest book: “Walkers Among Us.” If people manage to catch such an alien or a hybrid with alien features, all the myths will instantly turn out to be reality, and fears will become reality.

Today, some researchers openly declare that in fact, throughout the long millennia of history, while we considered them extinct, dinosaurs, or rather their descendants, peacefully coexisted next to us, skillfully hiding the fruits of their vital activity. These creatures were nicknamed reptilians or reptilian people.

What are these statements based on? In order not to be unfounded, adherents of this hypothesis suggest turning to history.

In ancient times, our ancestors lived in tribes (essentially families), mostly in caves. There they left evidence of their presence in the form of rock paintings. They painted mostly what they saw and experienced themselves. Animals, people around a fire, hunting scenes - these are the usual subjects for such drawings. But, as it turned out, not always.

Ancient people often depicted real dinosaurs in their everyday drawings! And we’re not just talking about Ica stones and clay figurines from Acambaro, the origin of which is still controversial. We are talking about ordinary rock carvings from many parts of the planet, which are thousands of years old.

An image of a group of unknown creatures carved on the wall of the Los Casares cave in Spain (drawing)

What could this indicate? Only that, contrary to popular belief, ancient lizards coexisted with humans, and did not become extinct long before his appearance. The most courageous claim that reptiles live next to us to this day, skillfully disguising their vital activity. People who believe in this kind of theory claim that they survived because they were intelligent! These people also believe that they are highly organized and even control a person with the help of unique telepathic abilities.

In March 1990, researcher B. Hamilton and CIA representative W. Cooper stated that they had numerous information about clashes between people and reptilians. These encounters most frequently occurred in Ohio, near Louisville, near the deep underground tunnels of the southwestern Albuquerque area, to caves in Nevada and the Black Mountains near Las Vegas.

Reptilians are distinguished by their remarkable physical strength, they are able to hypnotically influence a person and are endowed with a sexual psychology similar to ours. The sexual manipulations that these creatures perform on people are probably caused by their own considerations, dictated by their distant genetic proximity to humans.

Several years ago, near the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway on the shore of a lake, the police found an unconscious woman. She was wearing a tattered dress, and there were multiple bruises and deep bleeding scratches on her body, as if from the claws of a predatory animal. The whole body, especially the lower part, was covered with sticky greenish mucus, which gave off an unpleasant odor.

The victim was taken to the hospital, and a sample of mucus was sent for biochemical analysis, but its composition could not be identified. When the woman regained consciousness, she told how in the afternoon she went by boat to a small island where her goats were grazing on a leash. On the way back, the sunlight faded, as if it had been eclipsed by a dense thundercloud. What happened next, she could not remember. Ufologists decided to conduct a session of regressive hypnosis.

During the session, the woman again had to emotionally relive all the details of the incident. It turned out that at the moment when she was looking for clouds in the almost cloudless sky with her eyes, some force carried her from the boat to the shore. Before the woman had time to rise to her feet, she was knocked down by a blow from the clawed paw of a disgusting creature that looked like a monster with the head of a lizard.

As the monster bent down, she smelled a foul odor and saw a reddish glow in its snake eyes, then lost consciousness. After some time, she came to her senses, tried to break free, but again lost consciousness from the horror, pain and smell of this creature. She woke up already in the hospital.

UFO phenomenon researcher Michael Lindemann (USA), in one of his lectures on the topic “Features of modern ufology,” gives an interesting example from his practice of conducting regressive hypnosis. At the end of 1972, the head of a family living in California, leaving his wife and children at home, went for several weeks to study at the telephone company where he worked. In the evening, the children went to bed in their room, and the mother, having finished her chores, went to hers.

Having dismantled the bed, she placed a loaded shotgun next to the bed, just in case. At dawn, the woman woke up with the feeling that someone else had broken into the house. Lying on the bed, she listened and suddenly saw a dark figure moving from the corner of the room towards her bed.

Grabbing a gun, the woman decided to stop the uninvited guest. From a darkened corner came a creature more than 1.5 m tall, with the head of a huge lizard and the unblinking gaze of snake eyes. The mistress of the house understood that she could not hesitate, she had to shoot, but her hands did not obey, and her body seemed to have turned to stone. The alien grabbed her hand and dragged her to the door. Once on the lawn near the house, she was horrified to see several large-headed dwarfs dressed in silver overalls carrying children towards a large object in the form of a short-brimmed hat.

Once the woman was inside the facility, she was roughly thrown onto a metal table with dwarfs scurrying around. Turning her head, she hardly looked away from the huge black eyes of one of them and suddenly realized that she was hearing their voices, completely identical, without any emotions.

Out of the corner of her eye, the woman saw her children walking awkwardly nearby, as if gliding above the floor, looking around with curiosity. The dwarfs seemed to take no notice of them. The idea occurred to her that these creatures moved like automata, sometimes making synchronized movements. She thought about the ants, remembering the hive mind.

Thoughts were interrupted by an argument between one of the dwarfs and a reptilian. The woman realized with horror: the dwarf did not agree with the reptilian who wanted to kill her inside the UFO. The enraged reptilian grabbed the dwarf and tore his chest with his paws. He fell to the floor, and a small puddle of greenish liquid formed under him.

The reptilian turned to the woman, and the next moment she felt that she was falling into darkness, and woke up lying on the grass, wet with dew, near her house. The children sat nearby and silently looked at their mother. They never spoke to each other about the events of that night.

All this looks like science fiction or just nonsense, but let's try to look at things objectively.

The Mesozoic was a real paradise for dinosaurs: the climate was most suitable, and natural enemies simply did not exist. This gave them the opportunity to develop and spread everywhere. They led a herd lifestyle, defended their nests, raised offspring together and hunted. Doesn't sound like the behavior of lower creatures, does it?

The remains of a Troodon lizard discovered by Sternberg in Canada in the early 30s of the last century wonderfully complete the picture. Paleontologists who examined the bones, and Sternberg himself in particular, cannot deny that the brain of this small lizard weighed about a kilogram.


Approximately like modern primates. Troodon were up to one and a half meters tall, walked on their hind legs, and used their front legs for grasping. Impressive, isn't it? The researchers state:

“Judging by the size of the brain, cerebellum and medulla oblongata of troodons (Stenonychosaurus inequalis), we can conclude that they were not only intelligent, but even quite possibly had intuition.”

According to research by D. Russell from the National Museum of Natural History in Ottawa (Canada), ancient upright dinosaurs of the genus Stenonychosaurus, which had a three-toed paw and a fairly large brain, could undergo environmental adaptation, survive and turn into creatures endowed with intelligence.

Perhaps, on their genetic base, through trial and error, a population of creatures was created that left behind the dead-end branches of the Neanderthals, acquiring the appearance and intellectual capabilities of a human. It is possible that the reptilian race is a parallel civilization that sometimes reminds us of itself in encounters with UFOs.

To put it simply, primates spent about 5 million years to transform from apes into humans. What to do with reptiles, to which we ourselves have “assigned” a lifespan twice or even three times longer? Possessing a certain intelligence and having a huge period of time, they could well survive the Ice Age, and having learned to hide, they could survive to this day.

The lizards were warm-blooded, says Dale Russell. “We recently found the petrified heart of one of them. The heart is four-chambered, like that of humans and other warm-blooded creatures.

Another "humanoid-like" dinosaur is the saurornithoid. It was first described in 1924 by Henry Fairfield Osborne from the remains of an incomplete skeleton discovered by the Central Asian expedition of the American Museum of Natural History.


The saurornithoid was 2 m long and weighed from 27 to 45 kg. Some paleontologists believe that in fact Stenonychosaurus and Saurornithoid belong to the same genus and even the same species. The saurornithoid was a predator. He killed his victims with the claws of his hind legs. Saurornithoids appear to have been the most intelligent and bird-like group of dinosaurs.

The size of their brains seems to indicate that they were almost as intelligent as modern emus, and certainly smarter than living reptiles. This degree of brain development served them to coordinate actions during hunting, especially when they hunted small active animals such as Mesozoic mammals at dusk. This also meant that they could care for their young by herding broods of young, as ostriches and emus do today.

In saurornithoids, the claws on the feet were not so large, but the tail was flexible, and the skeleton was much lighter, like other small predatory dinosaurs. Saurornithoids and related dinosaurs most likely hunted small mammals at dusk.

The complete skeleton of the saurornithoid has not yet been discovered, and the first remains found were represented by a skull, pelvis, parts of the spine and limbs. This was enough to understand what the animal looked like.

The huge eyes of the saurornithoid were set wide and could look forward like the eyes of an owl: the lizard had stereoscopic vision. Compared to others, he also had a very large brain. The mouth had many teeth that had a saw-tooth cut along the edges.

All this, oddly enough, is confirmed by ancient evidence, where people describe precisely these types of lizards. Let us remember Egypt with its epic mythology. Many gods of this state were depicted as snakes, and the pharaohs wore hoods with their heads on their heads. Sumerian records tell of a race of lizard people called the Anunaki. The Anunaki ruled Sumer and were gods. And at the same time they had a “clearly reptilian” appearance.

The Nagas who lived in Ancient India were intelligent lizards. Ancient China also “marked its mark” in this impromptu rating of “reptilian addicts”. The Yellow Emperor Huangdi, the founder of the state, was the owner of four animals that bear a striking resemblance to ancient dinosaurs. The Chinese called them dragons and depicted them as huge flying four-legged snakes. Quetzalcoatl of the ancient Indians of Yucatan also has a very vague pedigree...

Nagas of Indonesia. Sculptural composition on the island of Bali

The Greeks and Romans were also not far behind - many of the ancient representatives of the family were depicted in rather strange ways. For example, the founder of the city of Athens, King Kekrops, was half serpent, half human. Reptilians even got to the Christians' holy book, the Bible. After all, the one who gave man knowledge was also a serpent. Let us remember that snakes have always been associated with knowledge and wisdom. Perhaps this is not without reason.

Almost every ancient people has similar evidence, legends and myths, which suggests a secret government of reptilians. However, not everyone resignedly worshiped the lizards and lived in peace with them. Slavic mythology, on the contrary, paints lizards in an unsightly light. It is enough to recall two characters - Gorynych the Snake and Tugarin the Snake. They strive for unlimited power.

The last straw in the researchers’ cup of patience was added by the famous historian, speaker and fan of the global conspiracy theory David Vaughn Icke. He wrote the scandalous book "The Biggest Secret." It says that the descendants of the Sumerian Anunaki are not only not fiction, but are successfully living among us right now. Ike believes that reptilians, disguised and using suggestion, skillfully manipulate the consciousness of people. And their goal is simple - to enslave our civilization.

Strangely enough, there are more and more adherents, so to speak, followers of David Icke. Although his book is more like science fiction, many of his arguments have real confirmation. This book has been translated into Russian, and anyone can read it. According to the American's theory, intelligent lizards are preparing an invasion of their own kind, which will be a real apocalypse for humanity.

The Reptilians (Lizardians, Draconians, Anunnaki, Anunnaki, Niphelim, Chitauli) are a civilization of humanoid reptiles that rules our world from behind the scenes. According to conspiracy theorists, they represent a world government and exercise control through third parties, who are purebred people or human-reptile hybrids.

Historical reference

The word "Anunnaki" is translated as "those who came from heaven", "those of noble blood." This knowledge comes from the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia (according to official data, about 4 thousand years BC). According to information from found written sources, ancient people considered the Anunnaki their gods.

Origin of reptilians

The hypothetical homeland of the reptilians is located in the Zeta Reticuli star system (lat. Zeta Reticuli), in which the center is two connected stars. An interesting fact is that one of the stars is almost a copy of our Sun: similarity in 99% of mass and diameter, 102% of luminosity.

According to other sources, the Anunnaki come from the Thuban star system (Alpha Draco - one of the stars in the constellation Draco), or from the mythical wandering planet Nibiru - this version was especially popular until the end of 2012. At this time, it was expected that a foreign civilization would again visit our planet in order to collect the gold mined by earthlings. They predicted the end of the world due to the collision of Nibiru with the Earth.

Trilogy "Eden"

Science fiction writer Harry Harrison wrote three science fiction novels on the theme of reptilians (the first of them in 1984), and this may have contributed to the development of modern theories. Recommended reading. Also pay attention to the feature films “Alien” and “Prometheus”.

There is also an assumption about a planet of reptilians. In the USA, there is a theory called “Project Serpo”, which considers a top-secret project between the reptilian civilization from the planet Serpo and the US government.

One cannot deny another version, according to which the homeland of the aliens is very close - in our star system on neighboring planets and satellites.

Time of arrival on Earth

There is no consensus on the date of the first appearance of reptilians on Earth. It is impossible to reliably answer this question, since the very existence of an alien race of invaders is in doubt, and this theory does not have any worthwhile evidence.

The estimated range of dates is incredibly wide: from millions to, literally, several decades ago. If we assume the real existence of the Secret World Government in the person of reptiles, then it is unlikely that their first arrival on our planet was recent. Ancient cave paintings dating back to around the fifth millennium BC contain images similar to reptilian people.

Goals and objectives on Earth

Reptilian through the eyes of the creators of the film “Poseidon”.

Against the backdrop of the lifeless expanses of space, our planet looks like an oasis in the desert. In addition to good living conditions, the bowels of the Earth are filled with enormous wealth. Surely, the mineral resources we have will be useful to other civilizations, so there are plenty of reasons for foreign invasion.

Let's consider several theories about the reasons for the enslavement of humanity by reptilians. The worst thing is that none of them contradicts the other, but on the contrary, they all complement each other perfectly.

Mining gold or other minerals

Our species was deliberately created by the Anunnaki as a labor force to extract the earth's treasures. The creation of robots turned out to be too unprofitable, since it involves huge expenses for the manufacture and repair of cyborgs.

Then they decided to create people who would reproduce and provide for themselves. They did not spare us a little self-regeneration to ensure the minimum required survival.

On the last day of creation, God said: “Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness.” Bible (Genesis 1:26)

Let us remember that the Sumerians called those same snake-like creatures gods.

Extraction of immaterial energy of suffering

Many famous authors have ideas that humanity serves someone like a herd of cattle: Castaneda also mentioned this when describing the “flyers” that devour the energy body of each person, Robert Monroe also wrote about this, describing a system in which people have a role bees

Gavvah (hops) is a subtle quintessence of the strongest emotions.

Photo of a female “reptilian”.

Followers of this concept believe that the structure of the human body is by no means accidental. Lifespan, aging and death are programmed into our DNA. High susceptibility to disease to create dependence on medicine. Conspiracy theorists claim that even sleep is not necessary for all life forms, and its necessity was also deliberately written into our genetics.

Many objects that seem absolutely normal to people are actually designed to transmit energy to reptilians. Just look at the ziggurat in the center of Moscow. Even the unfortunate Christmas trees have been caught in this thankless task: it is assumed that the real harvest takes place on New Year's holidays. The energy that we are so insistently encouraged to actively spend goes through the pyramid trees in huge volumes directly to the Anunnaki.

Finding a new habitat

Many people like to refute this theory, saying that why should they bother with us if they are so highly developed and powerful. Why don't reptilians just destroy people, like in some Hollywood movie? What if we do all the necessary work for them with our own hands? It's expensive to fight, and they'll lose their slaves.

Well-known secret societies should rather be treated as semi-underground communities of interests. However, there is a suspicious speech by the American president, which he made shortly before his tragic death.

Recognizing a reptilian among people

One of the most famous supporters of this conspiracy theory, writer David Von Icke, describes the features of the reptilian race as follows:

  • height from 1.5 to 4 meters;
  • they prefer meat and blood in their diet;
  • physically much stronger, healthier and stronger person;
  • capable of taking on the appearance of other creatures.

Interplanetary flights themselves indicate to us the highest technological development, which suggests that reptilians have a much more developed intelligence than our species.

The external signs of reptilians would be obvious to everyone, if not for the ability to take on the appearance of other creatures. We have not found a single, let alone reliable, or even just interesting source describing the signs of the Anunnaki imitating people.

The famous ufologist D. Carpenter, who has been studying the problem for many years, says that almost all eyewitnesses describe them the same way. These are upright walking creatures. Their height is from 1.8 to 2.4 meters. The head is a cross between a human head and a lizard head. The same can be said about the face. The skin is scaly, its color ranges from greenish to brownish, and can be spotted. The eyes are bulging, golden or light red, with a vertical pupil, similar to a cat's. A ridge runs from the top of the head to the mouth. The body might have seemed human if not for the protruding ribs on the chest. The hands are four-fingered, webbed, ending in claws.

Contacts almost always occur on the initiative of reptilians. Carpenter claims that in all cases of such encounters, people did not see spaceships . This has given some researchers reason to assume that the homeland of reptilians is the Earth and that they currently live in its depths. According to the views of these experts, reptilians arose on Earth about 60 million years ago as a result of the evolution of one of the species of lizards.

The reptilian civilization has reached an extremely high level of development. She went into space, where she entered into competition with representatives of alien races that were exploring our solar system.. Apparently, the reptilians were not the strongest in this competition. They have ceded control of planet Earth to a race we call (otherwise known as the Tall White Aliens). Subsequently, these latter took care of the appearance of people on Earth.

There were many wars for the Earth between reptilians and aliens, and the most ancient human civilizations preserved the memory of it in their culture.

Mentions of the wars of the gods are contained in the Mahabharata, the Indian epic:

“Vimanas (flying ships) approached the Earth with unimaginable speed and fired many arrows, sparkling like gold, thousands of lightning... The roar they made was like thunder from a thousand drums... This was followed by furious explosions and hundreds of fiery whirlwinds...
Burned by the heat of the weapon, the world staggered as if in a fever. The elephants caught fire from the heat and ran wildly to and fro in search of protection from the terrible force. The water became hot, the animals died, the enemy was mowed down, and the fury of the fire felled trees in rows... Thousands of chariots were destroyed, then a deep silence fell on the sea..."
(The weapons of the gods are very similar to nuclear ones.)

After that we walked on in silence. When we approached the foot of Babja Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed out to me a small rock protruding from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters. When we leaned on the rock together, it suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. An opening opened into which a cart could freely enter.
A tunnel opened in front of us, going steeply down. The tunnel, similar in cross-section to a flattened circle, was straight, wide and high, so that an entire train could easily fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and the steps were almost inaudible. Taking a closer look, I noticed deep scratches on the floor and walls in many places. It was completely dry inside.

Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until it led to a spacious hall that looked like the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross-section, others were round.

...the father spoke again:

Through the tunnels that diverge from here, you can get to different countries and different continents. The one on the left leads to Germany, then to England, and further to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it connects with the left. You can also get to America through other tunnels laid under the Earth's poles - the North and South. Along the path of each tunnel there are “junction stations” similar to the one we are in now. So, without knowing the exact route, it’s easy to get lost in them... My father’s story was interrupted by a distant sound, similar at the same time to a low hum and a metallic clang. This is the sound a heavily loaded train makes when moving away or braking sharply... Reptilians for the possession of our planet.... civilizations), we can assume that it was the appearance of the Moon on terrestrial... confirmed on the Moon, ours first the task is to find out where... not a single one was found proof in favor of this theory...