Lenormand House Meaning Description Combinations Lenormand House. An example of the “12 houses” layout with interpretation

With this article we are opening a section dedicated to the Great Lenormand Layout: the meaning of houses, the meaning of cards in houses, various methods of reading the Great Layout (knight's move, chains, correspondence, mirror, etc.) - all these questions will be covered.

The large Lenormand layout is a feature of this system.

BRL is unique and universal, in it all 36 cards are used. It shows the past, present and future; thoughts, feelings, actions, prospects or lack thereof; answers all questions at once from all possible areas of human life.

Over the Grand Lenormand layout you can meditate day and night, if you decide to read it in full, or you can use it for express fortune-telling on a specific issue (work, relationships, buying and selling real estate, money, career, health or children), interpreting only houses specialized on the desired topic, and without paying attention to the rest, although this will also take quite a bit of time, because the Great Lenormand Layout is read not only linearly and traditionally for Lenormand in pairs or triads, but also along chains of houses, methods " Knight's move" or " Mirror reflection", or " Correspondence" And of course, this is the most the best layout for detailed forecasts for any period of time. The main thing is to mentally set a program for the cards before the layout - decide for what period of time you want to get a forecast.

There are several options for the Large Lenormand layout, the most common:

  1. 8*4+4 (8 cards in 4 rows, 5th row of four cards in the center)

I prefer first option, because, firstly, it is the most popular and personally more familiar to me, and secondly, it clearly the last four houses of Fate stand out, imminent events, and thirdly, developments in reading BRL using different methods were created for the 8*4+4 option. In our articles we will consider examples of reading just such a scheme.

Technique of the Big Lenormand spread:

Before starting the Great Lenormand Spread formulate a question And determine the time period, for which you want to make a forecast. The question may concern one sphere that worries the Querent or throughout life for a certain period, for example, if the layout is done before the New Year or for a birthday and a person wants to get maximum information, advice and recommendations for the current year. You can also consider past events or this moment, the main thing is to indicate this in the request.

Then focus on the question and shuffle the deck as usual.

Place three stacks of cards face down in front of you. Turn each pile over so that the bottom cards are visible. You have 3 stacks of cards, and on top of each of them is one open card. These 3 cards provide initial information before the layout itself is made. They define those main energies or undercurrents, who participate in shaping events. If you count the fifth of a triplet, you can see Querent's internal state, his motives, guided by which he will shape the events around him. After you have read these three cards, put the deck back together and shuffle again.

Lay out the cards as shown in the layout diagram:

After all the cards have been laid out, find Blanca's map(for a woman this is the 29th card, and for a man - 28; if the layout was made for a child, then the 13th card). Assess her position. Which house did it fall into, in which row, how far from the significator cards of the topic of the question, etc.

Houses in the Great Lenormand layout

The principle of this arrangement is that each position is a card house, has certain characteristics that are similar to the meaning of the card, so before you start laying it out, you need to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the cards themselves.

House of the map - has the properties of a map, but with its own nuances, as in astrology - it's the scenery, the place and the circumstance, where the events will unfold, where our Blank characters will tell and show their stories. This is the territory of the map, where she reigns in full force, the energy of the house and the cards are similar, by analogy with the abode of the planet in astrology.

Remember, you don’t need to interpret the meaning of each card separately!
But only in combination with the house, in which she found herself and with her position(edge, top, bottom, center).

Interpreting cards taking into account the meanings of the houses in which they fell is a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills reading paired cards. But only taking into account the peculiarity that the house will show the place, decoration, he answers the question - “ Where?», « in what area?" and so on. For example, if the card Heart will fall into the house Rings, then this may indicate a wedding if Ring will fall into the house Braids, then for divorce or severance of agreements, sharp and painful, if Heart will fall into the house Snakes, then this is an indication of infidelity, that now you cannot trust your loved one, there is a high risk of deception and betrayal; map Men in the house Stars– he wants to clarify the situation.

28 and 29 houses important when asking questions relationship.

To quickly determine which house the card fell into, count using this method: there are 8 cards in each row, which means the 16th house is the last square in the 2nd row; 25th house – 8*3=24+1, which means row 4 is the first card, etc.

House of contacts. Communications. Information. News and activity.

1st House is very important, it, like the astrological 1st House, shows that first impression, which is produced by the person for whom the layout is made. It can be used to predict what does a person look like what are his manners, basic character traits, way of thinking. All in all - primary characteristics of personality type, main qualities.

The House of the Horseman in the Big Schedule is home contacts and messages, ideas, house of thoughts, what you are currently thinking about. With the help of the first house you can see what topic is most relevant for a person?. The first house gives dynamics and movement, It is something movable, then what happening right now or it’s about to happen: the arrival of fast news, the courier is already on the threshold and is about to knock on your door. Therefore, a card that lands in this house will indicate in what area should you wait? promoting the issue and active developments.

Also the first 4 houses (House Rider, House Clover, House ship and Home At home) show those events that will happen in the very near future. The first house sets the background for the layout.

2. House of Clover in the Great Lenormand spread

House of good luck and little money.

Perceptions new ideas And growth capacity and promotion. This is home long movements and readiness for them, a person is ready to radically change his place of residence for the sake of work. He is ready for something new, he always wants something change and develop, an analogy with mutable signs, especially Pisces and Sagittarius. In this house, gusts of wind are felt when life itself picks you up and carries you, and a person, like a sailing ship, is able to control these gusts and move in the right direction. IN the worst case scenario is a weather vane, which hanging back and forth and changes its direction according to the will of external circumstances.

The characteristic quality of the Ship card itself, as well as its house, is slowdown and long periods.

Keywords: Apartment, home, cottage, household or hearth, real estate, property, refuge, shelter, emotional security, shelter, shelter, warm welcome, family values, hotel, boarding school for the elderly, personal website, internal affairs of the state, hospitality, comfort.

Main meaning in fortune telling: Homely, protected, protective, family. Stability. Family.

The card can represent one's own home, a warm nest, safety and security. What a person devotes time and energy to: family, apartment, own business, possibly a summer cottage, etc. A good result, a successful ending to something. A favorable card, meaning success in any business and mitigating the influence of unfavorable ones. You won't be alone in life. This card gives you a feeling of security and reliability.
On a psychological level, HOME can symbolize a strong self-defense mechanism. The appearance of this card enhances self-confidence, gives courage and courage to stand up for one’s beliefs. In the usual sense - home, family, everyday worries.
In spiritual terms, HOME is a symbol of peace, self-confidence based on experience and knowledge, the ability to feel “at home” in a certain system of relationships.
In the position of the past (relative to the questioner’s card), the parental home still has a huge influence on you. Following traditions.

A house is a dwelling in which you live, so the card can also mean a van, apartment, cottage, hotel or palace. The house characterizes your living conditions and daily lifestyle. It also means the area where you live, the surrounding area and everything related to where you live. Cards surrounding House almost always have something to do with your home or family. This fortune-telling card symbolizes security and stability, but when combined with unfavorable cards it takes on a negative meaning.

People.Homeowner, proprietor, homebody, real estate agent, real estate dealer, interior designer, landowner, servant, mistress of the family, holder of documents, proof of ownership, relatives, consanguinity.
Love.Family life, stable relationships, neighbors.
Job.Work from home, handicrafts, small business, pocket money, stable employment.
Finance and business.Home business, family budget, money for small expenses, real estate transactions, mortgage.
Well-being.Return to normal conditions; supportive treatment; walls that heal; hereditary diseases; quarantine; bed rest.In the position of the future (relative to the questioner’s card) - a wonderful “home”, family.
In matters of relationships.Stability, sustainability, tradition. Serious intentions to start a family or the strong influence of parental stereotypes on a person’s behavior.
In business matters.A HOUSE can indicate a stable state of affairs, stable positions. Sometimes - real estate issues.
In medical matters.Symbolizes the body as the residence of the soul. In general cases - stability, conservative treatment methods.


1 HORSEMAN news from home
2 CLOVER peace and comfort
3 SHIP long business trip
5 WOOD - durable home hearth
6 CLOUDS of trouble in the house
7 SNAKE domestic despot
8 COFFIN death of a relative
9 BOUQUET family celebration
10 KOSA leaving the family
11 BROOM family quarrels and scandals
12 OWLS loneliness
13 CHILD own children or very close relatives
14 FOX intrigues in the family
15 BEAR influential parents
16 STARS plans are being implemented
17 AIST moving, change of residence
18 DOG you put the interests of the family above personal ones, full attention to household chores. This is not always good - try not to let them get on your neck, good relationships can easily be ruined by permissiveness
19 TOWER family traditions and legends
20 GARDEN holiday in the house, guests

New Year holidays are coming soon. It's time to find out what the coming year has in store for us. A complete forecast for all areas of life is given by such a simultaneously simple and complex layout. Sex, love, marriage, relationships with children, parents, relatives, the situation at home, secret enemies and best friends, patrons, work, career, study, finances, travel, emigration, your karmic task plus the characteristics of your Self - all this and much more you can learn more from the Tarot.
You can order the “12 houses of the horoscope” layout from me.
I invite you to find out your future in 2017.
Details in private messages (you can contact me through the “Contacts” section).

An excellent layout, created on the principle of an astrological natal chart, can show almost everything about the client’s life at the moment (since it shows all areas of life), give a forecast for the future (it is especially effective to do it for a year), clarify what kind of person he is facing us (I sometimes use it to understand whether it is possible to deal with a given person), also in the “12 houses” layout you can find out about the other half of the querent and even get a forecast for his partner, parents. children, etc. (counting all the same houses according to the scheme, but starting from the corresponding house (for example, the 7th house of marriage, partnership will tell about the wife/husband) upwards).

The layout has many variations, I bring to your attention a few of the most successful ones.

I lay out the layout ONLY with the Major Arcana (first circle), then you can open individual positions with additional cards from the Minor Arcana, no more than three per house.

I also use card 13, it is placed in the center of the layout. This is the main key of the layout, which connects all positions. This card gives the main answer to the current situation in a person’s life. It is interpreted as final or as advice.

Since the alignment is closely related to astrology, it is interpreted on the basis of astrological houses:

Their meaning is:

1st house Aries- this house governs all endeavors, it corresponds to the period of childhood and growing up, it determines the appearance, characteristic features of the person being guessed for, his worldly prospects and potential; in a narrower sense - personality and consciousness.
2 Taurus- this house preserves and strengthens, patronizes financial affairs and the material side of life; in a narrower sense - money.
3 Gemini- this house controls the mental side of life, which unites like-minded people, it symbolizes family ties, neighbors, all types of communication and communications, roads, as well as letters and literary activities; in a narrower sense - friends, relatives.
4 Cancer- this house begins at midnight, so it represents the end and decline: old age, parents, home environment, in a narrower sense - marriage.
5 Leo- this house rules the heart, all love affairs and romantic adventures, in addition, the entire emotional side of life: theater, gambling, stock trading and speculation; in a narrower sense - children.
6 Virgo- this house governs work, official affairs, nutrition and health; in a narrower sense - health.
7 Libra- this house rules spouses, business partners, social behavior, open enemies and legal proceedings; in a narrower sense, a partner.
8 Scorpio- this house rules death, inheritance, money, sex and secret experiences; in a narrower sense, sex and death.
9 Sagittarius- this house rules law, religion and philosophy, dreams, long trips and foreign countries; in a narrower sense - travel, religion.
10 Capricorn- this house governs professional activity, career advancement, birth and social status, government; in a narrower sense - a career.
11 Aquarius- this house rules friends, wages, hopes, desires and aspirations; in a narrower sense, the fulfillment of hopes.
12 Pisces- this house rules hidden flaws, secrets, secret enemies, self-destruction, social institutions, mental weaknesses; in a narrower sense - secret connections.

By Alicja Chrzanowska

The main meanings of the presented cards:

S – significator, that is, a card symbolizing an object;
1 – general character of his personality, lifestyle, motives of behavior in the personal sphere (intangible), self-esteem;
2 – material condition, finances, income, as well as moral values ​​and rules of conduct taken from home;
3 – relationships with immediate family, contacts with other people;
4 – family situation, inner essence, as well as a general sense of life stability;
5 – ways of spending free time, wider contacts with people, flirting, extramarital affairs, relationships with children;
6 – health and work, correlation between internal and professional life;
7 – a person in a partnership, in marriage, in society, in friendly communication;
8 – subconscious, that which influences a person without his knowledge, hidden phenomena;
9 – education, travel, intellectual sphere, worldview;
10 – social status and career, life aspirations, plans and aspirations, career advancement, the way a person is perceived by others;
11 – friendly relations, method and type of helping other people;
12 – sensitivity, talents and abilities, karmic issues, purpose.

When interpreting this layout, in addition to the usual analysis, it is also necessary to consider the following triads:
1, 5 and 9 – forming a trine of fire and giving information about a person’s personality;
2, 6 and 10 – forming the Earth’s trine and talking about the material situation, professional prospects and financial opportunities;
3, 7 and 11 – forming an air trine and talking about a person’s emotional life;
4, 8 and 12 – forming a trine of water and talking about a person’s karmic problems and his purpose.
After analyzing the individual cards and the indicated trines, it is necessary to interpret the entire layout, also bearing in mind the relationships between the cards and their mutual influence on each other.

Another option, in my opinion, is more informative

Map 1- a person’s self-awareness, his idea of ​​himself, personal activity, search for his own identity, style of individual self-expression and self-affirmation, willpower, something directly related to his own “I”, appearance, general level of energy and vitality, the beginning of a new cycle.
This is the most important position of the layout, so an unsuccessful first card indicates the need to abandon rash decisions and ill-considered steps. Be careful with incoming offers, beware of misconceptions and illusions.
Map 2- money, property, personal possessions, the way of earning money and disposing of it, business activity, prosperity or waste, material resources in general, as well as the most fundamental desires and ability to enjoy life in general.
A strong second card (ace, figure or ten) can mean excessive interest in financial success and the purely material side of life.
Map 3- communication, information, relationships with the immediate environment, thinking abilities and intelligence, rational decisions and logic (or lack thereof), mastering practical knowledge and skills, traveling short distances.
A strong third card always means an opportunity to learn and improve your skill level, while a bad card in this position symbolizes rumors, gossip and misinformation.
Map 4- home environment and family, a sense of personal security (or anxiety), emotional stereotypes, relationships with parents (especially with the mother), real estate and home improvement, traditions and roots of personal consciousness, the completion of a life stage.
A negative fourth card challenges the very foundations of your current existence and can mean rapid and radical change.
Map 5- creative self-expression, social activity, image, adventurous projects, gambling, risky ventures, romantic adventures, relationships with children.
An unsuccessful fifth card can mean disappointment in love, excessive spending and the failure of risky projects.
Map 6- everyday work, service, routine operations, the ability to voluntarily submit to superiors, debts, health and relationships with doctors, the ability to implement a plan, solving practical problems, professional issues, career.
An unsuccessful sixth card can mean difficulties at work (in particular, the absence or excessive excess of it), a tedious routine, the inability to relax and unwind, or psychosomatic disorders.
Map 7- partnerships, joint ventures, contracts, agreements, pair work, marriage bonds, legal affairs and negotiations, cooperation and business relationships, socialism and social life.
An unsuccessful seventh card can mean legal proceedings, treachery of partners, difficulties in marriage (including divorce), inability to find one’s place in society, the presence of open enemies and adversaries.
Map 8- associated with dangers and extreme situations: accidents, injuries, surgeries, etc. Relates to death, wills, insurance, alimony, taxes and joint finances. This also includes psychological crises and radical changes in life.
A strong and negative eighth card can mean a wide range of extreme situations: from confrontations with financial inspectors, investigators or creditors to the hassle of probate.
Map 9- beliefs, worldview and ideals. Highest values, philosophy, education, culture. Contacts with foreigners and long-distance travel (travel). Moral laws, expansion of consciousness, interest in self-improvement. Spiritual quests, new horizons and prospects, the desire to transform the world.
An unsuccessful ninth card can mean false beliefs, obsessions, overly orthodox views, ideological intolerance and fanaticism, failure in contacts with foreign partners.
Map 10- second in importance after the first. Symbolizes prestige, reputation, authority, social status, ambition and political activity, profession in a broad sense and external achievements, career and patronage.
A successful tenth card means success, important achievements, being at the peak of opportunities, growing popularity (sometimes in combination with pride, vanity).
A negative card is a clear advice to “slow down”, “take a break”. Here any collisions can end in failure.
Map 11- friends, groups, organizations, hopes and expectations, plans for the future, altruism and mutual assistance, unforeseen events, charity, sponsors, philanthropists and patrons.
An unsuccessful eleventh card can mean false friends, false goals and illusory hopes, disruption of plans and unpleasant surprises.
Map 12- subconscious tendencies, everything hidden, secret and unmanifested, fantasy and imagination, dreams; psychological problems, sacrifices, self-deceptions and doubts, neuroses and self-destruction, solitude and isolation; closed institutions and secret enemies.
A strong and negative twelfth card can mean the activation of secret enemies (including internal ones), intrigues and intrigues, exposure of hidden sins and vices, retribution for past mistakes, psychological breakdown and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
It is important here not to succumb to a gloomy mood, depression, fears and self-criticism.

In this layout, you can also use additional cards that clarify the meaning of the aspects that most interest you.

In this scenario, you can give an interpretation not only for a specific person, but also for his parents, children, career, trip, etc.
In this case, we start counting houses from the card (house) whose question we want to reveal, and then we go through the entire layout (a circle of 12 houses), working through each house.
Question about children - we start counting from the 5th house - this will be the 1st card (house) for this question.
Question about a partner - 7th house - this card is the 1st house for our partner.
Question about a long trip - we count from the 11th house - the card in this position will be the 1st house for this question, etc.
Example 1
for the querent, the 4th house is the house of the mother. And if we want to look at the situation regarding the mother, then we take the 4th card as the 1st position and start counting the houses from this card - for the mother.
- financial situation - 2 card for her - there will be a 5 card in the querent’s layout.
- relationships with relatives, neighbors, her communication, short trips - 3rd card for her - 6th querent card
- her health - 6th house - 9th card of the querent, etc.
Example 2
For the querent, the 10th card is the house of his career, his goals, his future! Let's look at the developments in this area:
- finances, income - 2nd house - for a career this will be the 11th card in the querent’s layout.
- partners (agreements, contracts, legal issues) - 7th house - for a career this will be the 4th map of the alignment
- sponsors, patrons - 11th house - 8th layout card
- secrets, deceptions, intrigues - 12th house - 9th layout card
- trips - 3 (short) and 9 (distant) houses - 12 and 6 cards of the layout
Example 3
We look at health according to the 6th house of the querent’s alignment:
- expenses for treatment - 2nd house - 7th layout card
- trips, communication with doctors - 3rd house - 8th alignment card
- support at home, relatives - 4th house - 9th alignment card
– rest – 5th house – 10th layout card
— 6th house – a map for this house will show how and how the treatment process will end (completion of the process)
- partners, assistants (husband support) - 7th house - 12th alignment card
- danger, crises, stress associated with illness - 8th house - 1 card of the layout
- beliefs, spiritual quests (spiritual practices) - 9th house - 2nd map of the alignment
- future (development of the disease) - 10th house - 3rd layout card
- help from other people (doctors, friends) - 11th house - 4th map of the layout. The same card will show the result of the treatment!
- secrets associated with diagnosis or isolation (hospital) - 12th house - 5th alignment card.

For more specific requests, consider combinations:

- Marriage— we connect 3, 7, 9, 11 houses.
- Love— 5, 7 houses
— Secret love— 5, 12 houses
— Unfaithful love— 7, 12 houses
- Divorce— 3, 7, 8, 9 houses (where 3 — termination of a contract/relationship; 7 — quarrel with a partner; 8 — financial side of divorce; 9 — legal issues)
- Trips— 3, 9 houses
— Moving— 3, 4 houses
— Long-distance travel— 4, 9 houses
- Health- 1, 6, 12 houses (8 house - operations)
— Pregnancy- 4, 5, 7, 8 houses (4 - the appearance of a new family member, 5 - conception, 7 - marriage, 8 house - childbirth, changes in life.)
- 9th house- the birth of the first child (it is the first child who most often walks through this house).
- 5th and 9th houses— watching the arrival of grandchildren! (if the layout is for grandma)
— Taxes, debts— 2, 8 houses
— Inheritance– 2, 8 houses (+4 house)
— Gambling, speculation, luck— 2, 5, 8 houses
— Changes in profession- 2, 6, 10 houses.

P.S. if you don’t have a Tarot deck at hand, the layout is quite informative for both Lenormand and runes.

Lenormand fortune-telling and interpretation examines in pairs the card that falls into a particular House and the original card to which the House originally belongs. Why are Houses of Cards taken into account? For example, the first House is the House of the Horseman. If the House card gets there, it is considered in tandem with the meaning of the Horseman card, and the Horseman is news, and it turns out that someone will soon come to visit and may bring important news. If, for example, there was a Clouds card in the Horseman’s House, and Clouds are quickly passing troubles, hence the first card is interpreted as receiving unpleasant news that struck like a bolt from the blue. The houses in which the card falls in the Big Reading are considered to clarify the details of the meaning of the card itself in different Houses. If the card is in its House, then its meaning intensifies and becomes especially important.

The meaning of cards in the Big Lenormand - Houses layout

1.House of the Horseman: Good messages, contacts.

In his house:

Snake - complications with cars and movement;

Dog - visit of a friend;

Tower - the importance of the theme of loneliness and separation;

Man - in the scenario for Woman: a man will appear soon, he will literally “jump up”, start sending SMS and messages;

Woman - in the scenario for a Woman: thoughts only about yourself; the theme of the past is emphasized;

Anchor - a huge number of contacts, papers and communication related to work. Vehicle. The situation is anchored, there is no movement.

2.Clover House: Little happiness, little money, also chances (hopes).

In his house:

Tower - temporary distance;

Ring - short-term connection;

Man - in the scenario for Woman: a man younger in age. Love within us is a natural feeling.

3.Ship House:
A trip, a craving for long distances, longing, removal, something for which a person yearns and yearns.

In his house:

Rider - sport ride;

Snake - the arrival of a relative or friend;

Bouquet - meetings, parties;

The book is a secret melancholy. A journey about which the querent still knows nothing;

Man - in the scenario for a Woman: a windy man;

Woman - in the layout for Woman: the lady moves away;

Anchor - job change. Business trip.

4.House House: Stability, home, family.

In his house:

Coffin - dramatic changes. Large units, pieces of furniture. In matters of health: the whole organism;

A child is a new home;

Stars - a lot of real estate;

The tower is a government building. Alienation from one's home;

Mountain - heavy housework, for example: rearranging furniture;

Heart - a person is loved in the house. Love for your home;

A woman - a lady loves comfort, familiarity, stability. Attachment to home, homeland, hearth;

Lilies - family harmony, harmony in the home. Family;

Anchor - lack of work. Work from home. Family business;

5.Tree House:
Duration, strength, age, health aspects

In his house:

Clouds - complications;

Coffin - the layout emphasizes the theme of health;

Scythe - health problems;

Bear - in the scenario for a Woman: partner for life (life partner); life partner;

Dog - if there are diseases, they are permanent;

Mountain - someone is sick;

A fork is a vital decision;

The letter is a medical report. Medical examination. Registration of life obligations;

Man - in the scenario for Man: vital situation, period. In the scenario for a Woman: partner for life;

Woman - in the scenario for Woman: vital situation, period. In the scenario for a Man: a partner for life;

The Moon is in the scenario for a Woman: a normal female cycle, the woman is healthy.

6.House Clouds:
Fears, insecurity (uncertainty).

Clouds in their home: the theme of the past is emphasized.

In their house:

The ship is a hopeless melancholy;

Tree - anxiety for your life and health;

Scythe - mental pain;

A child is in the scenario for a Woman: a darkened relationship with a child. The influence of the ex-husband on the child;

The dog is a former friend;

Fork in the road - fear of making a decision. Hesitation in decision making;

Heart - ambiguities in relationships;

Woman - in the scenario for Man: a lady from the past;

Pisces - alcohol addiction.

7. House of the Snake:
Smart woman, complications, detours

In her house:

The ship - the mother is not nearby;

Owls are two women. Telephone conversation or communication via the Internet with a woman. Just Internet or telephone communication. Married couple;

The tower is the mother. Distance;

Fork - complications in the road;

Rats - “evil wisdom.” The woman is ratting. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract;

Ring - time delays;

The man is a wise and resourceful man;

Lilies - complications with your mother, friend, neighbor or complications in the sexual sphere. Loss of harmony;

The Sun is in the scenario for the Woman: if there is a relationship between the Man and the Snake, then cohabitation. The snake in this case can be both a mother and another woman.

8.House of the Coffin:
An ending, a new beginning, sadness, illness.

In his house:

Home - a crisis related to family matters or housing problems;

Tree - disease, health problems;

Clouds - a high probability of a cold;

The snake - the rival will soon disappear;

Mountain - the disease presses. The state of health remains unchanged;

Man, Woman - a strong life crisis, a turning point, the beginning of a new phase in life that completely changes the current situation, as a rule, the absence of any certainty, illness;

Man - in the scenario for Woman: the lady “buried” the issue of partnership for herself;

The sun is energy through mediality (fortune telling);

Moon - depression;

Pisces - debts;

Anchor - changes at work.

9. House of Bouquet: Invitation, charming girl, non-professional creativity (hobby).

In his house:

Home is a holiday in the home. Gifts, meetings, invitations. Birthday or something similar;

The snake is a young person;

The braid is an unexpected invitation;

Stars - creating something beautiful with your own hands. Art;

Ring - meeting;

The book is a literary success;

Man - in the scenario for Woman: single man;

Woman - in the scenario for Man: the woman is not married;

The key is that solving a problem or issue is possible with the help of a gift;

Pisces - money, gifts.

10.House of Scythe:
Danger, separation (parting), harvest, suddenly and unexpectedly.

A scythe in your home is an operation.

In her house:

Home - leaving home;

Tree - pay attention to health. Danger to life. An acute situation arising from karma;

Broom - sharp tongue;

Fox - a person is very worried;

The bear is jealous;

Dog - long gap;

The Tower is a dangerous establishment;

Rats - fears that cause pain;

The sun is electrifying. Dangerous energy;.

The key is making clear, concise, definitive decisions. Iron decision;

Cross - look whose house the Scythe fell into: something very important awaits in this area.

11.Broom House:
Conversations (negotiations), discussions.

In her house:

House - official review of the real estate situation. Conflict in the house or about the house;

Owls are a terrible hassle. Conversations, incl. by telephone and other means of communication;

Fox - you have to deceive a lot or talk to a cunning person;

Woman - in the scenario for Woman: the lady conducts constant negotiations, talks a lot;

12.House of Owls: Excitement, nervousness, telephone contacts.

Owls in your home mean difficult, painful experiences. Care.

In their house:

Coffin - connection with spirits;

Heart - cardiac concerns, worries, troubles;

Ring - two connections. Partnership brings nervous stress;

The book is a collection of incriminating evidence.

13.Children's House:
Child, naivety, new beginning.

In his house:

Tree - something new and significant begins in life;

Spit - the child’s health condition is cause for concern; the child is seriously ill;

Owls - worries about a child (for something new, for a young woman);

Bear is a man with a sense of humor. A capricious man;

Rats - fear of new things. It may be the loss of a child, but additional confirmation is needed with other cards;

Anchor - new job;

Cross - the new will be difficult.

14. Fox's House: Falsity, lies, mystery, but also cunning.

If a card depicting people other than M and F (Snake, Bear, etc.) ends up in the Fox’s house, this is self-deception.

In her house:

Horseman - receiving a large amount of false information;

The coffin is a false disease. False diagnosis. Someone else’s disease, not your own, pulled onto yourself (if there is damage);

A broom is a lie in conversations. “Wrong” communication, for example: virtual;

The bear is a cunning and resourceful man;

The Tower is a deception with great consequences;

The mountain is imaginary problems. False obstacles;

A fork is a wrong step, a wrong decision. Thinking through cunning moves;

Rats - lies destroyed;

The heart is false feelings;

The man is a self-deception. Seducer (combined Fox + Lilies);

The woman is a self-deception. The lady is behaving incorrectly. A woman deceives, just as a person is not honest with herself;

The sun is blinded by lies. Between a Man and a Woman: the couple creates a false impression of themselves; the external impression is not the real state of affairs.

15.Bear's House: Trust and help, in most cases a man, jealousy.

A bear in his home is strength.

In his house:

Home is my home – my fortress. Love for the home lifestyle (comfort, home-cooked food, being a homebody, etc.). Wellbeing;

Coffin - no father;

Storks - change in status;

Ring - fixation on material things. Communications;

Woman - in the scenario for Woman: the lady took responsibility; stopped watching my weight; if a lady works, she can occupy a high position. The lady is counting on support;

16.House of Stars: Clarity, success; also the house of magic, the unusual.

Stars in your house indicate very strong hopes for something. A clear vision of the situation, without illusions.

In their house:

Clover - luck;

Clouds - an unclear future. Cloudiness of clarity, disturbed psyche (“cloudiness in the head”), lack of adequacy;

Snake - esotericism, spiritualism. A friend with esoteric abilities;

A bouquet is a hope for a meeting, a gift, a surprise;

The Tower is a prestigious educational institution;

Rats - dead hopes;

Heart - love is connected with hopes;

Ring - hopes for marriage, contract;

A man is in a scenario for a woman: a man is a source of hope for a woman. In the scenario for the Man: return of what was;

Woman - in the scenario for Woman: all in hopes. Return to what was;

Moon - desire to clarify the situation;

Anchor - good financial situation.

17. Stork House:
Change, change.

In their house:

Rider - air travel;

Tree - health is undergoing changes;

The coffin is stagnation after change. Problems associated with change;

Bouquet - invitation;

Stars - the opportunity to communicate with Angels;

Dog - changes must happen (the Dog is responsible for areas that can be vouched for);

Book - the querent does not yet know about the upcoming changes;

A letter - some papers, conversations bring changes.

18.Dog House: Friendship, loyalty.

In her house:

Coffin - long-term stagnation;

Tower - loneliness. Loyalty and devotion to solitude;

Woman - in the layout for Woman: the lady is not very active, but very talkative, talkative;

The key is friendship; a very devoted friend;

Anchor - a protracted situation;

Cross - put a “cross” on a friend.

19. Tower House:
Separation (separation), solitude and isolation; authorities.

In her house:

Ship - trip abroad;

The Snake is an official establishment. Mother. Hospital;

The child is a child in the distance;

Fox - deception in an official institution;

Storks - changes with government institutions, bodies, structures;

The fork is abroad. Single men;

Ring - distance;

Letter - official papers;

Man - a man has experienced a breakup in a relationship. The man is independent, may be single or divorced. A man puts a wall between himself and other people;

The key is that you will not receive the answer soon;

Pisces - money in the bank, in the account;

Cross - abroad.

20.Park House:
Public, society, meeting.

In his house:

House - boarding house, etc.;

Child - school;

Fox is the “wrong” society in which a person moves, for example: virtual, via the Internet;

The book is a secret meeting. The secret is revealed, known to others;

Man - a man moves easily in society. The person is open to relationships. May indicate that the man is playing in a casino. In the scenario for a Woman: the lady likes the man;

A woman is a lady who is open to relationships;

Lilies - feelings are associated with some kind of meeting or communication;

Anchor - frank relationships at work;

The cross is the importance of social life. The importance of some society. Cemetery, burial.

21.House of the Mountain: Blockades, obstacles, burdens (accusations).

A mountain in its home limits the effect of nearby cards. Now there are many blockades to resolve current issues.

In her house:

Ship - impossibility of departure;

Letter - news is delayed. Lack of communication, communication;

The woman is depressed, a weight has fallen on her, “a mountain on her shoulders”;

The key is that there is no way out of the situation. A difficult way out of the situation.

22. House of Forks: Solutions, new opportunities.

A fork in your home is time to make a decision.

In her house:

Storks - indication of a specific date: 7 weeks;

Garden - some decision needs to be made in society;

The heart is a love triangle. There was enough room in my heart for two. Choice of two, which one you like better;

The ring is a theme of choice for marriage and partnerships.

23. House of Rats:
Losses (damages), theft, negativity and fears, failures.

Rats in their house - the rat ate itself, its own negativity, self-destructed. May indicate illness or loss.

In their house:

House - the house requires renovation;

Scythe - unexpected losses;

Broom - unpleasant conversation;

Child - the child is sick;

Fox - false fears;

A dog means long-term delays in business. Problems at work;

The garden is a secret meeting. Rats eat openness;

The heart is the absence of love. Unhappy love. Loss of love. Melancholy gnaws;

Man, Woman - experiences. A person “gnaws” himself from the inside. Disease. A person is very afraid of something. This person has a lot of problems that force him to think, he gradually loses ground under his feet. Debts, constant lack of money. Fears for your life, future, destiny. Pathological tendency to cleanliness.

Lilies - lack of purity, innocence;

The key is uncertainty in the decision;

The cross is fear for your life.

24.House of Heart:

A heart in your own home is very good. Happiness in love. Love for life.

In his house:

Clouds - past relationships;

The coffin is broken love. Often falls on lonely people: the heart is free, not busy;

Bouquet - daughter is in love;

Scythe - strong emotional experiences;

Rats - money through love. Love fears. Lack of love;

Lilies - high relationships.

25.House of the Ring: Relationship (connection), partnership, contract, connection (commitment).

In his house:

Ship - changes in marriage;

Coffin - there will be no recovery, it will not come, the illness will constantly make itself felt;

Scythe - break in relationship;

A child is an innocent connection;

Storks are a periodic return of the same situation. New agreement;

A dog is a long-term or long-standing relationship. Commitment to the relationship, which means there is no change;

Tower - parting;

The garden is a publicized relationship. Wedding combination;

Man - in a scenario for a Woman: A man is very concerned about the issue of relationships. Married man;

Woman - lady is in a relationship (in layouts for both Men and Women);

Anchor - attachment;

Cross - karmic relationships.

26.House of Books:
Mysteries, knowledge, school, learning, etc.

A book in your house - everything is hidden, unknown. There are many secrets, not everything lies on the surface.

In her house:

Owls - the mystery is connected with the ancestors;

The fox is a profitable solution that has not yet matured;

The bear is a teacher, mentor. The person is hiding something and the situation with him is not yet clear;

The garden is a secret meeting. The secret has been revealed, known to others. Secret society;

Rats - revealing a secret;

Ring - secret relationship;

Woman - in the scenario for Man: secret affair; the partner is still in the future, unknown to the querent; the question of relations has not yet matured.

27.House of Letters: Messages, information, contact card: e-mail, fax, telegram, etc.

In his house:

Coffin - problems with loans, debts;

Broom - discussions. Official litigation;

Owls - worries about papers, documents;

Heart - abundant communication: emails, SMS, etc.;

Ring - agreements, contracts;

Woman - in the scenario for Woman: the lady is in the power of some kind of news. The woman is sociable and sociable.

28. House of Men:

A man in his home - In scenarios for a Man: self-confidence, control of the situation. In layouts for Women: emphasizes the importance of the relationship issue.

In his house:

Tree - in the scenario for a Woman: long-term partner;

Coffin - A man faces an unknown future, he is at a turning point. In the scenario for a Woman: work in a team, team, partnership;

Bouquet - relationships need to be cherished, looked after, otherwise they will fade. Falling in love, meetings, communication at the level of hints. A handsome man, loving female company, polite, kind, sociable. Bachelor;

The braid is in the scenario for a Woman: spontaneous and lightning-fast development of relationships. The unexpected appearance of a man, a surprise associated with a man. It's time to reap the benefits of dating men;

The broom is in the layout for a Woman: talking about a man, about partnership. Two men.

29. House of Women: The place of the querent or partner, and the partnership as such.

A woman in her house - In the scenario for a Woman: at a given moment in time she is only concerned about her own person and life.

In her house:

Rider - in the scenario for a Woman: the lady is mobile and fit, maybe athletic;

Tree - in the scenario for a Man: a partner for life. In the scenario for a Woman: health problems, vital problems;

The coffin is in the scenario for a Woman: illness, malaise. Depression;

Braid - in the scenario for a Woman: toothache; acute pain; cut (look at what's in Scythe's house). The desire to dramatically change something in yourself, in your life, in your existence. A sharp and categorical person. She's a sharp-tongued lady with a prickly character. In the scenario for Men: it’s time to reap the benefits of dating women. Surprise from a woman;

Owls - in the layout for Men: two women;

A child is in the scenario for a Woman: the lady has a good sense of humor;

Stars - in the layout for a Woman: a woman is concerned about the fulfillment of her hopes;

Storks are in the layout for a Woman: changes await the lady (see the adjacent cards for what they are connected with);

Dog - in the scenario for a Woman: fidelity, devotion, but also anxiety, expectation;

Tower - in a scenario for a Woman: a woman is lonely, without a man;

Mountain - in the scenario for a Man: obstacles in partner life or the absence of a partner as such. There may also be some idealization: such as a partner - as something unattainable that must be fought for;

Rats - fear of loss. In the scenario for a Woman: fears for herself, her life;

The book is read for a Woman: the lady is hiding something about herself. Secrecy, a person is closed;

Man - in the scenario for a Man: a man is concerned about partnerships;

The key is in the layout for the Woman: the lady is looking for a solution;

Pisces - in the scenario for the Woman: tears. Concerns about financial status;

Owls are experiences. In the scenario for a Woman: two men;

A child is in the scenario for a Woman: a younger partner. Young looking partner;

Bear - in the layout for a Woman: the young man, as it were, repeats his father for the lady;

Tower - in a scenario for a Woman: a woman is lonely, without a man. A man from abroad, a foreigner, if next to a Man – Bouquet: the man is lonely;

Mountain - in the scenario for Women: absence of a man. Obstacles in partner life or the absence of a partner as such. There may also be some idealization: such as a partner - as something unattainable that must be fought for;

Rats - fear of loss;

The heart is in the layout for a Woman: a man for a lady is in her heart, she thinks about him. In the scenario for a Man: the man is in love;

Woman - in layouts for Women: all the lady’s thoughts are occupied with a man and the topic of partnership;

Lilies - in the scenario for a Woman: a man is either super sexual or cold;

The Moon is in the layout for a Woman: thoughts about a man, partnership. It may mean that your husband is cheating.

30.House of Lilies:
Sexuality, harmony.

In their house:

Scythe - In the scenario for a Man: a threat to the genitals or surgery on the genitals (prostate, etc.). In the scenario for Women: sexual relationships are dangerous. Aggressive sex. Threat to intimate relationships. Threat of inflammation of the appendages;

Child - innocent flirting, lack of sexual relations. Innocence, immaturity of sexual life;

The garden is an organization, a society under the “luxury” brand, prestigious;

A man is a search for harmony, peace is necessary;

Woman - in the scenario for Woman: new love scam, flirting;

Sun - harmonization due to energy;

Anchor - the situation is frozen;

Cross - “cross” on your personal life.

31.House of the Sun:
Energy, great happiness.

In his house:

Tree - long life together;

The coffin is a loss of energy. Incorrect energy consumption, energy is taken either from you or from you;

Stars are justified hopes;

A woman is selfish, narcissistic. Energy and optimism;

Anchor - vacation.

32.House of the Moon: Feelings, fame and recognition.

In her house:

Wood - sensitivity, long thoughts;

Clouds - hysteria;

The Snake is in the reading for the Woman: the importance of family attitudes along the female line. The role of mother and heredity;

Bouquet - in the layout for a Woman: the lady has recognition in society;

Fox - self-deception, illusions;

Garden - may indicate generic, hereditary diseases, problems;

A letter is an emotional message;

Cross - serious exhaustion, overwork.

33.House of the Key: Advisor card, reliability: how can I find the key. Decision-making.

In his house:

Fox is a false, dishonest decision.

Man - in the scenario for Woman: the decision is related to partnerships;

A woman is in the scenario for a Woman: a period of gaining confidence in life. Finding a way out;

Cross - the event will take place with a double, enhanced guarantee (pay more attention to the surrounding cards and houses).

34.House of Pisces:
Finance, money.

In their house:

Coffin - always debts, both your own and the fact that someone borrowed a large sum from the querent;

Bear - stability. He is his own boss, his own leader;

Tower - state, government money;

Rats - either problems with money; big spending, or accumulation of money.

35.House of Anchor: Profession, work.

An anchor in your home - at the moment the querent is faced with the acute issue of work and stability.

In his house:

Clover - unjustified hopes;

Clouds - requirement at work: “no smoking”;

A child is a new job. Work with children;

Garden - a profession associated with publicity;

Heart - stable feelings;

Ring - the situation does not change, it can be repeated in a circle;

Woman - in the scenario for Women: the lady clings to stability, looks for solid ground under her feet;

Luna - work on the night shift, at night.

36.House of the Cross:
Fate (fate), faith and hope, also the future.

A cross in your home is a karmic situation; a person is working off his karma.

In his house:

Coffin - loss;

The braid is a very serious sign. In combination with other cards in some layouts it means the death of a person or animal;

A child is a sign of Fate;

Stars are spiritually gifted individuals. Listen to your intuition and act according to it;

Stork - fateful changes;

Tower - hospital;

Mountain - strengthens both the connection between the last cards and the importance and severity of what is happening;

Rats are karmic debts. Lack of finance is a karmic situation. Fears for your life, future, destiny;

The ring is a difficult test for relationships. The union is long lasting;

Lily - family karma, fate;

The moon is not an easy test.

I am often asked how one can look at the situation for a year based on all events in a person’s life. And, of course, for this I suggest paying attention to such a well-known layout as the “12 houses of the zodiac”. It is available in different versions, I will show you my version.

The items in it are laid out counterclockwise.
1. The man himself
2. What is the money spent on?
3. The querent’s immediate circle
4. What happens in the house, in the family
5. The querent’s maximum attention will go to this question.
6. Work
7. Love relationships
8. What risks will the querent take this year?
9. What will leave him
10. The most important achievement of the querent’s year
11. Friends
12. What will he be most afraid of?

And here, in fact, is the layout itself. For beginners, it will be enough to simply look at the central card in each position. The other two surrounding cards will tell us the details. But this is a more complex level, and we will stick to a simple reading for now.

1. In the first paragraph, where the person himself is described this year, his role, we see the Cross. This suggests that a person will humbly carry his cross throughout the year, he will not be able to rebel, he agrees that there are responsibilities and he must fulfill them

2. All the money will be spent on crowded places, on staying away from home, on visiting cities and countries.

3. A certain woman will play an important role in your immediate environment.

4. In the house and family, “Lily’s” long-made wish will finally come true

5. All the querent’s attention during the year will be directed to the death of the man; note that the central card of the Scythe (sharp object) is directed to the human card.

6. There are a lot of contacts at work, the Anchor card tells us this.

7. But in your personal life you will not be lucky, there is a “Coffin” there

8. The querent will take risks with money in the indicated year, the Pisces card will tell us about this.

9. But he will get rid of worries and anxieties through the “Rats” card in the central part of the triplet

10. The most important achievement of the year is like in the fairy tale about Kolobok: “I left my grandfather. I left my grandmother,” he can easily get out of any situation, even the most stalemate

11. The querent’s friends in the designated year are shown by the Bird card, and this means that there will be many friends, our querent is not in any danger of loneliness, and he will always have the desired company at his disposal.

12. Well, the last point will tell us that the querent’s greatest fear will be directed at problems and stagnation, at all sorts of blocks and obstacles.

If you have questions about reading the “12 houses of the zodiac” layout, please ask, I’ll try to help)))
Those who want to learn how to read Lenormand cards professionally can always come to me for an individual course.

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